"I just want to get magic power, I want to become a demon king, I want to become an invincible myth, and you, you are all stepping stones on my road to success!"

Saying that, Lisey pulled off her hair bun as if going crazy, and her frantic hair flew in this still time and space:

"I want to be the strongest, I want to pursue strength, I can't see that you are stronger than me, and you are able to draw a tie with me! This is absolutely not allowed, I am the ultimate winner! The only winner!"

"All right……"

Lei Min looked at Lisei helplessly, shook his head gently, then closed his mouth decisively, and cast a helpless look at Ye Yueshen at the same time!

"Is the next target just me?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lisey's ears like crazy, shook his head and said with a wry smile!

"Of course!"

Lisey turned her head, blinked at Yeyueshen, then smiled slightly, stretched out her hand to lift Yeyueshen's chin, her eyes glowed charmingly, and said to Yeyueshen:

"Are you ready? Accept the devotion of my demon king! Give me all your power!"

After speaking, Lisey pouted her mouth slightly, closed her eyes in fascination, and slowly put her lips on Ye Luna's mouth!

"What a hopeless girl!"

Ye Yueshen sighed in your heart. At this time, Yaqio looked at Lei Min opposite, and there was a little hope in his eyes. Lei Min blinked curiously, and when he looked at Ye Yueshen again, his eyes were full of hope. Showing shock!

I saw Lisai, who was still complacent just now, now her body was stiff like a boiled prawn, hunched over her waist, staring fiercely at Ye Yueshen in front of her, her eyes full of hatred. , Ye Yueshen's little heart couldn't help beating faster!

Chapter [-] Sisters' Love

"This... what the hell is going on here! You bastard, you can actually control the magic in my body, it's impossible, it's impossible!"

Lisai bowed her waist and pointed at Ye Yueshen fiercely with her hands. The hatred in her eyes was like a volcanic eruption.

"You think too much!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lisey helplessly, then shrugged his shoulders habitually, only to find that his shoulders could actually move!

"What's going on? I can move?"

Ye Yueshen's tone was filled with joy and doubts. When he looked down at Lise, he suddenly reacted and said suddenly:

"It turns out that your magic power can't support this static magic way, isn't it?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Lisai's expression became even more distorted. She didn't even have the strength to argue loudly with Yeyueshen, so she could only helplessly cover her stomach, looking at the people who had just been at the mercy of her, and slowly gathered in front of her. !

"Do you know what's wrong?"

The corners of Mira's mouth rose, finally showing a little smile!

"Wrong? Where did I go wrong? From the moment I entered Bibria Academy, I knew that the pursuit of magic is the lifelong pursuit of a magician. Am I pursuing the wrong thing!"

Lisey didn't look over her head and said coldly!

"Don't you know it's wrong?"

Lilith stared at Lisey with wide eyes, as if she couldn't believe that at this time, Lisei was still reluctant to admit that she was wrong:

"You are definitely going to be imprisoned by high-speed space-time, and, and may never be able to go out! You know? It's this time, don't you think there is anything wrong with your behavior?"

"It's not me that's the problem!"

Lisa struggled and roared:

"It's you! Especially you!"

As he said that, he pointed at Ye Yueshen with his hand fiercely, and said with a face of dissatisfaction:

"Tell me! What despicable means did you use to deal with me! How shameless!"

"Nothing else!"

Without waiting for Yeyueshen to answer, Aqio, who was already standing with everyone, calmly activated her Power Word, and then pointed at Yeyueshen's mouth and said calmly:

"Yueyueshen, come and show this lovely evil magician what is smart!"

Saying that, Yeyueshen spit out her tongue, and when Lisei saw the blue ribbon floating on Yeyueshen's tongue, she suddenly understood something, and hurriedly went to see the power word technique that Aquio unleashed. The expression on his face suddenly twisted:

"Excessive, you are going too far! Who is the evil mage! You put Power Word on your tongue, waiting for me to take the bait?"

"Because I knew from the beginning that you would definitely want to hit my magic power, so I just decided to do it! This is a command, it has nothing to do with despicability, who made you come to absorb my magic power as expected? "

Ye Yueshen's mouth had a smile as usual, but after Lisei heard it, she fell into silence. When everyone was wondering, Mira keenly felt the world around her, and it seemed that there was a slight fluctuation in an instant!

"not good!"

Mira quickly reminded:

"High-speed space-time seems to be swallowing power! We are leaving now!"

"Then what about my sister?"

Serena, who had been silent for a while, suddenly walked to Lisey with a sad face, lifted her up, and said loudly:

"I'm just this sister, I'm just this relative, big brother, can you save her!"


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