I don't know when Yui has climbed onto the shoulders of Ye Yueshen, and said with a smile!

"Uh, Yui, can you come down first, in front of everyone, it's not good!"

Yeyueshen held Yuyi's little hand and said with an embarrassed expression, although he was very happy in his heart, but when he saw that Ai Lin was also planning to climb on his shoulders, Yeyueshen still felt a little helpless!

"Of course not! We'll go and search all the previously sealed places. I want to see how far this bastard intends to provoke me!"

Mira punched the table and said bitterly!

"Uh, that means you haven't seen the place you sealed before?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mila with a cute face, and the curious look echoed in his eyes!

"My seal is so safe! Do I need to see it?"

Mila was stunned for a moment, raised her head and looked at Ye Yueshen with disdain, and said!

"Actually, our boss is too busy! Understand?"

Yaqio made a beheading gesture to Ye Yueshen, signaling him to shut his mouth first!

"Alright then! Let's go take a look together, maybe there are other clues!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, turned and said to Serena, who was still crying softly:

"Don't worry, your sister is only possible, it doesn't mean it's true, after all, your sister is not the only one with powerful magic in this world!"

"No... it's not!"

While crying, Serena raised her head to look at Ye Yueshen and said excitedly:

"I was just thinking, my sister often comes here, she must have forgotten me because she missed me, but today it seems that it is not the case, my sister still cares about me, she must have a reason for leaving me !"

"of course!"

Mira said with dissatisfaction:

"It's unreasonable to abandon everyone, not for the sake of your own magic!"

Chapter [-]: The Eternal Calamity Library

"No! No! My sister actually..."

Selina raised her head and was about to say something when she suddenly felt dizzy and paused. At this time, Yue Ye Shen suddenly felt that everything around her was flickering, as if the entire library had been bumped all at once. And Ye Yueshen's eyes also saw a purple flash across his eyes, of course, it disappeared soon!

"Don't you think a force emanates from the ground under our feet and spreads all around?"

Ye Yueshen tried to keep calm, but an ominous premonition still filled Ye Yueshen's heart!

"What is this breath?"

Lilith looked at everything around her in surprise, her frowning brows seemed to indicate something!

"The same breath as last time!"

Mila held her crystal ball and frowned as well!

"Uh, what's going on here?"

Serena widened her eyes and looked at the surrounding environment. At this moment, the place where she was standing was no longer a library with a high dome, but a ruin full of broken walls. The collapsed stone pillars in front of her seemed to tell the story. The vicissitudes of this world!

"Uh, weren't we still in the library just now?"

Ye Yueshen held You Yuyi gently with his hands, while Xiao Yuyi widened her eyes, looking at everything that was happening in front of her, her eyes were full of doubts!

"The entire space has been moved, Darling!"

Erin glanced at the surrounding environment, with a hint of joy in her tone, as if this was what she wanted to see!

At the same time, the crystal ball in Mila's hand suddenly emitted a light blue light. Following that, Mila's school uniform disappeared without a trace, replaced by a white cloak and a serious look. !

"This is the Eternal Tribulation Library!"

After Mira finished speaking in a deep voice, Lilith next to him followed closely with the transformation of the mage's battle costume that also began. The school uniform was removed, and it was replaced by a sleeveless battle costume that Ye Yueshen felt a little shy!

"How could this be? Were we forcibly moved here?"

Lilith looked at everything around her, holding the silver gun tightly in her hand, as if waiting for danger at any time.

"Things are getting weird!"

Aqio rubbed his shoulders, closed one eye, looked at Ye Yueshen proudly, and said:

"Why don't you stay in the corner first, if nothing else happens, it will be a thrilling battle later!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen stared at Yaqio silently, and was not shocked by her arrogant tone. It seemed that he had entered a state of insensitivity. Although Ye Yueshen was really shocked when he first came here, deep in his heart, Yeyueshen is very happy, because if someone can forcibly graft time and space, then it is possible to save Little Saint from the cracks in time and space, and this is exactly why Yeyueshen came to Bibria College!

"That... Night Moon God!"

Serena, who was guarded by Yeyueshen, suddenly said to Yeyueshen with a hint of embarrassment:

"Can you put your hands down first, before you take a serious look at this place?"


Ye Yueshen looked down and hurriedly pulled his hand away from Serena's body. Although there was a feeling of ups and downs in his hand just now, Ye Yueshen could assure himself that he did not realize this shyness!

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