"Broken wind!"

Erin responded lightly.As soon as these words came out, Mira and Azio, who had just walked out a few steps, both listened and turned to look at Erin. Although Erin may not be reliable in other places, in terms of detecting the collapse, the whole magic Everyone in the academy has to admire her; she is sensitive!

"not good!"

Lei Wen jumped up quickly in the wind, and just left the table, the table that was fine just now suddenly turned into a floor of sawdust, it looked like it was shattered by a chainsaw!

"Breakdown with wind?"

Aqio looked at everything around him. The collapse that had stopped originally spread, and it was not the same as the beginning. It just fell off and collapsed. Instead, it made a squeaking sound. It was as if the entire academy building was about to turn into ruins!

"Damn! It's actually getting worse, and it's coming with the wind of collapse! What the hell is going on!"

Mira looked at everything in front of her angrily. She had just eliminated the source of the collapse, and now it has appeared again. It's abominable!

"Boss, what should we do this time? It seems that there is no culprit for us to eliminate!"

Yaqio looked at Mira helplessly. He originally thought that he had eliminated a demon king candidate. In the future, if he faced those guys with a large number of demon king factors, he would definitely have a good chance of winning. He didn't expect a more violent collapse now!

"Wouldn't it be that you beat that guy away, but the demon king factor in his body aggregated into Honkai itself, and then came to revenge you?"

Lei Min jumped up and came to the window. It seemed that he had made a plan to leave here at any time!

"Don't talk about these nonsense speculations!"

Mira's face was even more ugly, she raised her crystal ball in the air, and said to Agios beside her:

"I will continue to neutralize these collapse phenomena first. You go and drag the principal who can only deal with the aftermath. As for you!"

Saying that, Mi stretched his finger to Erin and said:

"Use your sensitive perception to help us find the body of this collapse. Don't forget, you are also a member of the Wangli Bibria Academy! You don't intend to watch it disappear into this world!"

"Actually, I really want to see what the end of the collapse is!"

Erin glanced at Mila lightly, her tone was still so stiff!


Mira clenched her fists, glanced at Erin, and said:

"Lilith, Lei Min, you two should also try to find the reason!"

After he finished speaking, he ignored the crowd and concentrated on taking out the neutralized and collapsed feathers from the crystal ball piece by piece. There is no way to stop the collapse, and Mira has no time to do other things!

"Strange! It has already disappeared! Why is this collapse more and more serious?"

The doubts in Mira's heart became stronger and stronger, and at this time, a new magic power suddenly poured out, which further confirmed her thoughts!

"Did you feel it? Our Darling is not dead!"

Erin suddenly opened her mouth and said to Lilith beside her:

"Right, Darling is not dead!"

"Uh, is it?"

Lilith was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly calmed down to feel the magic power suddenly pouring out of Ye Moon God!

"Yeah! It's not dead... Who is our darling! It's yours!"

Lilith grinned, and as soon as she laughed, she noticed Lei Min's playful smile!

"Don't deny it! Teacher Lilith, when the magic power of the Night Moon God disappeared just now, you were a pear blossom that brought rain in spring!"

"You three don't seem to care about the life of this academy at all!"

Mila's tone had a hint of anger, and she looked at Lilith and Lei Min in the wind with dissatisfaction. As for Irene, Mila thought she didn't exist for a long time!

"Uh, since Yeyueshen is not dead, then please go and destroy him!"

Lei Min smiled, still watching the excitement!

"I will!"

Mira nodded fiercely and continued to desperately take out the feathers in the middle of the crystal ball to stop the collapse.

Not long after, Aqio came with the crazy school principal. After the arrested school principal got to know the situation, he showed his unique repair magic, and worked with Mira to contain the collapse phenomenon. Then he rescued the students who had just been swallowed by the space-time gap.

"Now, I'm here to take care of the aftermath, and you take everyone to leave first! Go to the library!"

This is the only righteous and righteous sentence said by the head of the crazy school!

Soon, Mila took everyone away from the severely collapsed academy, and temporarily came to the library with a special seal. After arranging everyone, Mila called everyone in front of her and said with a serious face:

"The current situation requires us to unite. Lilith, I, and Erin continue to search for the Night Moon God. Aqio and Lei Min are here to guard everyone!"

Mira's words quickly got everyone's response, and the five top mages quickly divided their work and cooperated with the principal of the academy to start the search for Ye Luna and the restoration of the academy!

Just as the restoration work of the academy continued, Ye Yueshen came to a magical place!

Chapter [-] Yui's World

"This... is this place?"

Ye Yueshen opened his eyes slightly, but found that his body seemed to be in a huge plane, with a dark blue light glowing in front of him, a boundless space.

Ye Yueshen lowered his head gently, only to realize that he was actually suspended above a water pool, although the water pool also seemed to be composed of blue light strips!

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