"You...you pervert...what exactly...what do you want to do to your own daughter!"

Aria stood up in excitement, and her lovely face, which was originally only red, turned completely red, and Aria cried out in excitement.

Kiss... kiss...

Warming the bed or something... Warming the bed or something... Absolutely not!

That kind of behavior of first taking a bath and then stripping off your body, just lying on the bed with the quilt... that kind of behavior... she... she... can't do it!

Aria's excited voice suddenly made Yagami Yue take two steps back.

At the same time, it also caused a burning gaze.and a discussion.

"Daughter? Dad?"

"It turns out that they also like cosplay..."

"Indeed...the girl looks cute...it's really suitable to play the role of a daughter..."

"The tastes of today's young people seem to be biased..."

The couple's discussion was lively and loud, and Aria heard it completely.


She thought it would be perverted, horrible, incest, etc. She was ready to shoot to disperse the crowd, but now... it seems... she should have slipped away.

"These people... must be broken!"

Aria bit her cute tiger teeth and ran to the corner with Yagami Yue's hand. What those people said was really... embarrassing!

Aria blushed...

In the corner, I went around to the game store.

This is because Aria doesn't want to meet those couples who have met her just now and are still guessing about their relationship, playing a father-daughter relationship that emphasizes taste.

It would be said to be father and daughter.

Could it be that... father and daughter... Really?

Aria's feet suddenly couldn't move, as if they were frozen, and her neck was unnaturally looking at Yagami.

The unqualified father, his appearance looks, still... really young.

It seems... as if... indeed...

Aria's eyes have all fallen on Yagami Moon.

At this time, Yagami is handing an ice cream to a beautiful girl.

The other party has long brown hair and beautiful dark green eyes.

This is a beauty, no worse than her mother!

"Um... this guy..."

Aria immediately rushed up and abruptly separated Yagami Moon and the brown-haired woman, "This guy already has a wife...you...you should choose another one!"

"Um... Aria... Actually, she's... Kanai..."

Ye Shenyue wanted to say something, but found that she was actually pulled away by the little Aria. When did she have so much strength?

In response, Ye Shenyue could only make an apologetic look at the long brown-haired girl, and was dragged away directly.

"Choose another one?"

Can I choose another one?

The girl with long brown hair who stayed where she was, raised her mouth, it seemed... Aria had an extraordinary feeling for Saya.

Or...is this what he did on purpose?

The girl started all kinds of in-depth conjectures.

Yagami, who was dragged away, was deeply guessing Aria's mind.

I met Kanai just now, and Yagami Yue was dragged away by Aria before she even said two words to her, but it’s okay, now is not the time to introduce Kanai to Aria.

Otherwise, the identity of his big boss will be exposed.

What kind of name will Aria be given?

And, now, the Tsundere Loli, who seemed to be standing still and angrily, became even cuter.

In terms of appearance alone, Aria is really cute.Aojiao's character is also very pleasing, but she doesn't know how Aojiao is, which is another headache.

But no one is perfect, as long as Aria is cute.

only.The current Aria seems to have suddenly increased by 30 years, and has become an age that likes to scold.

"It's impossible to say Hua Xin, you are still in such a short time to strike up a conversation... Where do you put your daughter's status? You guy... It's really bad... It's really bad! Mingming I have such a lovely daughter by my side... I still keep my eyes on others, obviously I have such a lovely daughter... But I still don't see it... But still..."

"Aria... do you like that?"

Although Loli's occasional snack vinegar centered on her is cute, Yagami can't stand her continuous ranting for an hour.

The hard-working Bai Xue finally woke up after an hour-long rant full of resentment by Aria, and finally realized that she was deceived by Aria.

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