Snow White was also silent.And then... a terrible chain appeared under a pair of wide sleeves.

He lowered his head slightly, and his bangs covered his eyes, turning black.


I was thinking of defending, but Aria said amazingly, "People... they're not pregnant yet!"

What is pregnancy?

What is pregnancy?

Pregnancy is...

It disappeared quickly after the snow turned black.

The door that Ye Shenyue finally repaired was broken open by the snow again, and then left step by step in a blackened state.

A wasteland was left.

"Aria... Who told you she was pregnant?"

He didn't remember what he did to her.

"Of course it's mom...Girls can't kiss anyone else, they'll get pregnant once they kiss!"

Aria said confidently.When it comes to Mama Aria, it's like having confidence.

Righteous and righteous.

"Pregnant your sister!"

Ye Shenyue covered her forehead, should he tell Aria what is pregnancy?

Physiology teaching or something, it really has to be the responsibility of the father...

the next day.

Ye Shenyue went very early and finally caught the bus at 7:58.

First put Aria in the classroom and read the specific content of pregnancy in the "physiology textbook", while Yagami was going to find Baixue.

He chased him out last night, but Bai Xue's movements were very fast and disappeared in an instant. It seemed that he went back to the girls' dormitory first.

But she looks blackened... Ye Shenyue said that she still has to take care of it, after all, Bai Xue has a knife that can be blackened at any time.

What if one is accidentally dismembered?

Looking at Bai Xue's movement of splitting the gate twice in a row, it is obvious that he is very skilled and skilled.

"That... Snow White..."

Ye Shenyue had just walked into the corridor when she saw Bai Xue in the same school uniform as Aria walking over. Ye Shenyue was just about to file a lawsuit, but Bai Xue suddenly turned her head away...

He lowered his head slightly and walked forward.

The blackened expression is gone, but there is still a little bit of anger.Ye Shenyue was sure that Bai Xuejiang must have seen him before turning around on purpose.

"Snow White!"

Ye Shenyue gave a serious cry, loud enough that most of the people who heard his voice turned around to see what was going on.

Not only Ye Shenyue but also Bai Xue was noticed.

How can Bai Xue leave like this without asking, pretending not to know anything and not noticing anything?

Absolutely not!

It's so easy for a healthy able-bodied person to take a step, and it's often inadvertently gone, but it's hard to even lift a foot these days.Especially raising your feet in front of so many people.

Once he walks away, he will take away Ye Shenyue's face.

If you lose the face of the person you like, no matter will be hated no matter what!

The feet were raised, but they couldn't put them down.

Putting her hands together, the sweet-looking girl finally turned around.


The terrible blackening and shadows on his body also disappeared, and he turned into a docile appearance.

Back to normal?

Ye Shenyue, who was just holding the mentality of giving it a try, was a little stunned.

In his heart, Shiroyuki was the type of Yamato Nadeko, and of course some blackening had to be excluded.

Such people are people who want to live according to the demands of others.

So it is very good at following the orders of others.

This is the weakness!

But this weakness is definitely an advantage in Ye Shenyue's view, a great advantage!

It was as if she could hold Aria's head and use her hand to beat anyone, so it seemed that she could control Shiraishi's words.

"Snow White... Actually, Aria and I are..."

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