
There was a loud noise, and Ye Yueshen could clearly hear the sound of the broken stone breaking, just like throwing a coin into the deep pool. Although it was splashed, it did not shake!

"It seems that the wall in front is very hard and hard, it is not easy for us to break it!"

Lei Min in the wind nodded and smiled, suddenly jumped up, stepped on the wall beside him, and charged forward!

"I light up for you!"

Lilith shouted, and the silver-white pistol in her hand suddenly made a loud noise. A cannonball glowing with blue-yellow light chased Lei Min's figure forward, and then exploded in the air, but after the explosion, it fell to the ground. Leaving nine small fireballs burning with blue-yellow flames!

"Lilith's sidewalks are getting more and more powerful!"

Aquio looked at the nine small fireballs on the ground, smiled slightly, then turned around and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Angel in burst clothes, how about it? Don't control the magic here, rearrange these flames on the ground, and Mila can open the door in front of you later!"


When Ye Yueshen heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded, tapped the magic book on his chest with his fingers, woke Kong'er up, and said:

"is this OK?"

"My master, we can even control the collapse, you don't have to do anything like this!"

As he said that, he turned in front of Ye Yueshen, and then he showed his maiden appearance, rushed to the side of the flame, and flipped against the flames on the ground. Soon, the flames on the ground came to Ye Yueshen's side. A circle was formed around Ye Luna!

"These flames can follow you now!"

Konger said proudly!

"Why is my magic being used by others!"

Lilith looked at Ye Yueshen and said with some dissatisfaction!

"Who said that?"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, stretched out two hands, and brought Lilith and Erin into the circle surrounded by flames!

"Come on!"

Mira said in a low voice, as if looking at Ye Yueshen:

"Lei Min is still ahead, let's go and see what's going on!"


Aqio agreed, and then the two of them left Luna and Lilith in their place!


Lilith broke free from the claws of the night moon god, patted the night moon god on the shoulder, and said:

"Let's go quickly! What can I do in such a dark place, there is no light?"

"So Lilith is afraid of the dark!"

Ye Yueshen thought silently in his heart, as soon as he lifted his foot, he followed, and the surrounding flames followed Ye Yueshen very obediently, not leaving an inch!

After a while, Ye Yueshen and his party saw Mira and Lei Min and the others!

"How's the situation?"

Lilith asked eagerly!

"The front should be the center of the collapse!"

Lei Min's face was a little serious.

"Why don't you go in?"

Ye Yueshen glanced at the wall in front of him curiously. Under the illumination of the ground fire, the wall in front of him showed a long-lost trend, and the big pit in front of him was obviously a masterpiece of Yaqio!

"There seems to be something in there!"

Lei Min pouted and said:

"Just now, I have been observing the situation inside with the listening technique, and I always felt that something strange was causing the air inside to fluctuate. The crackling sound was very annoying. I believe the things inside are not easy to deal with!"

"Is there a Darling that is difficult to deal with?"

Ai Lin just looked at Lei Min, and the question she asked almost made Ye Yueshen choked to death on the spot!

"Uh, there should be! The collapse this time is more serious, so in theory, the situation inside is more complicated!"

Lei Min was stunned for a moment, but he still told the truth!

"You will know what it is when you go in. Since there are monsters in it, don't go in!"

Mira suddenly spoke, and after speaking, she ordered Agios to open the wall in front of her!

"Darling, just guard us at the door!"

Aileen silently glanced at Yeyueshen, made a gesture on her chest, and then everyone dispersed, and Yaqio lived up to expectations and opened the stone wall in front of her with the mantra!


Just as Yaqio opened the coin, there was a sudden sound of dragons and tigers roaring from the stone wall. Yeyueshen calmed down and asked:

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