"Uh, okay! It's still a pretty mysterious place!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and left the open space with Kong'er to a nearby pavilion.

"What are they doing?"

Mira came to the open space with a belly full of questions. Ye Yueshen was just thinking about it when he saw Lilith suddenly say loudly:

"Please use the seal, Lord Inspector!"

"It seems that it takes several people to open this underground castle!"

Kong'er looked at everyone and said faintly!

"Look, I don't think it's that simple!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and looked at Erin noncommittally, Lilith and Mira surrounded the open space, and seemed to be working hard to unlock the seal below!

"What are they doing?"

Lei Min Fengjian rushed over with Yaqio, and when he saw the strange behavior of the three people in the open space, he couldn't help but follow!

"Boss! What are you doing?"

Aquio looked at Mira strangely and said:

"The collapse is so serious this time, and you don't seem to be able to play a social role in such a strange posture here!"

"What do you know! Be quiet!"

Mira reprimanded in a low voice, while Lilith here spoke out her thoughts very quickly!

"I see!"

Aquio smiled, and then deliberately said loudly:

"Yes, this seal really needs everyone's concerted efforts! Please work hard!"

As he spoke, he also imitated Mira, staring at the ground and chanting words in his mouth!looks pious...

"Really, I actually want to accompany you to play this kind of child's trick!"

Lei Min in the wind tightened his shirt, stood reluctantly, gathered with everyone, looked at the ground, and made the same action!From a distance, he is as pious as Agios.

"Now, I said one, two, three, let's get out of here together!"

Lilith's voice was a little excited, and now the people who might have helped Ye Luna are here!I will definitely be able to leave this guy with shameless skills behind him!

Saying that, Lilith started counting directly:

"One, two, three! Come in!"

The moment he finished speaking, the people who were originally in the open space suddenly disappeared in front of Ye Yueshen!

"Eh? Master! Where are they?"

Kong'er looked at the open space in surprise, the person who was fine just now suddenly disappeared!

"This is the mark of Yaqio's power word, search it, we will enter Yui's dream!"

Ye Yueshen stood up and looked at the open space in front of him calmly. As early as when Erin came out from behind, Ye Yueshen heard Erin's reminder:

"Follow us, but don't use your bursting technique unless it is absolutely necessary!"

"As expected of the master, it really is amazing!"

Kong'er smiled and directly took the mark in Ye Yueshen's hand to search for the power word technique on Yaqio's body. Soon, a smug smile appeared on Kong'er's face!

I saw Konger calmly pointing to the ground and saying:

"Under our feet, there is a wave of the imprint of Power Word!"

Chapter [-] Min.Lilith


Ye Yueshen nodded at Kong'er, then jumped off the pavilion with a dodge, then stretched out his left hand, drew a circle on the ground, and then stomped his feet gently, saying:

"The spirit of all things, let the disguise in front of me disappear from my eyes! Let those lovely girls appear in front of me!"


A balloon explosion sounded from Yeyueshen's ears, and after that, Kong'er urged the magic book in her body to molecularize all the substances in front of Yeyueshen, and then put it in the thick space. He found Mira's powerful magic, then pointed in that direction and said:

"Master! Teacher Lilith and the others are in that space, should we catch up!"

"Are they in a hurry?"

Ye Yueshen asked calmly!

"Uh, it's still normal!"

Konger looked at Ye Yueshen with some curiosity.

"Then catch up! Surprise them!"

Ye Yueshen snapped his fingers in the air, and then hugged Kong'er with his backhand. Kong'er also prepared quickly, bowed gently, and charged towards Mira!

"It really is a disguised seal!"

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