Saying that, he gave Aquio a playful smile!

"Don't attack?"

Lilith looked at Ye Luna curiously, frowned a little and said:

"Impossible! You clearly attacked Aqio just now, we all saw it!"

"That was when Yaqio stepped on me, blocking part of the rays of justice!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, his face even more proud!

"Darling is really smart!"

Aileen stared at Ye Yueshen. Although her eyes were empty, her tone was somewhat admirable!

"Sure enough!"

After Erin finished speaking, Mila, who was holding the crystal ball, looked at Ye Yueshen with hatred, her small mouth was full of anger, and there seemed to be countless anger in her heart!

"Boss! Do you understand?"

Akio asked curiously!

"Look at the handprints on this guy!"

Mira angrily pointed to the night moon god's clothes and said:

"It's all folds on it. I thought it was the result of your attack at first, but now it seems that this guy just attacked himself at a more violent speed! As a result, it was bounced by my crystal ball, and it became him. The attack on you, as a result, the power of your unparalleled power word and his attack is canceled outside his body, which is why this person's voice is weak, not because of your attack, but because of his own release Caused by too much energy!"

"I see!"

Lilith looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise, her eyes were full of wonder, that guy who only knew how to show his cynicism, actually made such a smart move in such a short period of time, it seemed that he had underestimated this guy in the past. !

"Actually, thank you for this, dear Chief Inspector!"

Ye Yueshen nodded silently, agreeing with Mira's analysis, then raised his head and said:

"If it wasn't for the moment you came in, you released the same Honkai power to stop the collapse, I'm afraid I'm still tormented by the endless power of the devil in my body, let alone fighting back, it is impossible to protect myself. of!"

"I was there for the whole campus! Not for you!"

Mi Ra looked at Ye Yueshen expressionlessly, glanced at the crystal ball silently, and said:

"I'll give you the answer to your question just now. The prevention of the collapse itself is a high risk. Do you think that only ordinary people will be swallowed? When the collapse is terrible to a certain extent, we will also be swallowed. , and releasing the same amount of energy will neutralize the collapse and stop. This is the first step in dealing with this matter, you! This impure guy, I can neutralize the collapse that you released, which is not bad. Leaving your words seems to be compassionate, but it ignores the situation of the whole world! So!"

After speaking, Mila's expression suddenly turned hideous, and she said fiercely to Yeyueshen:

"Don't bring your inexplicable compassionate heart, you are the most dangerous thing in this world, you are the most unconscience, the most selfish thing, don't use your body that may destroy the whole world, what are you saying to us? Every life needs to be respected, every incident needs to be investigated, we don't have the time, we don't have the energy! Understand!"

As she spoke, Mila suddenly stretched out her hand and took out a small gourd porcelain vase tied with a red thread from her waist, pinched it lightly in her hand, and said to Agios on the ceiling:

"Prepare to implement the second set of plans!"

Chapter [-] Ninja Competition

"Ulala! It's so lively! This place!"

With a chuckle, the shadow of Lei Min in the wind suddenly appeared in the air!

"Lei Min, why are you here? How is everyone?"

Lilith looked at the windowsill and asked nervously!

"It's alright! It's the same as here. It's very clean. Many students have gone to the space-time gap created by the collapse to rest! I'm waiting for you to rescue them!"

Fengjian Lei Min said with a relaxed expression, as if what he said was not important at all!

"Looks like we need to stay at the academy long enough!"

Mira looked dissatisfied at the same night moon god, and said to Agios on the ceiling:

"The most urgent task is to solve this culprit!"


Lei Min Fengjian raised the samurai sword in his hand and stopped in front of Mira and said:

"I didn't come to help you, I came to despise this devil king candidate!"

"Uh, test?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lei Min Fengjian with his back to him in surprise, and said in surprise:

"It's this time, what's the competition? Hurry up and persuade these two guys who can't do anything but kill, stop as soon as possible, and then we will study the collapse together to see if we can find the essential cause of the phenomenon, otherwise, even if everyone Work hard, the world is still facing a situation of collapse at any time!"

"Among them, you are the biggest hidden danger!"

Mila looked at Ye Yueshen with a ruthless expression, and that tone seemed to swallow Ye Yueshen's heart alive!

"Don't be so nervous!"

The ninja stood in the middle and waved his hand, and said with a relaxed expression:

"Anyway, the collapse has stopped now, so you two geniuses can repair the academy here! I'll take this demon king candidate to test a swordsmanship, what should I do? I heard that someone's mantra was blocked just now. Woolen cloth!"

"That's because of this guy's treachery, taking advantage of Mira's characteristics of justice, otherwise, my power would have turned this guy's body into a puddle of mud!"

Achio didn't come down from the ceiling, just grabbed the beam and yelled, as if she was very dissatisfied with the ninja's words!

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