How much penetration does this need?

"Xiao Ye, why don't you answer my text messages?"

this voice...

Ye Shenyue seemed to have thought of something, and then quickly took out her mobile phone.


The unread display of messages on the phone is 51.

And it's the same person.

Xingjia Baixue.


Ye Shenyue felt a guilty conscience.

Before, because he was going to fight Riko, he turned his phone to silent mode. I didn't expect Bai Xue to send so many text messages at this time.


Aria, who was in the room, suddenly became interested.Angry things aside for now.

Quietly opened the door a little bit.

"I heard that the news that Xiaoye is suddenly living with Kanzaki-san is it false..."

Bai Xue's voice continued to be heard from the door, which was as hard as 30 centimeters thick.

It's just that at this time, when Bai Xue's words fell, the door was directly cut into several pieces by the sword, and it was broken into pieces like a sliced ​​cake.

fell in place.

Without the obstruction of the door, the line of sight is unobstructed.

Then Yagami saw the girl wearing a cute shrine costume with a white strap on her forehead.

Xingjia Baixue.

This is the name of the girl with the sword.

"It must be fake... Those are all rumors... I just said... Where is Aria Kanzaki now... It's all a lie... a lie..."

The witch at the door breathed a sigh of relief, but her expression was still a little abnormal.

The sword in his hand was also tight.

"Bai Xue, you didn't come back tomorrow, what happened today..."

Why are you back tonight?

How did you come back?

Didn't you go to a dorm?

Yagami was still thinking about talking to Aria about Bai Xue tonight, but she didn't expect Bai Xue to come back on her own.

"Of course it's because... there were rumors about Xiaoye living together in the class... It turned out to be false... Now... don't worry..."

Snow White settled down.

Back to the gentle normal expression.

Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief, the state of Bai Xue just now had turned black.

"Xiao Ye hasn't had dinner yet? Right... I'm sorry... I'll go get ready right away..."

The gentle Bai Xue is a typical good wife.

The knives have been put away, and they are ready to go to the kitchen.


At this moment, the door behind Ye Shenyue was suddenly opened, and a young girl was revealed.

"That... hello."

Aria was a little embarrassed.Just now, I clearly wanted to eavesdrop, but I thought that the movement range was too large, and then the center of gravity was unstable and it appeared like this.


Bai Xue turned her head slowly, she smiled, and smiled so brightly.

"Kansaki · H · Aria!"

Bai Xue read out word by word, "Crack!"

The long knife that had just been put away was immediately taken out.

"You stealing cat! The rumors are true... You actually live with Xiao Ye... It's really enviable... Oh no, it's really annoying... I'm going to dismember you and pour cement, oh No, I'm arresting you!"

The witch costume on her body fluttered automatically without wind, exuding a terrifying aura from Bai Xue's body.

"watch out!"

Snow White has already rushed towards the embarrassed Aria.

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