Only now, have to endure.


Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Bai Xue is targeting Aria, and now Yagami Yue can deliberately ignore Aria, and can also use Bai Xue to piss her off, but it is only a pair of extremely resentful and implied" I must tell my mother, I must tell my mother." Ye Shenyue almost felt that his back was on fire.

Turning slightly, he stretched out another palm towards Aria.

"Uh... hum! Stealing cat, hurry up and thank Xiaoye..."

Ye Shenyue's movements were not big, but for Bai Xue, who was watching closely, it was definitely a big move.

Bai Xue raised her head slightly, revealing her smooth forehead, and then issued an order like a master, causing Aria, who wanted to move her hand up, to quit immediately.

"Humph! People don't want to hold hands like a child like this!"

The arrogant attribute exploded.

The consequence of the outbreak was that Ye Shenyue felt that his backup was about to be melted by the stare.

It's just that the melting journey is far from over.

"From today onwards, I am the Xingjia Baixue who is staying here... Xingjia's shrine maiden."

He kneeled respectfully and sat down, then put his hands flat on the ground and bowed to Bai Xue.

Is Snow White broken?

Ye Shenyue was astonished, "Aren't we already familiar with each other? Name introduction or something...let's avoid it..."

"It can't be avoided, because this is... this is a tutorial for the bride! The etiquette that a bride needs to enter the door!"

Bai Xue's reaction was so intense that Aria was about to open a hole again.

"Bride or something... Absolutely not allowed! Not allowed!"

Aria stuck in between Yagami and Baixue at the fastest speed. "I only have one mother...don't...don't want a stepmother!"


Yagami's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that Aria would say such unethical words.

Bai Xue just wanted to live together and didn't have that ambition yet, but Aria suddenly pushed the problem directly to the top.

This is fueling the flames!

Aria, which side are you on?

It's just that Yagami is more concerned about, does Aria understand what a stepmother is?

The so-called stepmother is when the biological father divorces and then remarries another.

Divorce first and then marry.

be a legal wife.

"Stepmother? This... seems to be a good choice..."

What made people even more astonished was that Bai Xue nodded and touched his smooth chin with one hand, "So, that's it... I'm ready to marry directly at any time..."

Does Bai Xue really understand what a stepmother is?

Ye Shenyue was deeply skeptical.

What surprised him even more was that Aria actually answered at this time.

"No...Aren't you a witch? A witch can't marry, right... You still have a shrine, right! The first thing a witch wants to marry is the shrine! What if you leave the shrine! So what? You still give up your plan to marry!"

Aria was full of momentum, as if she had grabbed the very favorable handle of Shirayuki.

Can't get married because she's a witch?

Aria, do you really understand what the point of the event is?

The stepmother had to let him get a divorce first and then marry again!

As a daughter, the first thing you have to think about is not to let him divorce!Jumping directly to Bai Xue's marriage or not, that's because he tacitly agreed that he could get a divorce or something!

Aria, you are the big murderer who divided our family!

Ye Shenyue sat down in astonishment.

He didn't know what stormy words the two of them would say.

"Although Xingjia Shrine is very important...but...but for my own happiness... Xingjia and other things don't matter... Anyway, there are six sisters...they will take care of everything!"

Baixue stood up directly and said confidently, not losing the momentum to Aria at all.

Ye Shenyue, who was just sitting on the side, watched this scene and listened to these conversations, and he no longer knew how to complain.

It's not even a single Aria, I didn't expect Shirayuki... As a very important and respected shrine maiden, Shirayuki is so unscrupulous!

Snow White, what about your morals as a witch?

Is wearing a witch costume just to be cute?

" really...hmph! Since that's the case...if you really want to get married...then you have to listen to me! If I'm not satisfied, you must not marry me!"

When Bai Xue said these words, she was full of momentum, and it actually made Aria nervous. When she was nervous, Aria actually shouted out words that made people petrify.

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