"What... what are you trying to do!"

I was really startled just now. Aria didn't expect Baixue to attack directly. If she hadn't taken out the two knives in an instant, she would have been completely split just now.

scared to death.

"Stolen cat!"

"Xiao Ye is not wrong, he was just deceived... You cheating guy! God damn it!"

Snow White took two steps back and prepared to attack.


Snow White separated from Aria, and Aria hurriedly shot, but it was surprising that the bullet was useless.

The bullets were all thrown to the ground by the snow.

"It's a super detective again!"

Watching Bai Xue bounce the bullet away, Aria suddenly became depressed, and was pissed off by Riko today, and now there is another super detective!

"Damn...it's annoying..."

Aria abandoned the spears, determined, determined to attack with the swords.

It's just that Bai Xue gave up the long knife, took out the iron chain from his sleeve, and tied Aria's double swords, trying to pull Aria over, and then Aria wanted to pull Bai Xue over there.

The two were stalemate.

Chapter 0012 Xingjia Baixue

"I'm so hungry..."

Yagami sat on the ground and watched Aria and Baixue still stalemate, trying to pull each other over, but even if they used up their strength, they couldn't pull them.

Generally speaking, Bai Xue's strength will be stronger than that of Aria, but Aria was injected with adrenaline by Ye Shenyue today. Snow White couldn't come.

The two were stalemate.

One minute, two minutes... ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, Aria and Baixue began to rest back to back.

"Okay...it's tough...stealing...stealing cats..."

Bai Xue was too tired to utter a complete sentence.

"You...you are..."

Aria wasn't much better either.

Guns, knives, and chains... all dropped on the ground.These two are completely powerless.

Yagami also sat on the ground, Aria and Baixue were finished, but he was tired enough while he was busy repairing the gate and the furniture they destroyed.

"So...that's it...I'm this guy's daughter...not what you think...not the kind of relationship you think!"

After resting for a while, Aria finally stood up and said.

"It turns out... it turns out to be a daughter... it turns out to be a daughter..."

Bai Xue nodded as a matter of course, and then rushed directly to Ye Shenyue, "When did it happen...Isn't it just about the wife? Why...how can there be a daughter!"


It turned out that the memory of Bai Xue was like this...

It's just Baixue, have you figured it out?

Generally speaking, if you have a wife, of course you will have a daughter!

"My mother's name is Kanzaki Kanae, and now she is framed as a Butei killer and is being held by the police station."

Aria explained dissatisfiedly.

"If that's the case...then I'll take care of Xiaoye until you clear your name..."

Bai Xue was stunned for a while and finally sobered up and said, "Since it's a daughter...and it's not a cohabitation relationship, then...you naturally didn't do that kind of thing..."

Bai Xue-sama expressed that he was relieved.

Daughter's or something can be ignored or ignored.

"That kind of thing?"

Aria was puzzled.

"Of course...of course like a kiss or a fait accompli..."


x2 Yagami Moon fell silent, and Aria also blushed and fell silent.

Not to mention the last time, I actually did it a few hours ago today.

This is... undeniable.


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