"Hey! You haven't answered my question yet!"

Ye Yueshen tossed in the rays of justice for a long time, and only after hearing Lilith's story did he give up looking for a way out, and instead shouted to the outside!

"Are you feeling guilty? Huh?"

"Unclean things, you have no right to talk to us!"

Shannaimira bowed her head slightly, made a fly-sweeping motion, and said:

"What an annoying thing! Hurry up and get rid of this thing! The academy needs everyone to rebuild!"

"As ordered!"

Aqio didn't move, smiled, lifted the slit trousers under him, exposed his long legs, jumped in the air like a spring, clamped his shoulders in the air, and then faced Ye Luna in the direction of the goddess. One of his feet, of course, the other foot was not idle either. At the moment when which foot kicked the body, he suddenly made a flying leg movement and hit Ye Yueshen at the waist and eye. !

"If all goes well, these two actions are enough to dismember this unclean guy!"

Shannaimira watched Aqio's movements with her own eyes, and said silently in her heart!

"Unparalleled Mantra!"

Lilith was secretly surprised in her heart. The movement that Yaqio made just now was exactly the new power word technique she just discovered in the Wangli library. The general power word technique can only be used up to four times at a time. Standing upright when Yaqio attacked Ye Yueshen's body, he found that this guy had done it at least sixteen times in total!It is the square of ordinary power word!

"Darling. How are you?"

Eileen tried her best to widen her eyes, wanting to see the situation of Darling behind her. Although she firmly believed that Ye Yueshen was definitely fine, but when she really heard the sound of bones colliding, Eileen was not sure in her heart!

"I-I'm fine!"

It took a long time for Ye Yueshen's voice to come. Although it was very weak, it was enough to shock the four people present!

"Can such an attack be blocked?"

Fudo Yaqio looked at Ye Yueshen in the light of justice, and suddenly found that Ye Yueshen seemed to smile to himself!

Chapter [-] Counterattack!

"Thank you!"

Ye Yueshen's voice was very weak, but with the power word technique that has not dissipated, Fudo Aqio could still hear it clearly?

"What? Thank me?"

Yaqio looked curiously at Ye Yueshen in the glow of the sun, and always felt that he had heard it wrong, a guy who was attacked by himself, suddenly thanked himself!

"Is this guy being beaten stupid?"

Mila looked at Yeyueshen unhappily, because Yeyueshen was in the glow created by her crystal ball, so Mira was still very aware of Yeyueshen's behavior!

"Yueyueshen! Are you alright!"

Lilith looked at the halo of justice emitting blue light in shock. Ye Luna was able to survive the attack of the unparalleled power word technique. Lilith was already happy from the bottom of her heart, but when she heard Mila's words, she was originally excited. , suddenly fell to the bottom:

"If this guy is stupid, will he still remember himself?"

"Darling, you're fine!"

Aileen's voice was still so cold, but it was so warm, so that Aqio, who was stepping on Ye Yueshen, couldn't help but say:

"How can it be okay? Although I am not dead, I am surprised, but if you want to live, it may be more painful!"

"Thank you! Let the energy in my body be controlled by me!"

Ye Yueshen's voice suddenly came, and before Yaqio, who stepped on him, could react, Ye Yueshen grabbed Yaqio's ankle with his backhand, and then his right hand used lightning-like speed to smother him fiercely. Yaqio's knees, and then struggling together, stood up from the middle of the circle of justice Xiaguang!

"This... this is impossible!"

Mira's voice trembled for the first time:

"Those who are trapped in the rays of justice can't even move at all. How can they stand up! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Still be concerned about your third seat!"

Yeyueshen's voice was full of laughter, and immediately followed, Yeyueshen grabbed Akio's body, turned twice in the air, and then threw it hard, and smashed the crystal ball on the ceiling. !

"Isn't it just relying on this blue or purple thing to imprison me?"

Ye Yueshen laughed wildly and stood up, the blue light on his body no longer shrouded him because he was not blocked by Aqio!

"not good!"

Realizing that his only weakness was easily discovered by Ye Yueshen, Shannaimira quickly stepped back and grabbed his crystal ball back!

And Yaqio, who was thrown to the ceiling by Yeyueshen, tried to adjust her body in the air, but because Yeyueshen's attack was too sudden, she could only slammed heavily on the ceiling, and then struggled to grab the beam, It's just that he didn't fall to the ground in front of everyone!

"Are you all right! Agios!"

Mira saw Agios who looked up at the sweat, and anyone could hear the worry in her voice!

"I'm fine! My lord, what's going on? Can't you bounce back this guy's attack?"

While wiping the sweat from her face, Achio looked at Shannai Mira in amazement. In her previous cooperation, Mira never lost her hand!

"let me tell you!"

Ye Yueshen stood there, patted the sweat on his body lightly, and said confidently:

"Yes, your boss can really reflect my attack, but what if I don't attack?"

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