Lilith looked at the terrifying black wings that appeared behind the back of Ye Luna's spine, and a burst of worry appeared in her mind!

"no solution anymore!"

Lilith screamed, followed closely, and stepped out in a strong suit. Lilith already had a delicate and powerful pistol in her hand, but what was even more terrifying was that the muzzle of this gun was already aimed at. The night moon god, who is gnashing his teeth and insisting on it!

"Don't stop me!"

Ye Yueshen suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped Lilith backwards, even though Lilith had already placed her scope in front of her.

Chapter [-] All Disappeared

"As of now, at least let me do it myself!"

Lilith tightly held the gun in her hand, and a ruthless expression appeared on her face, which was unimaginable before, but now, for the sake of the entire academy, Lilith can no longer care so much!

"I said, I want to study Honkai phenomenon! Please don't stop me!"

With the last strength, Ye Yueshen turned to look at Lilith. The muzzle in front of him was the same as the black hole at the beginning, giving people a cold feeling, but for the peace of this world, for the unchanging love in his heart, Ye Yueshen. Still willing, let the power of the demon king in her body run wild, and let Erin study the collapse phenomenon well!

"No! What do you think of the collapse? Is it something that can be played? Look around! Those lovely students have begun to disappear one by one. If you continue like this, not only will this academy be ruined, but it will also be destroyed. Possibly destroy the world! Is this what you are after?"

Lilith looked at Ye Yueshen fiercely. Everything around her was still collapsing and quantifying constantly. Those lovely students really disappeared into the night without Ye Yueshen noticing. In front of the Moon God!

"Okay! Then let's move!"

Ye Yueshen held his wrist and said with a grin. The pain in the bone marrow had already covered Ye Yueshen's head with sweat. God knows that this is the reaction of lightning-like pain that makes his scalp dry. At this time, Yeyueshen’s brain is already numb because of this boundless pain. If this continues, Yeyueshen doubts that he can still I can't control my mind!


Eileen sees such changes in her surroundings. Although she is not too surprised because of the opposite direction of research, she is still worried about all this in her heart!

"Then hurry up!"

Lilith exclaimed, what the hell is going on today, she was doing a good job of being a teacher here and giving lectures to everyone, and suddenly this terrifying collapse occurred, and what was even more terrifying was the theme of the collapse or two powerful guys. , It is very difficult to solve it by yourself!

"it is good!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, stretched out his hand, grabbed Erin's little hand, and then tried to take Erin away with him!

"Everyone has disappeared, Darling, no need to transfer!"

Aileen withdrew her hand, Ye Yueshen heard the words and looked around, and found that the classroom that was screaming from time to time just now was so quiet that she could hear the sound of the black wings flapping behind her. !

"But! This is our academy!"

Lilith looked at Erin nervously by the side. Although Erin's words were right, she couldn't sit back and watch this happen in front of her eyes!

"It's okay! I believe that Darling can finally control the energy in his body!"

Erin turned her head and looked at Lilith dumbly and said:

"Otherwise, Darling would not be the real devil, but in my heart, I firmly believe that Darling must be the ultimate devil!"

"Do you really think so?"

As soon as Erin finished speaking, the gun in Lilith's hand was clenched again, and at the same time, Lilith's index finger also began to pull the trigger!

"You know, it's too risky! I can't even see what you said could happen! Even if it did happen! It's a miracle, but the world has never shown me a miracle, only suffering and Selfish!"

After that, I plan to shoot at Ye Yueshen's head!

"I believe in Darling!"

As Erin said, she blocked her body in front of Ye Luna and completely put Lilith's muzzle in front of her chest!At this time, Ye Yueshen was unable to stand up straight because of the terrible pain. The only thing he could do was to press his hands on the ground!

The energy inside the body is running at an unimaginable speed, Yeyueshen feels that every bloodline of his own is constantly transporting energy, and at the same time, every inch of his skin seems to be bursting on the eve, one by one. The restlessness made Ye Yueshen's body tremble involuntarily!

"Get out of the way! Erin!"

Lilith said sharply, her eyes looked at the calm Erin, and for some reason, there was a little more pain and hatred!Just like the nameless anger when he was with Ye Luna these days, the always calm teacher Lilith also became violent!

"I won't let you do it! Teacher!"

Erin still looked at Lilith with calm eyes, but her tone was a little more firm!

"He's my husband!"

"But if you don't stop him! The whole academy, the whole world, even you!"

Lilith's nervous Aileen, her palms kept shaking, her index finger pressed against the trigger, and there was a possibility of firing bullets at any time!

"I just want to know what comes after the collapse!"

Erin looked at Lilith lightly, turned and turned her eyes to Ye Luna, who was trying to control the runaway energy in her body!

At this time, Ye Yueshen seemed to feel a sense of refreshment. This refreshment was not brought about by happiness, but was produced in the interval of pain!That kind of "it's not easy to take a break" pleasure!

"Isn't this the pursuit of magic?"

Erin said lightly!


Lilith held the gun in her hand, and she was speechless for a while. Although the mage had different themes, everyone was concentrating on researching their own mage theme. Erin's theme was the collapse, which no one can change. Yes, since that's the case, I really can't find anything to refute Erin!

"So it is!"

Suddenly, a lazy voice came from the door of the classroom, Erin and Lilith turned their heads in unison and looked at the place where the voice came from!

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