"All right!"

Ye Yueshen nodded helplessly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he turned Kong'er back into the magic book and put it on his chest. At this time, Mira also reacted from the shock just now, and saw Xiao Sheng holding a red sharp blade and rushing When he came up, he directly summoned his crystal ball, placed it in front of his chest, and then tried his best to pull his body out of the stone wall. Looking at the opportunity, a beam of laser light was directed towards Xiao Sheng's left shoulder!


There was a loud noise, but unfortunately it was the sound of hitting the stone pillar. Mila secretly hated, turned to one side, dodging the dagger coming from Xiao Shengzha, then turned around, holding the crystal ball in her hand and facing Xiao Sheng's head. smashed past!


The little sage who turned around blocked it with a dagger, and then turned around and hit Mila with a back spin kick. Mila, who was caught off guard, blocked the blow with her shoulder, and then turned around and hurriedly Taking a few steps back in the air, a bell sounded, Mira turned around and saw that it was her body that had touched the chandelier hanging in the air, she quickly grabbed the chandelier and lifted her body into the air!

At this time, the little sage has adjusted his physical condition on the stone wall. As soon as he turned around, he rushed up. The only difference is that the dagger in the little sage's hand has disappeared at this time!


There were five consecutive sounds like a sharp sword splitting the cloth. Mila, who was trying to recover her energy, glanced at it, only to see that Xiaosheng, who was coming quickly, sent five red daggers to her hands, feet and head. In desperation , Mira could only stop recovering her magic power. After spinning in place, after dodging the flying dagger, she madly flew towards the dome of the auditorium!


Just when Mila was about to reach the dome, there was a sudden explosion from the dome in front of her. Following that, the dome that was still intact just now shattered into slag and fell down. A huge black sky appeared!

"If you don't have to fight meleely, I'll win!"

Mila turned and glanced at the little saint who was catching up. With a shake of her head, she took advantage of the chance that the dome collapsed and flew out. At this time, the little saint also stopped, hovered in the air, and looked down at the man on the ground. Night Moon God.

"Why did big brother help her?"

Xiao Sheng looked a little annoyed!

"Why are you attacking her?"

Yeyue God asked knowingly.

"Because just now...the big brother and her did things that they shouldn't do!"

Xiao Sheng's tone was a little trembling.Shake, work hard, and then speak!

"That's to break the magic circle out!"

Ye Yueshen spread his hands helplessly and said:

"If you don't open the magic circle, the world will be destroyed. You don't even have a place to live. How can you become a strong man?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the little saint with some distress, and his tone became a lot softer!

"But...but, but the little sage just doesn't want big brother to share it with others! Big brother can only be owned by me! How can I see big brother being kissed... kissed like this, or forced!"


When Konger heard this sentence, he couldn't help but let out a loud voice, Ye Yueshen patted Konger with his hand, and then said:

"That's not forced, just to be able to break the magic circle here! It's that simple!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, the little sage was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said:

"However, I let big brother in here for your own good! Do you know? This world is very dangerous. You have to stay inside to survive this catastrophe!"

"Birds in cages are not happy!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Xiao Sheng lightly, and then said:

"And is it too much for you to attack Mira indiscriminately and suddenly?"

"What? Am I going too far?"

Xiao Sheng's figure swayed in the air, and he was stunned for a moment, before he said:

"Big brother, do you think I'm too much? Don't you like me anymore, like that girl with yellow hair?"

"Uh...how can you think like that?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the little saint for a while, and hurriedly said:

"How is that possible? How can I not like the little saint? I have spent countless efforts to find you! All these holes can be proved!"

Having said that, Ye Yueshen patted his chest and released Kong'er!

"Kong'er, you said what I said just now, right?"

Ye Yueshen winked at Kong'er and said!

"Yes! Master is right!"

Kong'er was stunned for a moment, and quickly looked at the little saint in the air and replied, if you don't cooperate with Ye Yueshen at this time, you will be dead!

"Since I like me, why can't I attack this woman? I see her stern look, and it's definitely not good for big brother!"

"Your sixth sense is so good!"

Kong'er silently added in her heart, but on the surface she followed Yeyueshen and defended:

"No way! Inspector Mira is just habitually serious!"

"is it?"

Little Saint turned his head suspiciously to look at the destroyed dome, pointed to the dome and said:

"Then why did she leave you behind? Besides, she doesn't plan to come back!"

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