"Kong'er, work hard for you to find the center of this collapse. Let's go to clean up our own crimes, and it's an unwarranted crime!"

Saying that, Yeyueshen put down the magic book, and the body of the magic book soon radiated purple light, and after that, Yeyueshen looked at Kong'er's perspective!


Night Moon God said suspiciously.

"Underground? How is that possible!"

Lilith said in surprise:

"The value of collapse is only on the ground, and collapse occurs underground? Why?"

"It's Yui!"

Erin suddenly said:

"At that time, Agios attacked Darling, smashed the floor, and the collapsed material entered the ground, and Yui was already immersed in magic!"

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Mila looked at Erin in disbelief, and did not immediately refute. If someone else said it, Mila is fully qualified to say that this is nonsense, but the words came from Erin's mouth, and Mila had to seriously think about it. possibility!

"Eileen is right!"

Suddenly, a nervous shout came. Accompanied by the sound of broken glass, the strange school principal flew in from outside and said:

"I've already found out, and that's why Honkai Servant Yui appeared underground!"

"Not always!"

Mira looked at the same Moon God, her eyes filled with suspicion!

"Then go take a look and find out!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mira with some dissatisfaction and said loudly:

"Don't you just doubt me? I'll go and see for myself now. If there is a collapse phenomenon there, I'll make him disappear myself. It's always better than wasting time here!"

After that, Ye Yueshen walked past Mira and left the library with Konger and Erin.

"Hey, why don't you take me with you! Do you know how to enter the dungeon?"

Lilith hurriedly called Ye Luna, and then left the small room in a panic!

"Oh, oh, it's really gratifying, so many girls follow me, I'm really envious of others!"

The principal of the academy looked at Ye Yueshen's leaving back, smiled and praised.

"Looks like the school principal doesn't take this collapse seriously at all!"

Mira looked at the head of the academy with dissatisfaction, and left the room without waiting for him to answer!

"Really, so disgusting!"

The head of the academy looked at the black sun in the sky with sadness, and suddenly, a huge energy came unexpectedly!


The school principal was hit on the back of the head by Akio, and then passed out silently.

"Uh? Shouldn't it be Lord Yeyueshen here? How could it be this old thing?"

Aquio looked curiously at the head of the academy who had passed out on the ground, and there was no pity in his eyes!

"let me see!"

Lei Min nodded, and didn't even look at the school principal on the ground, he kicked him away, placed a white paper on the ground, and then dripped water droplets, exploring the itinerary of the night moon god, and took Aqio to rush past!

"Really, to be so wronged!"

As Ye Yueshen walked, he complained to the surrounding people in a very unhappy way:

"I originally wanted to ask Serena to ask if I could get the little sage back, but now it's good, actually, I was charged with the crime of causing the collapse. You said that if there is a demon king factor, it will be able to collapse. The center has become a puppet, isn't it easy to deceive this impatient reviewer?"

"Darling is so smart!"

Erin nodded in response while she was on her way!

"Don't complain at this time. If Yui was really invaded by the Demon King Factor, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

Lilith led the way, looking anxiously at Ye Luna:

"Although Yui has been hiding in her dream realm, it doesn't mean that her strength is weak. To put it in a bad way, with Yui's backbone-level magic power, in this academy, the principal of the academy may be able to suppress it. already?"

"Really? The principal of the school is so powerful?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lilith in surprise, looking very disbelieving!

"He is the principal of the school anyway. Although he is a little crazy, he still has some strength!"

Lilith wiped the sweat from her face and suddenly stopped in an open space!

"Open the seal, please go over there!"

Ai Lin suddenly walked out from behind Ye Yueshen and said lightly!

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