Ye Yueshen nodded, stretched out his hand and put the magic book back in his hand, turned around, and said to Mira:

"It seems that I can't meet the requirements of the two. Now I can't control the collapse phenomenon, that is to say, I can't die! Please leave here! When I control the collapse of this world, I can find the holy Son, I will duel with the two of you, now is not the time!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Mira frowned, looked at Ye Yueshen fiercely and said:

"Do you think we are here to accompany you to explore your inexplicable magic theme? We are here to clear the phenomenon of collapse!"

"Then please!"

Ye Yueshen looked up at the dilapidated ceiling and said lightly:

"It seems that it is not easy to restore this place!"

"Then first of all, we have to sweep away the root cause of this collapse!"

Standing in front of Ye Yueshen, Yaqio stood on her waist and said, at the same time, a blue-blue light circle began to appear on her arm!

Chapter [-] Mage Battle Suit

"Enlightenment! Night Moon God!"

Mira smiled slightly, and nodded slightly to Yaqio, who was next to him, and followed closely, placing the purple crystal ball in her hand in the air, and once again emitting a blood-red light, accurately covering the night moon. The top of the god's head also includes the magic book with the theme of Venus just appeared in the hands of Yeyueshen!

"It seems that you can't fight anymore?"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, raised his head, put his magic book on his chest, and said lightly:

"We are all for the good of this world, why should we love and kill each other?"

"The ghosts fell in love with you and killed you!"

Mira's face changed a lot at once, the rudeness of this guy in front of him has exceeded his limit of tolerance!

"Have you gotten into a habit of being rude? Impure fellow!"

"That's not it!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mira indifferently and said softly:

"I still hope that you can change the way you work. Of course, you are for the good of the world, and you hope to eliminate the collapse phenomenon, but is it a bit too much for you to get rid of me indiscriminately?"

"Not too much!"

Achio looked at Ye Yueshen without moving his eyes, with a playful look in his eyes:

"Do you know? We are using thunderbolts to show the bodhisattva's heart. Why do you think this world can exist until now? Is it people's love? The original United Nations also thought the same way. There are countless shameless people who stand on the moral standpoint. Politicians, protected the source of the collapse like that, but the demon king factor carriers who were supposed to be isolated to death were released like this. As a result, people like you flooded into disasters, and then let us who should have been Girls who live by their parents' side, become magicians, and destroy you one by one!"

"Uh, when did Akio's eloquence become so good?"

Aileen looked at Yaqio curiously. In her impression, this tall sister had always been Mila's sidekick!

"Ms. Aquio used to be a nun, and later became a magician! She has a legendary experience, and she has seen a lot!"

Lilith reminded Erin in a low voice, while the ninja beside her asked curiously:

"In this case, it seems that I have no chance to compete in kendo with Miss Lilith's sweetheart?"

"Who is my sweetheart! Lei Min! Don't talk nonsense!"

Miss Lilith shouted excitedly, and Aqio, who was patted on the clothes, said loudly:

"Please! Night Moon God!"


Ye Yueshen nodded, turned gently, wiped his sleeves lightly, then stretched out his wrists and said:



A helpless silence appeared, and everyone looked at Ye Yueshen curiously while shaking their heads and sighing as if they were looking at fools.

"Um, what's wrong with me?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yaqio strangely, he had already made a pose, this guy should attack!

"They seem to be planning to see you transformed into a mage!"

Kong'er's voice leaked out quietly, with a sense of insecurity!

"Your magic book is still very smart! That's what I mean!"

Without moving, Agios grinned and said:

"However you are going to die, let's see your status as a mage, no matter how you do it, you won't suffer! Isn't it?"

"It's obvious that curiosity is at work, why do you say it so euphemistically!"

Erin blinked lightly, her tone still indifferent!

"Uh, do you want to show no face like this!"

Lei Min couldn't help but look at Erin and smiled, and said with a soft smile, of course, all the words were said to Fudo Aqio!

"Lilith, it seems that you not only brought an unclean person, but also an ignorant person!"

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