Mira's expression was still so serious, she shook her head, and a beam of golden light formed a prismatic frame in front of her, facing Lisey!

"what is this?"

Yui looked at Mira curiously. It seemed that everyone was busy, but Yui was the only one standing watching the fun!

"Ice Crack Shock!"

Mira screamed, the blue prismatic frame in front of her disappeared instantly, and countless cone-shaped blades suddenly appeared in front of Lisai!


Lisey stepped back abruptly, followed by a somersault to avoid Mira's attack. Just as she stood firm in the air, she felt a huge force from behind her suddenly hit her!


Lisey's hands and Ye Luna's fist slammed together at once, and a huge shock wave suddenly made Serena in the air hurriedly fall, and at this time Ye Luna and Lisei were frantically outputting their own. Magic power, the eyes of both of them are wide, as if the winner can be decided in an instant!

"I am coming!"

Yaqio's voice broke the weak balance between the two, and Lisai, the night moon goddess, shifted her power away in an instant, and then the two of them stepped back. At this time, Yaqio was covered with The blue light strip, aimed at Lisey's neck and kicked it!


There was a sound of stepping on the air, and Aqio looked annoyed at the place where Lisei disappeared, and said angrily:

"It's this trick again! Is it interesting?"


Lisey's voice came suddenly, and there was a hint of hilarity!


There was a loud noise in her stomach, and Lisey looked at Aqio in front of her in disbelief. Aqio, who had her back to her child just now, actually kicked her stomach with her left foot!

"I go!"

Yaqio shouted and quickly dodged away. It wasn't that there was any resistance to his attack, but Yaqio was surprised to find that there was no painful expression on Lisai's face, only a little shock!


Yeyueshen also seized the time to attack Lisei, but after seeing Yeyueshen's attack, the latter disappeared directly in front of Yeyueshen, and only touched Yeyueshen a little bit!

"All come back!"

Mila shouted to the three people in the sky, seeing that Lisey's number secret technique could not be cracked, Mila did not intend to let her comrades take risks outside!

"Let them line up in!"

Eileen looked at the sky silently, and when Mira heard it, her heart tightened, and she hurriedly repeated Eileen's request to the sky!


Aqio, who had already rushed to the front of the barrier, had a very strange request to Erin:

"Isn't your barrier accessible at any time?"

"That's me opening a hole for you!"

Erin looked at Aquio indifferently and said:

"If Lise suddenly comes in when I let you in, we won't be able to prevent it!"

"Aren't you able to predict the enemy's direction in advance?"

Akio said in confusion.

"Not now!"

Erin shook her head and said:

"I can't even see Lisey's speed, I don't want to take risks!"

After speaking, Aileen asked Yeyueshen and the others to line up before putting them in, and then turned her barrier into a semicircle at one time, and locked everyone inside!


Lisey's wild laughter suddenly sounded:

"Did you forget the following?"

Accompanied by the sound, the ground under Erin's feet suddenly trembled, and Mira was so frightened that she quickly retracted her crystal ball and aimed it at the ground!


Erin looked at the ground indifferently, and after a while, a crash sounded!

Chapter [-] I refuse

"Beautiful, the underground barriers are quietly arranged!"

After a crash, Lisey's figure suddenly appeared in the sky, her face was ashen, and at first glance, it was not going well!

"It's all Darling's credit!"

Erin looked at Lisey lightly, without any complacent expression!

"Where, where, this is the result of Erin's own efforts!"

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