As long as Aria agrees, Snow White can marry.

Then become a stepmother.

In the end, Ye Shenyue and Kanzaki Kanae were about to cry, but their daughter had acquiesced or even actively agreed to their divorce.

"That's what you said! I'll show Ye Shenyue my determination!"

"Well...the determination to marry!"

Bai Xue still didn't notice Aria's terrifying thought of splitting the family, but she seemed very confident as if she had finally found the entrance after half a circle outside the treasure.

"Well...that's has to satisfy me..."

Aria's body instantly became huge.

Standing behind Aria, Yagami felt that she was also covered in shadows.

Sure enough, Aria and Shirayuki shouldn't be together.

However, the next effect is also obvious.Bai Xue turned her master into a serf, a lovely cook, a lovely maid, and even a lovely girl who could be ordered at will.

"Hey...Bai Xue...Is the meal ready yet?"

"Hey... Baixue... The floor here seems a little dirty..."

"Hey... Baixue, turn on the TV for me..."

Lying on the sofa, she raised it without image and put on black seductive black stockings, but she was only a little loli with a height of only 142cm.

Chapter 015 Please don't think about it (one more request collection)

"Bang bang bang!"

There were various chain-like terrifying sounds in the supposedly silent room. These were the sounds of various furniture being broken and shattered in the hard house.

First, the bulky and most vulnerable LCD TVs, then the taller refrigerators, and then the softest-looking sofas.

All hits, not one is excluded.

And there were only two people who caused this terrible situation, and they were all lovely girls.

One was wearing a sacred witch costume and the other was wearing a cute black tight-fitting gym suit.

Generally speaking, a girl in a witch costume must have a very sacred feeling, and a girl in a gymnastics costume must be very sexy, but now, neither of the two girls have such a temperament.

But at the moment, their temperament is the same, surrounded by the same "shame", surrounded by anger, and then broke out at this moment.

In a duel.

" stealing cat!"

"You actually lied to me!"

Baixue took out a huge iron chain from her sleeve and completely locked Aria's guns. It was this Aria who deceived her and said that as long as Aria was satisfied, she would agree to her "stepmother" status. .

But this guy, her heart will never be satisfied, and only one more rebirth might make her nod.

"Obviously you are stupid!"

Aria said that he would not back down, and that the bully was not prepared at all, "It was clearly caused by yourself first, who told you to deliberately pour water on me? Who told you to deliberately write "stealing cats" in my shoe cabinet Words! Finally tied a tripping piano wire on the stairs downstairs?"

Aria is also very angry, as long as she wants to open a mouth, she will definitely be able to give an example of what happened to Bai Xue... I offended her.

It seems that Bai Xue has done something incredible...

"'s really hot..."

"If you can, I definitely don't want you to be a bodyguard!"

by neither admitting nor denying the "criminal evidence" given by Aria, "If I can, I will definitely not be your bodyguard!"

by Aria, who puffed out her small mouth.Originally, she could continue to bully Bai Xue, but now that Bai Xue has lived in and doesn't listen to her anymore, Aria has a feeling of shooting herself in the foot.She is not in a good mood now.

Really a belly of fire!

It's just that the really angry people are still standing in the corner now.

"It's okay if you knock it out...but you can't knock over your breakfast too!"

Ye Shenyue stood in the corner and said helplessly. At first, Aria used the identity of "stepmother" to attract Bai Xue, but her intentional color expression was too obvious. In the busy day Bai Xue pretended to be cute and cute, In Aria's resolute statement that "it was just a joke before, she would not admit that Bai Xue is her stepmother", Bai Xue suddenly woke up, and then the next day became the current picture.

In a mess, all the furniture ushered in a devastating blow.

"Bai Xue... You are still a witch after all. Although you don't quite understand the specific duties of a witch, as a witch, you shouldn't destroy furniture, right?"

Can't bear it, no need to bear it anymore.

Yagami finally pushed Baixue and Aria away one by one.

With a fair attitude and no one to help, Ye Shenyue pushed the two away and used the same move, but just held the heads of the two and stood between them, so that they could not continue to destroy.

"I'm sorry..."

Bai Xue is indeed a good wife, she knew that she was wrong and immediately admitted it, with her low eyebrows pleasing to the eye, so that Ye Shenyue couldn't bear to continue her criticism.

"Now that I know it's wrong, if I know it's wrong, I should hand over all the chains!"

Seeing Bai Xue admit her mistake, Aria seemed quite proud, and she was the closest relative by blood.

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