Mila's little face was slightly unnatural, and then she said:

"I can't tolerate an impure thing choosing the theme of justice, not to mention, it will be destroyed by me!"

"It's like you can destroy Darling!"

Erin was still as calm, but what she said made people feel warm.

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense! I already know what to choose!"


Lilith looked at Ye Luna nervously, as if she was afraid that Ye Luna would choose the same library as herself, although Ye Luna still didn't know what Lilith's library was!

"That's arrogance among the seven deadly sins!"

Ye Yueshen said loudly, without waiting for Mira to say anything, he said directly:

"That's right, I just want to choose the same library as Shannaimira. In this way, I can know why a person is so arrogant!"

"It's a matter of character!"

Fudo Yaqio looked at Ye Yueshen helplessly, snapping her fingers constantly, as if she wanted to say something, but seeing the murderous look from Mira, she still shook her head decisively and left!

"Then what theme is the master planning to choose?"

Konger said happily:

"In the library of arrogance, there are the themes of truth, summary, judgment, justice, domination, you choose one!"

"Never choose the theme of justice!"

Lilith breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but her tone was still a little eager:

"Otherwise, you won't be able to save anyone, and Mira will definitely let you die without knowing how!"

"He chose something else, and he didn't know how to die!"

Mira followed Lilith's words and added!

"Of course, I will definitely not choose justice!"

Ye Yueshen retracted his hand that pointed to Mira and said:

"I won't do justice for any bullshit. The theme of being born in the world is the snatch of resources. There is no justice at all!"

"What is Darling going to choose?"

Eileen looked at Ye Luna curiously and said:

"Is it the judgment of the world-weary?"

"No no no!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly shook his head and said:

"How can someone who loves life like me choose the judgment chosen by the world-weary? Of course I choose it!"

Saying that, Yeyueshen waved his hand, took the magic book hanging in the air, and said:

"Of course it's the theme of domination!"

"Long live!"

Kong'er screamed excitedly, followed closely, and opened his scroll, and then quickly searched for countless words inside, before reaching a theme, it would flash with colorful light, knowing that he found what Ye Yueshen asked for. Dominate the theme!

"It's actually black?"

Yeyueshen looked at the light on the magic book curiously, and looked at it curiously, but Konger did not make Yeyueshen wait, but directly surrounded Yeyueshen with the theme of domination, Immediately after that, a lot of dazzling words were skipped in front of Ye Yueshen's eyes!

"Master! That's all you have to do with the subject, and in the future, you can use them however you want!"

"Then can we use them to control the collapse phenomenon of this world?"

Ye Yueshen asked impatiently!

"Uh, you're still asking this lofty question when you're about to die! What a talent!"

Seeing the sincerity of Yeyueshen's expression, Yaqio couldn't help but complain:

"Let's first ask if I can survive under the alternation of my Unparalleled Power Word and Mira's Blood Justice, it's more realistic!"

"Darling is a darling. Sure enough, you won't be fettered by the trivial matter of life and death!"

Erin looked at Ye Yueshen with praise, nodding her head, and looking attentively at the same time!

"Uh, to be able to say such a thing! What is this guy thinking in his head?"

Mira looked at Ye Yueshen in a daze, and her impression of this impure person seemed to have changed a little!

"Eileen, now is not the time to say such things! Yeyueshen is dead, what should you do?"

Lilith looked at Irene a little helplessly, Ye Yueshen was so out of tune, and Irene was still in a calm state. Is it the only one here who is worried about Ye Yueshen's life and death?

"It depends on your experience of Dominator's spells!"

Kong'er thought for a while before answering, although after thousands of years of changes, Kong'er has met many masters, but he was the first to ask such a question as soon as he came up like Ye Yueshen!

"Ok, I see!"

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