"You... a mere stealing cat..."

Bai Xue, who lowered her eyebrows and pleasing her eyes, immediately changed her face, but she lowered her face obediently when she saw Ye Shenyue.

I don't want to be angry, but I really want to be angry.

Ye Shenyue was worried when she saw it.

"Aria, don't be too happy, you brought this up yourself, you are the culprit!"

Yagami held Aria's head down, separating her from Baixue.

"Now listen to my instructions, there will be problems with the two of you together. During the day, I will go to play with Aria first, and I will be with Baixue at night. Tomorrow will be the day of the Atoshia Cup. The people are noisy and chaotic, the safety of Bai Xue is still guaranteed now, and I will protect Bai Xue together with Aria tomorrow."

The Atoshia Cup is an annual competition at Butei High School. It is not only open to the students of the school but also to the common people, so it was the most chaotic time.

However, in the school, there is Mr. Tsuru, who is also an S-level teacher, so Shirayuki's safety will not be a problem.

And, more importantly, it seems that I heard Kanai say that he... seems to be the culprit, the big boss who will be defeated in the end.

No matter what happened to Bai Xue.

Therefore, Ye Shenyue can say with confidence.

"What's the matter...playing during the day..."

Aria expressed dissatisfaction, "Why is the white snow night? Have you prepared any special programs for the night?"

"Sure enough, it's a metamorphosis... a big metamorphosis!"

As soon as she thinks in a certain direction, Aria becomes... excited.

It's just that no matter how excited she is now, the bullets of the pistol have been completely unloaded by Yagami, and of course she can't continue to "open holes" without bullets.

"In the evening... Could it be that Xiao Ye is thinking... I understand... I will go to the shower tonight..."

Bai Xue didn't mind being held on her head by Ye Shenyue at all, but rather pulled her hands to the palm of Ye Shenyue's head holding her head affectionately, her face was blushing as if she was shy and excited.

It seemed that she was also thinking in a certain direction.

It surprised Ye Shenyue, who thought she was still pure.It's just a very simple and simple way to stop the fight between Aria and Shirogane, why... it seems to be infinitely misunderstood?

Chapter 0016


The coke can that was in the way on the ground was kicked away, and the force was not great, but the coke can still swiped a trajectory in the air and fell directly into the trash can, impartially.

The technology is so good.

Yagami glanced at Aria, who had kicked the Coke can into the trash for the third time. The other party's ponytails were still swaying, not the unhappy expression she showed now.

After he gave "accompany Aria during the day" and was with Bai Xue at night, Aria's state was so angry, it seemed that he had revenge for everything but he didn't seek revenge.

But like now, with him, walking together.

Walking in the amusement park.

After being blocked by Riko on the last date, Aria was in a bad mood, so Yagami brought her here again.

Sure enough, it is still a dating resort, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is a couple, a very intimate couple.

"Give you……"

Yagami handed Aria the two newly bought ice creams, and Aria turned around and said she didn't want it.It's just that he really doesn't want to be angry with him, so Ye Shenyue doesn't know.

"Then I'll give it to the girl who sold ice cream just now... The other party seems to be from our school..."

Aria turned around and Yagami turned around, but she turned as if she was talking to herself.

Just this sentence, Aria immediately turned back, took the ice cream from Yagami's hand, and took it away without hesitation. The speed and the swiftness of the movement surprised Yagami.

"No... no flowers and hearts!"

Holding the ice cream, Aria expressed her anger.

One white snow is enough for her, and she can't bear it any more.

"By the way... Aria, Kanae should be talking about flowers and hearts..."

Ye Shenyue laughed dumbly and said, it seems that Aria has been working hard to drive away all the girls around him, she is just a daughter, it seems... she has overstepped her authority.

has overstepped.

"this and that……"

His face turned red all of a sudden, and Aria couldn't tell whether she was nervous or embarrassed. If you think about it calmly, it seems... that she really overstepped her authority, all because her mother was in the police station.

Inside the police station?

Aria felt confident, "But mom is in the police station now, and she can't control you at all, so... my daughter will take your place!"

The mother can't come out, the daughter does her part!

Aria's reason was quite strong, and at the same time the momentum suddenly rose.

However, Ye Shenyue's expression suddenly became ambiguous, and Aria's nervous appearance made people couldn't help but want to tease her.

"Don't tell me... you can also do some things as a surrogate wife? Like kissing or warming the bed or something?"

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