After speaking, Lisey pouted her mouth slightly, closed her eyes in fascination, and slowly put her lips on Ye Luna's mouth!

"What a hopeless girl!"

Ye Yueshen sighed in your heart. At this time, Yaqio looked at Lei Min opposite, and there was a little hope in his eyes. Lei Min blinked curiously, and when he looked at Ye Yueshen again, his eyes were full of hope. Showing shock!

I saw Lisai, who was still complacent just now, now her body was stiff like a boiled prawn, hunched over her waist, staring fiercely at Ye Yueshen in front of her, her eyes full of hatred. , Ye Yueshen's little heart couldn't help beating faster!

Chapter [-] The key to the ban


Mila shouted and raised the crystal ball in her hand into the sky, followed by a burst of white light, the yellow mist in front of everyone disappeared immediately, and even the floating dust under their feet disappeared without a trace!

"Lei Min, are you still there?"

Ye Yueshen saw Lei Min who was standing not far behind Lisey at a glance, and his eyes were full of joy. When he heard Lisey's words at first, Ye Yueshen always felt that Lei Min might be in danger!

"Of course!"

Lei Min shook his bangs gently and said handsomely:

"Although I don't know what Lisey is going to do, I know that I'm the one who backs away first when there is danger!"

"That's good!"

Yeyueshen nodded with satisfaction. If no one was injured, Yeyueshen would be a lot better at heart!

"You can't stop me now!"

Lisey looked up at the crystal ball that Mira placed in the sky, and said lazily:

"Anyway, it has reached this point. You can stay here with me. As for the outside world, it is a stroke in high-speed time and space, and the rapid development of time will tell us the answer!"

"It will be you who will stay here, not us!"

Mira's business carries a bit of anger:

"We're going out now, and we're going to make your magic disappear, and completely shut down this high-speed space-time!"

After speaking, Lisey nodded to Aquio who was behind her. The latter quickly activated her Power Word and rushed towards Lisey. At the same time, Lei Min, who was behind Lisei, also seized the opportunity. , and rushed over holding the ninja sword!

"Let you see here, my crazy power!"

There was a smile on the corner of Lisey's mouth, she opened her arms, a whirlwind appeared, and soon black wings appeared behind her. What's even more surprising is that these black wings kept growing, growing wildly, and so on. When Lei Min and Yaqio rushed up, even one of their wings forked into four strands, and they rushed towards Lei Min and Yaqio who were attacking from the front and back!


Yaqio's hands and Lei Min's ninja sword were instantly wrapped in black material, and a fiery breath spread, both of them struggled hard, but the effect was very ordinary!

"I come!"

Selina, who was aware of the danger, hesitated, and rushed up. At some point in her hand, there was a long dagger in her hand!


Ye Yueshen shouted, just about to catch up to stop Serena, but suddenly felt that his muscles were filled with gel, and he couldn't move!

"How is this going?"

Serena's body was directly suspended in the air, looking at everything in front of her in horror, she couldn't even turn her head!

"It's over!"

Lilith's voice was a little weak. Looking at the foreground, she said helplessly:

"Lise has released the keys to banning high-speed space-time! Now, as long as her magic can't hold up, this high-speed space-time will automatically block her here!"

"Mr. Lilith! You really think too much!"

Lisey's voice was somewhat euphemistic, but everyone could understand the excitement and joy in it. At this time, Lisey had already bypassed her sister and came to Ye Luna, facing Lily sideways. Teacher Si said:

"You know? Actually, I have another way to get out of this time and space!"

"Increase your own magic power, become a demon king, and then forcibly hand over the keys of this time and space to us! Right?"

Mira's voice was furious. Although she couldn't see Lisey's actions at this time, Mira's analysis still made Lisei speak out:

"As expected of the chief inspector of the library, I can tell my purpose so easily! It seems that you must have put a lot of effort behind your back! About this high-speed space-time!"

"Of course!"

With a hint of contempt in Mila's voice, she said:

"From the day you disappeared, I began to recall the places you always went from when you became an inspector to when you disappeared. Finally, I found your magic remnants in the basement, and in the secret room, I found a In this book, there is the same residue. When I took out that book and read it, the chapter that banned time and space was actually torn up!"

"Haha! It seems that I am still in a hurry!"

With a smile on the corner of Lisey's mouth, she suddenly looked at Mira with curious eyes and asked:

"Then do you know what I'm going to do now?"

"Of course it's absorbing magic power!"

Lei Min's voice was a little unwilling. Just now, he was about to cut off the black tentacles in front of him and attacked Lisai, but he didn't expect to be frozen in the air together with Yaqio!

"That's right!"

Lisai's voice suddenly rose several times, she turned her head to look at Lei Min and said:

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