"How can you say such a thing? It's thanks to you that I'm here! Yes!"

"Haha, I'm joking! Now I think you may really be the savior of this world!"

Having said that, Lilith turned to look at her companions in the stands, smiled and said:

"Does everyone feel the same way?"

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Erin and the others curiously, including Mira, everyone was looking up at the sky, not at themselves!

"Black... black forehead sun!"

Aqio's voice trembled a little, but what she said made Ye Yueshen's pupils suddenly widen!

"Black Sun!"

Lilith couldn't react for a while, but when she mechanically looked at the sky with her eyes, a cold feeling that ran through her body made Lilith's heart sink to the lowest point!

"Yakio, prepare to fight, Erin, activate the super barrier, and let the students on the playground leave here quickly, Lei Min, go and inform the principal of the academy, the rest, prepare to fight!"

Mira's voice was trembling, filling everyone's eardrums!

ps: If there is no objection, the next volume will write the gray trilogy, gray fruit, gray labyrinth, and gray paradise.

Chapter [-]: Lisey's Return


Yui suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted loudly:

"There is a figure in the center of the sun!"

"It's Lise!"

Mira looked at the sky with a serious face. The crystal ball in her hand had already started to lift into the sky. At this time, the ninja had already rushed to the principal's room, while Lilith and Akio organized everyone to retreat. In the chaotic playground, only Ye Yueshen, Erin, and Yui stood there, watching the figures in the sky slowly appear!

"What should I do? Big brother?"

Yui looked at Yeyueshen with some worry, and kept grasping Yeyueshen tightly in her hands, saying:

"Big brother, you can't let that woman take your magic away!"

"Do not worry!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then said to Erin:

"Eileen, open the barrier first and let everyone retreat. I think Lise should also mean the same. She came directly to space this time, probably to deal with us!"

"It should be against you!"

Mira's expression was very serious:

"To be able to cause the collapse directly on the entire earth without showing up, after Lisey gets your magic power, her strength should not be underestimated!"

"Then my strength should not be underestimated!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and nodded. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he put the magic book under his wrist and said to Kong'er:

"Let Lise see how my Power Word is doing!"

"No problem, Master, Kong'er can't wait for this moment!"

Kong'er's low voice echoed in everyone's ears, and after a while, a blue-purple light appeared on Ye Yueshen's hands, and an indigo crystal appeared on his neck at some point!

"let's go!"

Yeyue nodded smugly, followed by looking up at Lisey who was getting closer and closer in the sky, and directly let Erin open a gap in the barrier in front of her, and dashed out with a jump!

"Yueyue God! It's you again!"

Lisey sneered, and a purple light band appeared beside her:

"What? Bibria College is so weak now, can only let you come and fight me?"

"And I!"

A childish moan came, and even Lisey was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a chill on her back. She had just hurriedly measured her body, and hid for a while, and immediately found her sister Serena looking at her with a remorseful expression. !

"What a pity! It didn't hit!"

"Sister! There has been some progress these days!"

Lisei gave a slight sigh, spread her arms, and pulled back the distance from Serena, and then said:

"It's a pity that my strength has improved even more. Your big brother's magic power has already been absorbed by me, and the sneak attack just now will never happen again!"

"is it?"

When Mila's voice came, Lisai just turned around when she felt like she was exposed to a red-hot soldering iron, and the feeling of being engulfed in flames spewed out!

"The light of blood justice!"

With a sneer on the corner of Lisey's mouth, she looked at Mira and said loudly:

"Let your horse boy Aquio come and fight with me! Don't let your crystal ball come out, if I blow it up, you will be finished!"

"Then don't worry about it!"

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