Lilith looked at Lisa in amazement. The Lisa she saw today and the naive and studious girl in front of her before, can really be said to be completely different!

"Of course!"

Lisey nodded silently and said:

"The speed of the collapse is so fast, everyone knows that there must be a demon king factor in that place, I will naturally go to see it, of course, when I go, you have already pointed a gun at Ye Yueshen's forehead, I After traveling through time and space for a few days, by the way, I saw the little saint who was swimming and walking in the crack of time and space!"

"How is she now?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lisei excitedly. Since she knew how she and Lilith met, she should not be lying when she saw Xiaosheng!

"Wandering aimlessly, walking!"

Lisey nodded lightly, but she didn't use this thing to tease Ye Luna.

"That's good! That's good!"

Hearing the news of the safety of the little sage, Yeyueshen's heart was calm, and he raised his head and asked:

"Then how are you going to let my magic power contribute?"


Selina stopped in front of Ye Luna and said excitedly:

"Big brother, do you know that my sister can even hurt me in order to get the magic power. If she takes your magic power and doesn't take you to see the little saint, what will you do then?"

"Is my credit that bad?"

Lisa looked at her sister with a chuckle, nodded and said:

"If I remember correctly, it has always been the secret technique that I took you to learn. Although we are not the same person now, it seems that I have never been untrustworthy!

"This kind of thing seems to have nothing to do with credit!"

Aquio leaned against the stone pillar, looked at Lisei silently, and said:

"If I remember correctly, saying goodbye without saying goodbye is also a form of distrust!"

"Okay! Anyway, you are not in a hurry to see the little saint wandering in the cracks of time and space, and you don't have to contribute your own magic power. You can say whatever you want. In short, Yeyueshen, you have to think about it. Is it your own magic that is more important, or is your sister important!"

As she spoke, Lisey's tone became cold, and she said negatively:

"Since I can find the little saint in the crack of time and space, then it is easy for the little saint to never see you in the crack of time and space!"

Chapter [-] Chic Persuasion

"you dare!"

Ye Yueshen's eyes sharpened, and he said in a flat tone:

"You remember, as long as you dare to be detrimental to the little saint, I will make you regret everything you have done!"

"Oh, oh, it's really a brother and sister relationship!"

Lisei smiled slightly, stretched out her hand to Ye Yueshen and said:

"Then donate your magic power, so that I will take you to that plane, and let you and your sister live in a plane without the phenomenon of collapse. In this case, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds, you can and Your sister lives happily together, and I am one step closer to my goal, the Demon King, where can I find such good things?"

"You are bullshitting!"

Mira took a step forward and stared at Lisei viciously and said:

"If someone like you becomes the Demon King, there will be no hope of saving this world!"

"Actually, this world lost hope from the moment the collapse phenomenon began!"

Lisei gave Mira a dissatisfied look, and said proudly:

"You and I both know that we were all children who lived happily. It was the Honkai that made us lose our family and friends, it was the Honkai that made us become a magician, and it was the Honkai that made us fail again and again. The world is slowly being destroyed, and the only thing we can do is to stand by and watch, no matter how hard we try, the collapse phenomenon will be irreversible! Am I right! Boss!"

"You! Then you can't choose to be a part of Honkai!"

Mira clenched her fists and shouted loudly:

"Even if the world is not saved, we have to do the last resistance. Even if the resistance is futile, we can say that we have resisted, we have worked hard, not you, and become part of the help!"

"Don't forget, when all the areas in this world that can collapse are collapsed, the magic will disappear, and you and I will both die!


Lilith also stood up, Dasheng said to Lisai!

"So what?"

A trace of contempt flashed on Lisey's face, she looked at the crowd indifferently, and said with a smile:

"You will always dissipate, you are just a passer-by in this world, and your so-called meaning is just an excuse to cover up your inner fears!"

"not necessarily!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lisey and said lightly:

"What if it works!"

After saying that, Yeyueshen stretched out his hand and waved, and the figure of the magic book appeared in his hand, followed by Konger's voice:

"Master, is this the rhythm of the final battle?"

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