As he spoke, a purple ribbon appeared behind him, surrounded by himself, Mila, and Lilith.


With a crisp sound, Lei Min's samurai sword in the wind drew a crescent-shaped arc in the air, and then fell straight in front of Lei Min, Lei Min gently held his samurai sword from the ground, hair, said:

"You haven't said hello to us yet!"

"Isn't this ninja and Aqio-senpai? It looks like the two of you are having a good time!"

Lisey looked up, her eyes full of surprise!


Aquio's mouth curled into a smile:

"So are you, you've become like an evil mage!"

"Selina, are you alright!"

The night moon god Selina swayed, and poor Selina opened her eyes hard, but she saw the closest person in the world, dressed in black, standing not far from her!

"Well, what the hell is going on here?"

Although she heard everyone's conversations, but when she opened her eyes and looked at everything in front of her, Serena still couldn't believe it. She would rather believe that her sister was not the one who attacked Ye Yueshen just now, but just a puppet!

"It seems that your sister didn't become a ghost and disappeared, but became an evil mage!"

Yeyueshen looked at the girl in front of him with a little pity, and felt a little reluctant in his heart, but this is the reality, just like Yeyueshen didn't want the little sage to leave him, but the result was that he was still trying to find time and space. The little saint in the crack!


Lisey turned her head and said with some amusing:

"It turned out to be like this!"

"You, a sinner who would rather commit a taboo and forcibly connect to the Eternal Tribulation Library, even abandoning his sister and his noble status as a library inspector, what exactly do you want to do by forcing us to this place?"

Mira's tone was cold, betrayal, this hateful word actually happened to his subordinates, it was an unforgivable situation!

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you still think I'm a sinner until now?"

Lisey's voice was still so calm, and the look in Mira's eyes was even a bit sarcastic:

"Don't forget, when we became magicians, we must use our lifelong energy to cultivate our magic to the highest level, and I!"

Saying that, Lisey pointed to the sky, looking arrogant:

"It's just to study the stagnant themes in my library - the lazy library. This is my destiny. Shouldn't mistakes made for my own themes be unforgivable or even praised?"

"You are bullshitting!"

Mira said fiercely:

"As an elder sister, you abandoned your younger sister, as an inspector, you betrayed your beliefs, as a magician, you fell into an evil, you outright traitor, what right do you have to say these words here! "

"Uh, Mira's eloquence seems to have become very good!"

Yeyueshen stood beside him, looking at Mila in surprise. In Yeyueshen's heart, this little girl seemed to only think that Yeyueshen was an impure thing!

"They are the main force of the debate team!"

Ai Lin said lightly next to Ye Yueshen!

"So what? I'm all here for my magic power to go further!"

As she spoke, Lisey's eyes showed a gleam of light, and she said with a smile:

"Today is a good day, you all came, okay, then I will accept your magic, everyone is my own, I'm welcome!"

"Why did you betray us?"

Yui looked at Lisei with a cute face, as if she hadn't figured out what was going on!

"Of course it's because we're mages!"

Lisai was stunned for a moment, and a thick black book appeared in her hand. It only had simple decorations, but no patterns. It looked very different from the magic book of Night Moon God!

"The magician's words are naturally to study the magic way! It's like you are sleeping!"

As she said that, the magic book in front of her glowed purple, and Lisei tapped it with her hand, and a purple band of light appeared around her, wrapping herself in it...

"The reason why I went to be that thankless inspector was to be able to directly experience the fun of Honkai!"

Saying that, with a slight smile, he disappeared in front of everyone!


Serena suddenly shouted, and then rushed towards Lilith with a stride. Just as she fell with Lilith in her arms, Lisey's sharp claws flashed. Seeing that she was empty, Lisey was obviously very surprised. , stunned for a moment, looked around vigilantly, pouted, and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect it, it was empty!"

"I'm also someone who uses numerology, so you can still figure out where you appear!"

Serena looked up and looked at her sister, her eyes full of resentment.

"Wow! This one is happy, as expected of my beloved twin sister!"

Lisey hugged her face and looked extra excited.Then his tone suddenly shook, and he said solemnly:

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