"Isn't it a matter of course for a Mage to be a candidate for the Demon King's long-cherished wish?"

The black devil factor frantically poured out from Lisey's back, and a pair of huge wings gradually formed, with one hand on her hips, the expression on Lisey's face was natural!

"But that takes hard work and research!"

Lilith looked at Lisei excitedly, and watched her students say this. As a teacher, Lilith felt a pain in her heart.

"I don't want to be so troublesome!"

Lisa pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, looked at Yeyue Shen who was holding her sister, and said loudly:

"Like the demon king candidate over there, I like to omit the process! Although you always say that the process is also important, in my opinion, that is just an excuse to appease the ultimate loser!"

Saying that, Lisey put her hands on her hips and raised her head diagonally, with an excited expression on her face:

"Skip the process and get the results directly! This is what my research is about!"

"It's good to cut corners!"

Ye Yueshen silently looked down at the heartbroken Selina, the fact that her sister planned to take away her magic power, let the little girl stand in front of Ye Yueshen, keeping her mouth tightly shut and not speaking.


Lisey nodded sharply, it was very precious to Lisei to be supported by others.

"Night Moon God!"

Lilith glared at Ye Luna and shouted loudly:

"How can you say such a thing?"

"Then I'll skip the process and ask directly!"

Ye Yueshen raised his head and looked at Lisei on the stone pillar. Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, Lisei said confidently:

"Do you want to ask your sister about Saint?"

"how do you know?"

Ye Yueshen's heart was slightly excited, and his voice couldn't help but tremble. Although there are so many cute little loli by his side, Ye Yueshen will always get excited if he doesn't mention the name of Sheng. !

"I am a person who can transform time and space. Although I am not at Bibria College, I have been observing the situation of the largest of the three major magic schools. After all, this is the temple of magic. It's a pity that I left!"

"Sister, do you mean that you have been observing us secretly?"

Serena's expression was a little excited, and she looked up at her sister. Although what happened just now was very uncomfortable, she thought that her sister had been watching her all the time, and Serena couldn't help but hope that her sister might be And help!

"Of course!"

Lisey nodded, looked at Ye Luna and said:

"How is it? How about I help you meet Little Saint and fulfill your wish?"

"I'm afraid there is a price to pay!"

Mila looked at Lisei with a cold face, a trace of disdain appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said:

"Otherwise, we don't have to work so hard to bring us here? The great and evil Eternal Tribulation Library is the paradise for those who are arrogant and ambitious!"

"Whatever you say!"

Lisey smiled, folded her arms in front of her chest, a charming smile appeared on her face, and said:

"How is it? Are you going to pay the price to meet your sister? Demon King candidate?"

"I can't promise my sister!"

Selina stopped in front of Ye Luna and said excitedly!

"Um. What's the request?"

Ye Yueshen hesitated for a moment, then raised his head and asked.

"It seems that they are brothers and sisters!"

Lisei nodded, then pointed out her little sister with a thumbs up, and said happily:

"As expected of my sister, I thought that we didn't have a good heart!"

"It seems that everyone can see that you are not at ease with Darling!"

Erin looked at the sky indifferently and said silently!

"That's right, it's definitely going to kill my eldest brother, eldest brother, you must never agree to this woman, as long as you are willing, I will let you see the little saint in your dreams every day, do you agree?"

"Well, let's see what's going on first!"

Ye Yueshen hesitated for a moment, and asked Lisei on the stone pillar loudly:

"What the hell are you going to do? Just tell me?"

"It's easy!"

Lisey snapped her fingers in the air and said:

"As long as you donate your magic, I'll let you see the little saint you've only dreamed of seeing, and then you go back home and live your simple, fulfilling lives! What do you think?"

"Do you still know the life before Ye Yueshen?"

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