Although Bai Xue was ordered to obey obediently, it is better to clear up the misunderstanding or clarify the matter completely.


Once restored to Yamato Nadeko's state, Shiroyuki seemed submissive.

It seems that everything is finally going back to normal.

At this moment, someone stopped Bai Xue.This is good friend Muto Gangqi.It can be seen from his name for Bai Xue.

Muto is arrogant, and secretly seems to be someone who has a crush on Snow White.

"Master Bai Xue, Mr. Chi is looking for it. It seems that there is something very important."

Chapter 013 Bodyguards

"That's it... I'm sorry... Xiao Ye..."

I wanted to continue to be obedient, but now... it seems that I can't.

Xingjia Baixue made an apologetic expression to Ye Shenyue.

" go first..."

Another opportunity wasted in vain, obviously just now can directly solve the misunderstanding or something.

"Stupid Ye Shenyue!"

Ye Shenyue just turned around, her ears moved, and she immediately stretched out her right hand to catch the hidden weapon thrown directly at the back of his head from behind.

Although there is no murderous intent, it will hurt if you get hit!

His speed was fast and his reaction was fast, but his expression changed when he grabbed the weapon that attacked him from behind and held it in his hand.

When they saw that he was holding a book called "Illustration of Creating Humans", many classmates were already staring at him with colored eyes.

It seems to be watching a pervert!

This is... Aria!

This is the physiology book he dumped to Aria, who "will get pregnant with a kiss" in the morning.

how come……


Ye Shenyue turned her head and shouted to the cute loli with two ponytails, whose face was blushing, whether she was ashamed or angry.

"You Gongkou a hopeless pervert! To think...06...Do this kind of... this kind of thing to me! Incest... scum... scum!"

Aria's twin tails are almost straight.

When the snow turned black, the long black hair would sway, and Aria would sway when she was excited, but it was completely unscientific to think that the current standing hair was almost beyond the normal range of human beings.

Aria now... very excited.

"Hey... What nonsense are you talking about... When will I tell you what I'm going to do to you!"

The sight of the people around was really too dazzling, and Yagami quickly pulled Aria to a dark corner.

If she continues to be in the public eye, she will not be able to keep her words more terrifying.

Although he seems to have some thoughts subconsciously, he has not exposed it.

With Aria's emotional intelligence, it's almost impossible to say.

"You super pervert, throw that kind of book at me, don't you just... don't just let me understand... understand the process of creating humans... and then... and then let you do whatever you want!"

Aria, who was pulled into the corner so hard, looked angry and struggled all the time, but at this time, Yagami, after Shirayuki, used the method of controlling Aria.

Keep a little distance from her and hold her head, Aria can't hit him no matter how hard she tries.

The helpless Aria continued to work in vain, and at the same time was very excited to expose the "evil tutorial" of the other party. "What? Is this your understanding?"

Ye Shenyue's mouth opened wide.

This... Aria's strength in this regard seems to have reached the pinnacle of the realm, to be... unexpectedly able to think like this!

"What is my understanding!"

Aria continued to struggle, "It's obviously you who did it on purpose, on purpose, super perverted... perverted! Opening a hole... opening a hole... I want to make a hole for you!"

"Hey... Put this aside for now, if you have time to play... it's better to stare at Bai Xue... It seems that Bai Xue has become the target of the magic sword in Yiyou, maybe you can find the magic sword with Bai Xue, and then Reduce Kanae's many years should it be reduced..."

Ye Shenyue quickly stopped this question, he didn't want to continue to lose money or something.I haven't started to draw comics for the past two days, and I still keep accounts of money and things.

"Magic sword? It's that guy... That guy made his mother carry him a crime for 125 years. If she gets caught... Then... Yossi... Let's hurry up!"

Aria, who was still struggling at first, became quiet all of a sudden, and the pistol she took out did not fire. She put the pistol back in its place, and actually two cute little hands directly hugged Yagami Yue's arm that was holding her head.Like a kitten, it hangs on Ye Shenyue's arm.

how to say……

Aria, now hanging on her arm, is so cute.

Could it be that she herself didn't realize that she was actually being cute all the time?

"Aria, you're so cute when you're little!"

Ye Shenyue praised.

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