"What is this voice?"

Ye Yueshen lay on the ground and said weakly!


There was a loud noise, followed by a burst of gravel directly hitting Yeyueshen, but Yeyueshen, who was overturning rivers and seas inside his body, felt that these gravel were like soft candy smashed on his body. Any effect, but the smoke and dust that immediately came, made Ye Yueshen feel uncomfortable!

"It really is an unclean thing!"

A cold voice came, Ye Yueshen struggled to turn his head to look, only to see two girls, one tall and one low, appearing at the broken wall, and the tall girl was calmly rubbing her wrist, as if she was Tell Yeyueshen that you are the one who destroyed the public property!

Chapter [-] Execution?

"Haha! Just stop him, don't you?"

The tall girl calmly looked at what was happening in front of her with a relaxed expression on her face, as if these things that terrified Lilith were completely pediatric in her opinion!


Holding the gun, Lilith looked at the two who had smashed the wall and walked in. When the dust cleared, Lilith could see clearly, and the two officially moved Agios and Sanamira!

"What a surprise!"

As she walked, Yaqio didn't move to examine everything in front of her. The damaged window grilles and the cracked floor were all telling her that this place was the source of this collapse!

"I went out to stop the collapse phenomenon, and when I came back, I found that the collapse phenomenon that was even more difficult to control occurred in my academy!"

Fudo Yachio walked in front of Lilith and shook her head lightly, while Lilith here looked at Shannaimira next to Fudo Yaqio with a surprised expression. Although Shannaimira never spoke, She is holding a big crystal ball in her hand!

Lilith knew that once Shannaimira appeared with the crystal ball, it would definitely mean that someone in that place was going to be cleaned up. I don't know why, but when she thought that the person who might be cleaned up was Ye Luna, Lilith felt a panic. , I don't know what to worry about!

"The chief inspector of the Wangli Library, Shannaimira, and the three seats of the Wangli Library, don't move Lord Agios!"

Lilith looked at the two nervously and said in surprise:

"You should still be performing the inspection mission!"

When Akio didn't move, he raised his head with a smile and said:

"That problem, the endorsement has been solved in an instant, and now the most important thing seems to be here!"

As he said that, he also pointed to Ye Yueshen who was gritting his teeth and insisting on it!

"The collapse phenomenon suddenly stopped!"

Erin, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly spoke up. Hearing this, Lilith also hurriedly looked around, only to see the ceiling, which was constantly blackening just now, suddenly stopped falling off and deteriorating!As if time stood still, Lilith was stunned for a full minute before she said:

"What exactly is going on?"

"I used my magic way to produce the same destruction effect, and then neutralized it, that's it! In the name of justice, a theme that belongs to my arrogant library!"

Shannaimira frowned and looked at Ye Luna on the ground, an inevitable flash of cruelty in her eyes:

"No impurity is allowed in my presence!"


Ye Yueshen curiously turned his head to look at Shannaimira, an idea echoed in his heart!

"Pride? What is the subject of arrogance? Why can't impurity be allowed?"

Shannaimira obviously didn't have the ability to read minds, so she didn't know what Yeyueshen was thinking at this time. She just waved her hand gently and said to Aquito, who was standing beside her:

"Aquio! Kill him! This man is the starting point of the Honkai phenomenon!"

"no, do not want!"

Lilith hurriedly put down her gun and put out her hand in front of Mira:

"No! He is now trying to control the energy in his body. If we can find a person who can control the collapse, then we may find a way to eliminate the collapse of this world, instead of just like now, only After the collapse, go to the aftermath! Go see the desolate and terrifying ruins left behind after those lovely people disappeared one by one!"

When Shannaimira heard this, she lowered her head slightly, looked at the black wings that were still flapping on Yeyueshen's back, and said curiously:

"You mean, I'm going to watch this potential demon king control the energy he may not be able to control in front of me, and then stay motionless!"

"Uh, it's not like that..."

Lilith looked at Mila with some embarrassment. In her heart, Lilith certainly knew that what Mila said was reasonable, but she didn't know what to ask. Lilith, who was determined to destroy Ye Yueshen just now, was unwilling to look at her. Until the night moon god is sacrificed in front of his eyes!

"Get out of the way! Let Aqio eliminate the source of this collapse, otherwise, the academy will disappear!"

Mira looked at Lilith with a ruthless expression and said!

"But! But he hasn't completely lost control yet!"

Lilith took the initiative to reach out and grab Akio's hand and said:

"After all, with the strength of the two of you, plus the strength of the two of us, it's an easy task to eliminate him! So! Just wait! What if he gets it under control!"

"Don't take chances!"

Shannaimira dragged her lavender crystal ball and said with a serious face:

"We don't believe that someone can control the collapse. In the past, we made such terrible mistakes! As a result, more people suffered!"

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, he made a beheading gesture at Aqio Fudo!

"I'm sorry! Lilith! The duty!"

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