Just when Yeyueshen was confused, a beautiful melodious tune came. Yeyueshen listened carefully, and the whole person became calm. This tone seemed to bring him a strange sense of happiness. .

Following the tone, Yeyueshen tried to walk forward. Yeyueshen didn't know what was in front of him. It wasn't that Yeyueshen couldn't figure it out, but Yeyueshen didn't seem to be like before he figured out where he was. Destroy an already existing space with your own power!

The sound of heavy footsteps, accompanied by the music heard by Yeyueshen, echoed in the empty space, as if this space was specially prepared for Yeyueshen alone!

Silently opened his eyes, Ye Yueshen suddenly found a door appeared in front of him, a wooden door painted pink and surrounded by golden edges, appeared in front of Ye Yueshen so suddenly, the surrounding space It still looks so boundless, as if this door does not need to exist at all!

The surrounding music slowly calmed down, Ye Yueshen smiled and shook his head, knowing that he had no choice if he didn't go in, so he tapped lightly twice, and then reached out to open the door.

“What a lovely room!”

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, only to see that the room in front of him seemed to be a little girl's room. The table was full of dolls and plush toys, and of course, there were music boxes that were indispensable. Understand the crystal ball.

The surrounding room is pink, pink, and red, making Ye Luna feel like he's in a cotton candy room!A dressing table appeared on Yeyueshen's left hand, and the bottles and jars on it had all kinds of strange things. In front of Yeyueshen, who was naturally a person with good skin, he basically wouldn't pay attention!

When all the white light in front of him disappeared, and the melodious music sounded in his ears again, Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, looked at the girl who was earnestly playing the violin for him, and said:

"Little sister, where is this? I just knocked on the door!"

The girl who was pulling the petition seriously did not speak, and Yeyueshen also had time to take a serious look at the girl who appeared in front of him, only to see the girl in front of him was wearing a tailored school uniform, black stockings on her legs, and at the same time she was stepping on a pair of brown Heel shoes, the figure is so good that Ye Yueshen feels unbelievable, and the angelic face and the lovely pink hair make Ye Yueshen feel an inextricable love!

Just as Ye Yueshen looked at the girl in front of her seriously, the little girl gently put down the violin in her hand, opened her eyes, and looked at Ye Yueshen:

"Hey, welcome to Yui's room! New big brother!"

After speaking, he looked at Ye Yueshen stupidly, put his hand on the firm chin, blinked and said:

"Should call you big brother, because you look older than me! Do you?"


Ye Yueshen nodded, took two steps forward, looked at the surrounding arrangements, and said curiously:

"Yuyi, is this your room?"

"It's my world! Big brother!"

Yuyi closed one eye and smiled, and said with a cute face:

"Do you understand? I can be regarded as your savior!"

"Oh! Savior? That is to say, this place is not the legendary paradise?"

"The words there!"

Yui giggled and pursed her lips and said:

"Because, eldest brother, you almost shattered your bones after taking one of Aqio's nirvanas! It was I who dragged you into my room when you were about to die!"

"Uh, is it?"

Ye Yueshen smiled a little embarrassedly, reached out and scratched his hair, and was dragged into someone else's room, which sounds really strange.

"Yeah, it seems like a mess outside now!"

Yuyi said, knelt gently on the carpet, opened the drawer under her bed, and a terrifying scene suddenly appeared in front of Ye Luna:

I only saw that the entire campus was suddenly dyed with a terrifying yellow color, and everything around seemed to be turning to ashes. Although there was no flame to attract the eyes, those terrible dim yellows suddenly made people feel a little scared!


Ye Yueshen said in disbelief, he really didn't expect that a high-five from himself and Erin would cause such a terrible situation!

"Really, if you go to the academy like this, it will collapse!"

Yui looked at the picture in front of her seriously and said, her tone was still so cute.

"It's as easy as you said!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yuyi speechlessly, not understanding why Yuyi in school uniform could be so relaxed.

"Isn't this caused by you, big brother?"

Yui stared wide-eyed and smiled silly.

"Uh, that's right!"

Ye Yueshen bowed his head a little ashamed, and then said:

"It can't go on like this, I have to go back and help everyone!"

"But it's useless if you go back!"

Yui still had a cute expression on her face:

"Do you know how to stop the collapse phenomenon?"

"Uh! Of course I don't know!"

Ye Yueshen pouted, thinking that if he knew, he would not stay on this planet.

"But since it was caused by me, I feel it is my responsibility to go back and help everyone!"

"Oh! That's what it is!"

Yui nodded softly and said with a smile:

"Big brother, you are still a hot-blooded faction!"

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