Eileen looked at the panting teacher Lilith, and calmly reminded Yeyueshen!

"Uh, what are you talking about!"

Ye Yueshen replied in a panic, but just now his eyes almost ran out of his sockets.

"Ugh! I'm exhausted!"

As if she hadn't heard Erin's words, Teacher Lilith followed closely in front of Ye Yueshen, lowered her head gently, covered her chest, tore a piece from her shirt and tied it to her slightly injured calf. on the stomach!

"Sure enough, the following is even more exciting! Erin's detective power is really amazing!"

Ye Yueshen nodded heartily, but at this moment, Teacher Lilith looked at Ye Yueshen with a pair of eyes full of resentment:

"The center of the collapse is ahead, and I have wiped out all these peripheral things!"

"I'm in charge of it!"

Yeyueshen patted his chest very righteously!


Lilith continued to stare at Ye Luna's eyes and said word by word:

"Continue watching from the side. Since I have eliminated all the bad things on the outside, then if we join forces, the big bad thing inside will be finished!"

"Um, with whom? Isn't it me?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lilith with a little embarrassment, and what he just said was almost completely denying himself!Ye Yueshen, who was planning to come over to wash away his grievances, was still somewhat unacceptable!

"You look good!"

Lilith closed her eyes slightly, then looked at the people around her, and said lightly:

"When the time comes, Erin will be in charge of the investigation, and Kazama will be in charge of attracting the enemy's attention. I will provide enough damage, that's it!"

"Why do I feel like I'm in control and look better?"

Ye Yueshen pouted and said in a solicitous tone!


Lilith categorically refused:

"Unless we can't beat it, otherwise, you can't shoot!"


Before Ye Yueshen could react, a familiar shout came, and the iconic voice came along with the shout:


There was a loud noise, and before Ye Yueshen could react, he saw a huge gap suddenly appear on his side. After a burst of dust on the ground, Mira and Yakio calmly appeared in front of Ye Yueshen. !

"You are not from the demolition team, do you want to appear like this every time?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the two inspectors with a speechless face, and always felt that the most difficult thing he had encountered after coming here was probably these two people!

"Unclean things! Don't appear in front of me!"

Mila closed her eyes slightly, glanced at Ye Yueshen lightly, and then said to Lilith:

"It's enough for this person to come here, we just go in! As for him, we can judge after we go in later, whether this collapse has something to do with him!"

"...Am I so unbelievable?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mila with a bit of a chance, not knowing what he did wrong, to be so guarded!

"Of course!"

Mira turned around and looked at Ye Yueshen with a cold light in her eyes, and said:

"The collapse is caused by the demon king factor, and you have a wealth of demon king factor in you, do you think you are credible?"

"Then if you accidentally have the Demon King factor on your body, are you going to commit suicide?"

Ye Yueshen clenched his fists and looked at Mila dissatisfied. Although he could not mind a lot of things, he would never tolerate this kind of naked, naked, and naked provocation!

"……Let's go in!"

Mila glanced at Yeyueshen, turned around gently, and took the lead in walking forward with Yaqio!

"Where did these two unprofessional fellows go just now? You're accusing me!"

Ye Yueshen stood on the spot and said bitterly!

"The two of them just eliminated all the peripheral monsters except this passage!"

Erin walked past Ye Yueshen and said lightly...

Chapter forty-five dragons haunt

"Uh, okay!"

Ye Yueshen was stunned for a while, nodded silently in his heart, then raised his head and followed behind Aileen, walking towards the endless darkness ahead. Slowly, Ye Yueshen felt more and more pressure around him. The more obvious it is, and your body can't help but start to get nervous, what kind of feeling is that?It's like falling into an endless cave, feeling the feeling of being surrounded by hard and hard walls and having nowhere to escape!

"It's in front!"

Aileen suddenly stopped, followed by Aqio and reached out her hand, releasing her own power word, slamming into the darkness in front of her!

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