Ye Yueshen couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, if it wasn't on a small scale, then... thinking of this, Ye Yueshen couldn't help but have a haze in his heart!

"Of course it's this academy!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen's brows furrowed, Yaqio smiled and said:

"But don't worry, the students in the entire academy are on standby. Although everyone doesn't know what will happen, we are ready to lead everyone to leave quickly!"


Ye Yueshen's frowning brows did not relax because of Aqio's words:

"But Lisey is proficient in arithmetic, can we really get the students to evacuate in time?"


Mila's voice suddenly came, and Ye Yueshen turned his head to look, only to see that Mila had changed into a battle costume at some point!

"What are you really doing?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mira curiously. Every time Mira appeared, Ye Yueshen always felt that something big would happen!

"Of course it's ready to fight!"

Mira nodded silently, and Agios next to him helped explain:

"The boss is always anxiously waiting for Lisey's appearance these days, so he simply puts on a mage's battle costume and can fight at any time, and his mood will be better!"

"It turns out that the proud inspector also has moments of restlessness!"

Ye Yueshen stood there and looked at Mira with a smile!

"Don't look at me, you two keep practicing!"

Mira silently glanced at Yeyueshen, then went straight to the stand opposite the playground, where Yuyi was sleeping with Erin, while Erin kept her head up and watched Yeyueshen training without saying a word. , As for the others, Mira has yet to find out!

After a while, a crisp get out of class bell rang, and Agios and Ye Luna stopped training with each other by the way!

"Your teacher Lilith is coming to teach you, I wish you a happy day!"

Yaqio packed up her things, threw such a sentence at Yeyueshen, and went to Mira's side to do it. Soon, a burst of gasping came, Yeyueshen didn't need to look back to know that Teacher Lilith was already there. rushed over!

"Did you work hard today? Ye Yueshen?"

Lilith wiped the fine sweat from the top of her head and put a bottle of drink in the hands of Ye Luna. The students passing by were not surprised by this. After all, this past week, Teacher Lilith has It's not the first time this has been done!


Ye Yueshen looked at Lilith affectionately and said with a smile:

"Why, I can copy your sniper rifle today. I always copy your small pistol. I don't think it's powerful enough!"


Lilith categorically refused:

"From the very beginning, you planned to learn the sniper rifle directly, but did you know that the sniper rifle will restrict movement, and Lisey's movement speed is so fast that you may not even have a chance to aim! Still, a pistol is more practical!"

Saying that, Lilith put her hands on her hips at Ye Luna and said:

"Also, your pistol is not well-trained. Ten targets can only hit nine ten rings!"

"If ten targets can hit ten, will your teacher still teach me?"

Ye Yueshen thought silently in his heart.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Seeing Yeyueshen smiling and not speaking, Lilith also felt that her words were a little too small, so she took the initiative to change into battle clothes, and a pistol was changed in her hand, and said to Yeyueshen:

"Come on, practice moving with a gun first!"


Ye Yueshen nodded, quickly put on a fighting stance, and ran along the playground with Lilith, while attacking the target in the distance!

"Bang bang bang!"

With three gunshots, the red targets in the distance were all killed by Lilith, and there was a burst of cheers around, but when Lilith calmed down and listened to the cheers, she heard this:

"Big brother is so handsome, he breaks the connection of the balloon every time without blowing it up!"


Lilith was curious for a while, and as soon as she looked up, she saw that the three target balloons belonging to the Night Moon God really flew, but none of them burst!

"Who is so powerful?"

Lei Min's figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and before everyone could react, a crackling sound sounded, and the three balloons that Ye Yueshen hit the sky were instantly wiped out by Lei Min!

"You're making great progress!"

Lilith, who had reacted, looked at the indifferent Ye Yueshen and said sincerely:

"Originally, I thought that I would let you learn a little of my marksmanship in order to improve your combat effectiveness faster, but now it seems that I may not be suitable to be your teacher!"


Ye Yueshen smiled and shook his head and said:

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