"But haven't you been sealed by you?"

Mira looked at Ye Yueshen and said worriedly:

"If you are sealed, can you really use your full power?"

"Of course!"

Before Ye Yueshen could speak, Kong'er took the initiative to say:

"You know, my master is a candidate for the Demon King!"

"I know this!"

Mira said eagerly:

"But I know better that the devil king candidate is also the bearer of the devil king factor. The hype you said will still be sealed!"

"That's right!"

Ye Yueshen nodded with a sly smile on his face:

"But you forgot! There's also Lisey's experience to use!"


Mira was stunned for a moment, frowning tightly, and said:

"I still don't understand what you're saying!"

"Have you forgotten? After Lisey absorbed my magic power, it was once uncontrollable!"

"Of course I know!"

Mira silently glanced at Ye Yueshen, stuck her neck and said:

"I was terrified at the time. If you didn't take the initiative to attract her attention and the ninja's speed was fast enough, I am afraid that the current Bibria Academy would have disappeared!"

"That is, that is!"

Yeyueshen agreed with a smile. For his credit, Yeyueshen has no habit of being humble. He nodded, and Konger said from the side:

"But have you ever thought about why Lisey was bursting with power at that instant. Is it just because the master's power gave her?"

"Any other factors?"

Mira's eyes flashed with surprise, and there was a hint of surprise hanging on the corner of her mouth. Since Ye Yueshen dared to say that, maybe this guy really has a way to break the seal here!

"Is it the accumulation of elements?"

Elias asked tentatively out of context.


Kong'er snapped his fingers to his colleague, and said proudly:

"This is my master's exclusive skill. I'm afraid the little sage knows it, but hasn't practiced it!"

"But you are standing still and can't move, how do you exchange magic power and then accumulate changes?"

Ilyas folded his arms in front of his chest, and looked at Kong'er in front of him lightly, and for the first time there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Uh, this..."

Konger was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Yueshen, how embarrassed and embarrassed the expression on his face was!

"That's a question, but first..."

Ye Yueshen nodded silently and looked in Mira's direction, looking a little embarrassed!


Mira was stunned for a moment, what did she say first?What problem to solve first?


Mira couldn't help but exclaimed, but looking at Ye Yueshen's eyes, anger had begun to appear!

"Yes, it's the source!"

Yeyueshen looked at Mila with a grin. Although she was a little embarrassed, she couldn't help it. This is the reality. Yeyueshen had to use Mira's magic to complete the accumulation of magic. The magic circle is set!


Mila's anger was like a volcanic eruption, she stared at Ye Yueshen again and again, and cursed:

"Do you know that! Your behavior is the same as those evil magicians, and you are planning to use persecution to rule the world!"

"But don't you want to go back?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mira silently, and said relaxedly and naturally:

"Now the little saints and the others may have begun to attack Bibria College! Are you still planning to explore the right and wrong ways with me here?"


Glancing at Ye Yueshen fiercely, Mira suddenly realized that she really had no reason to refute this guy. Thinking about it, I could do nothing here, and I couldn't do anything. If Bibria Academy disappeared , how can I face my comrades who have fought together in the past?

"I know you're embarrassed!"

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