Ye Yueshen saw that Mira had no words to say, and said with a smile:

"But think about it, is there anything in this world that is greater than the sacred cause of clearing the collapse? If this time is successful, we may go back, and if we go back, we may save Bibria College, save it. With Bibria College, we can train more righteous mages, and then eliminate the evil collapse, so that more people can live happily, isn't this a meaningful thing?"

"Master, what you said is so great!"

Kong'er looked at Ye Yueshen silently, and found that not only did his master speak earnestly, but also tears began to appear in the corners of his eyes!

"I was almost moved!"

Ilyas looked at Ye Luna out of context and said silently while standing on the spot.

Chapter [-] Crazy Sucking


Mira gave Ye Yueshen a vicious look, and then said helplessly:

"Since it's for the good of the academy, then I'll give you another magic power!"

After speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and said to Ye Yueshen:

"This is the second time. You can't do it again and again. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Ye Yueshen nodded again and again, and then said to Kong'er:

"Since our source of magic power has been solved, the next problem to be solved depends on you!"

"rely on me?"

Konger looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, pointed to his nose and said:

"What do you do with me? I'm just a magic book!"

"It's up to you to help me cover!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then as soon as he stretched out his hand, he said to Elias who was standing still:

"Are you ready for a surprise attack?"

"Oh? How do you know?"

Elias silently looked at Ye Luna out of context, and said in surprise:

"I should have looked calm just now, how did you see that?"

"Because you are so peaceful!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and said:

"From the moment I finished speaking, you seemed to be in meditation, and you didn't look at Mila at all, indicating that you know that this method is feasible, and you don't need to ask Mila's consent, I just need to be inside this seal. It's okay to force a kiss!"

"Oh? Are you going to force a kiss?"

Elias looked at Luna with a smile out of context, and then said to Mira:

"Look at your companion, you have already made plans in your heart!"

"It does not matter!"

Although Mira's mouth twitched and her face flushed a little, she still stood on the ground with determination and said:

"Yeyueshen is also for our good. Although the means are a bit despicable, as long as I can go out and help everyone, I am willing to support him!"

After speaking, Mila tried her best to lean her body closer to Yeyueshen, and Yeyueshen also turned around and kissed Mila behind him!

"You will make my master angry!"

Ilyas spoke to the Night Moon God out of context, and suddenly stretched out his hand, and a beam of colored light hit Mira!


A loud bang appeared, Konger's hands stably bounced the beam that Ilias had hit from the broken chapter, and when he turned his head, he said to Ye Yueshen with a smile:

"Master, you can continue to enjoy the happy time! I will deal with this guy, in fact, I have wanted to compete with her for a long time!"

After finishing speaking, Konger rushed towards Elias breaking the chapter, because it could not be sealed, so Ilyas broke the chapter and Konger fought around the Moon God and Mira, and Ilias broke the chapter and used all his strength. , is to defeat Kong'er in front of him and prevent Yeyueshen's actions, and Kong'er will naturally not be merciful for the master's will. Remembering that he was neglected by Xiaosheng before, now Kong'er is extremely sensitive, although Absolute strength does not prevail, but it makes Elias out of context and unable to parry!


Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand and finally pulled Mila's shoulders over, then smiled at Mila and said:

"It's time to start!"

"hurry up!"

Mila's face was blushing to the bottom of her ears. Looking at the shameless person in front of her, she closed her eyes helplessly, and Ye Yueshen was not polite. He stretched out his hand and took Mila's head over. Posted on Mila's mouth!


With a loud bang, the shock wave from Kong'er accidentally sent Ilias out of the chapter. Although the latter tried very hard to grab one of the lamps of the chandelier, it seemed that he had suffered a loss, not to mention the fact that he was close to Yeyue. God has destroyed it, and it seems impossible to get rid of Konger's blow!

Ye Yueshen, who saw this scene, kissed Mila, stretched out his hand to Konger and gave a thumbs up, nodded, and continued to immerse himself in the process of absorbing Mira's magic power, and Konger saw Ye Yueshen's expression. , I suddenly felt that I was full of power, no longer sticking to standing in the ring, but rushed straight up, punching Ilias's broken abdomen with a smile!


Ilyas screamed out of chapter, and he endured Kong'er's blow all his life. Konger, who thought he could knock Ilyas out of chapter again, was stunned for a moment at this stall. As soon as he looked up, he saw Yili. Yass's broken face is full of smiles!

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