"I'm so sorry, I really didn't realize it just now, really!"

Ye Yueshen jumped and said nervously!

"Big brother, really, there are people here, how can you do this!"

Xiao Yuyi was taken by Yeyueshen and flew up. After landing, she looked at Yeyueshen with dissatisfaction, as if she was very sad about Yeyueshen's behavior of climbing over the wall under the moon!


Lilith's voice came suddenly, Ye Yueshen took a closer look, only to see the stone pillars around him, suddenly rushed out a wave of magic shock waves, with bursts of chills, and hit him!


Serena's eyes were quick and her hands were quick. She rushed directly to Ye Yueshen's side and stretched out her hand, trying to push Ye Yueshen out, but she suddenly found that her wrist was grabbed by Ye Yueshen. His body had been thrown into the air by Ye Yueshen, and before he could scream, Ye Yueshen had already taken off his body and hugged him from the air. The whole process was smooth and smooth, without any extra movement.

"Big brother is so handsome!"

Yuyi looked at Yeyueshen with admiration on her face, and at this time, with a loud noise, the stone pillar behind Yeyueshen was directly washed into powder by a powerful shock wave!

"I can't see it, you've made great progress!"

Yaqio looked at Ye Yueshen with a surprised expression, and her originally disdainful face was filled with affirmation!

"It's just that the reaction speed is a little better, and the progress is really limited!"

Mila glanced at Ye Yueshen, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she added:

"But it's already good!"

"But compared to me, the speed is still a bit slow!"

At some point in the wind, Lei Min's figure appeared in the sky, standing on a stone pillar with one foot, in a state of independence of the golden rooster!

“Darling is the best!”

Aileen glanced at Lei Min silently, her tone with a hint of pride!


Ye Yueshen nodded, then said to Lilith next to him in a deep voice:

"Thank you, Lilith, if you hadn't reminded me quickly, I might have implicated Serena!"

"No way! I'm just worried that you will create a record for the fastest death in school!"

Lilith twisted her hair and said calmly!

"Okay, okay! You're clearly caring! Why are you talking so indifferently?"

Lei Min fell from the sky in the wind, stood beside Lilith, looked at Ye Luna with a playful face, and said:

"Actually, Lilith is silently complaining, complaining that you only care about misunderstandings with other girls, and you don't have a teacher-student relationship with Teacher Lilith!"

"No way!"

Lilith's face suddenly flushed, and she looked at Lei Min Fengjian with excitement!

"You guys are having fun playing!"

An oriole-like crisp sound appeared, Ye Yueshen turned around and was stunned for a moment!

"Uh, high socks, navel-baring outfit?"

"Are you the Demon King candidate?"

A girl wearing high stockings, a xiongchamoxiong evening dress, lace gloves on her hands, and two big ponytails, with a smile that didn't match her face, appeared in front of Ye Luna!

Ye Yueshen looked down at Serena lying in his arms, then looked up again, his eyes glared fiercely:

"You...you are Serena's disappearing sister?"

Chapter [-]: The Demonstration of Counting Secret Techniques

"That's right! I didn't expect you to be quite smart!"

The girl in the tube top and split outfit winked at Ye Luna with an expression of admiration!

"You and your sister look exactly the same. It's hard to hear if you don't recognize them!"

Erin looked at the girl in front of her lightly, her eyes indifferent, as if she was not complaining about this person!


Lilith looked at the girl in front of her in surprise, her eyes became a little blurred!

"It's really you!"

Mira's face is also not good-looking, although at first he suspected that his deputy became a dark mage, but now when the facts are in front of him, it is still a bit unacceptable!

"Aha, Lilith-sensei and Mila-senpai!"

Lisey turned her head, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, she said to Lilith and Mira in a frivolous tone:

"Long time no see!"

Saying that, Lisei's voice suddenly paused, followed closely, and appeared behind Lilith and Mila. She put her hands on the shoulders of the two, followed closely, and said with a low laugh:

"The magic power of the two seniors, I want it!"

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