Without moving, Yaqio pulled out the hand that Lilith was holding, and found a shallow smile on her face. She put her right leg down, followed by a beam of light from the mountain of Yaqio's calf. It changed into two light circles in the air, and light blue light appeared on the calf at the same time, like a spell, closely arranged on the inner side of the calf!

"It's so easy to say!"

Achio didn't move, smiled softly, plugged in, and glanced at Yamanamira!

"No! Aquio!"

Lilith shouted loudly, but Erin's feeble answer came from behind:

"My body can't move!"

After Erin finished speaking, Mira smiled lightly and did not speak...

"Uh! What the hell is going on here!"

Ye Yueshen stared at the two people in front of him with wide eyes. He thought he was here to help him, but who knew that he planned to execute him as soon as he arrived!

"Don't blame me!"

Immovable Yaqio smiled lightly, kicked his legs, and suddenly like a steed, it flashed past Lilith and came directly to Ye Luna, who was already as immobile as Erin!

"You will end the world by doing this!"

Yeyueshen struggled to say something, but the serious-looking Shannaimira directly made Yeyueshen lose the ability to speak!

Putting one foot directly next to Yeyueshen's ear, Yaqio looked at Yeyueshen lightly under his feet, stretched out his right leg, and kicked straight into the air:

"Destroying the devil is my mission!"

Immovable Yaqio shouted loudly, followed closely, and rushed her right leg directly at the head of the Night Moon God!

"Night Moon God!"

Lilith screamed loudly. At this moment, Lilith's eyes were filled with tears for some reason, and Erin, who was motionless, also struggled so hard that her hair almost stood on end!

Chapter [-] Desperately block it!


There was a loud noise, and Ye Yueshen didn't have the feeling of confusion and energy returning in front of Ye Yueshen's eyes. Instead, he felt his hands vibrate, but when he opened his eyes, he was unharmed!

"How is this going!"

Fudo Yaqio shouted, the Ye Yueshen in front of him did not solve it as easily as he imagined, but his leg seemed to be kicked on the steel plate, and was pushed back abruptly!

"Impossible! Aquio's attack power is the strongest existence in this academy, how could he be caught by this life!"

With the doubts in her heart, Shan Amyra looked at Yeyueshen coldly, only to see Yeyueshen continue to kneel on one knee, but her hands were already in front of her unconsciously, and her clothes were because of Yaqio. The attack became wrinkled, but like Ye Yueshen's body, it seemed to be wrapped by a protective film, not broken!

"Uh! What's going on here?"

Tears were swirling in her eyes. Lilith had already prepared for the separation of life and death from Ye Luna, but what happened in front of her was beyond her expectations. Not only did Ye Luna block the immovable Agios Even if Lilith and Fudo Akio fight against each other now, Lilith can't guarantee that she will be unscathed, let alone Ye Luna who is fighting against the power of the demon king in her body!

"Darling is great!"

Although Ai Lin couldn't move, but seeing Ye Yueshen unscathed, the little girl smiled softly. Although she was not very excited because of her magic theme, but seeing that she was fine, the little girl's heart became more determined. Ye Yueshen is the idea of ​​the future Demon King!

"Is this your way? Is it really your way to stop Honkai? Sacrifice a person and let Honkai continue?"

While watching his sweat on the ground, Yeyueshen said softly, his voice became louder and louder, and the expression on Yeyueshen's face became even more hideous!

"Is this your method? What are you talking about? It turns out that the inspectors of your Wangli Library just failed everyone's expectations of you!"

"Shameless, you actually talk to us like this, you are the source of the collapse!"

Shannaimira, who was holding the blue-purple crystal ball, moved her eyebrows slightly, and the hatred in her eyes was even stronger:

"It's this guy who not only built a new world, but also intends to collapse my academy. This shameless person actually said such a shameless thing. If you don't teach him a lesson, no, if you don't get rid of it, you will betray your part-time job. My purpose as a Wang Li Book Inspector!"

Thinking about this, Shannaimira didn't hesitate, waved her hand gently, and said to Aquio:

"Just now is just a fluke, this time I will reflect this person's power back, you can execute him with confidence!"

After he finished speaking, he gently lifted his crystal ball. The crystal ball stopped at the ceiling, and then suddenly shot out a blue light towards the side of Yeyueshen, covering the whole body of Yeyueshen. At this time, Ye Yueshen also couldn't see the situation on the opposite side for a while because of the sudden blue light in front of him!

"The Light of Justice on the Theme of Justice?"

Eileen looked at the crystal ball curiously. Although she couldn't move her body, she firmly believed that her order would be able to solve the current crisis!

"No! It is the light of justice further developed by Mila herself. The original light of justice only shrouded the opponent to avoid escaping, but with Mila's further research, the opponent's field of vision can be blocked. Your Darling has now lost its sense of direction!"

Lilith, who was nervous, still skillfully explained Shannaimira's magic art!

"As expected, he is a member of the compilation room of the Wangli Library, and he has a thorough research on magic!"

Immovable Yaqio looked at Lilith with a look of praise, and then swept lightly at the Moon God, who was already shrouded in justice, and said to Lilith:

"How? Are you going to help him beg for mercy before I strike?"

"Uh! How could I beg for mercy!"

Lilith said a little awkwardly, when she didn't move Aqio to attack Ye Luna just now, her little heart almost jumped out, but now when asked about Ye Luna, Lilith's little face couldn't help it. Flushing up, I only know that I keep shaking my head!

"That's good! I hope you don't miss the feelings of teachers and students!"

Achio did not move with a smile, then nodded at Shannaimira, snapped her fingers in the air, then leaned forward and said with her face turned sideways:

"Lord Chief Inspector, the three inspection seats are ready!"

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