"Who said I wasn't going to come back?"

Mila's voice suddenly came, and Yeyueshen was stunned when he heard the words, only to see that Mila had already stood on the other side of the dome, that is, on the head of Yeyueshen!


Falling like the wind, Mira soon came to Ye Luna's side, pointed to the little sage in the sky and said to Ye Luna:

"This guy is the little saint you've been dreaming about? Is it too aggressive? Is it a fake again, come to stop us from going back to support everyone?"


Konger was about to say something when he heard a hearty laugh from the air!

Chapter [-] The Controversy Between Former Master and Servant

"Hahahaha! There are still people in this world who doubt my identity!"

Xiaosheng laughed loudly in the sky, and after laughing enough, he asked the night moon god below:

"Big brother, do you think I am a little saint?"

"of course!"

Ye Yueshen and Konger responded in unison.


Mira looked at Ye Luna and asked curiously:

"You quickly saw that the previous one was fake, and you are so sure that this one is true? Do you two have any basis for judgment?"

"Of course there is!"

Konger proudly raised his head and said:

"That is, the two legendary magic books that I and Ilya have broken chapters can be disguised as little saints. Although little saint's magician power is good, it is impossible to always get the legendary magic books. The deity is over. Do you understand? The only people in this world who can make a perfect clone are I and Ilias. Have you ever heard of that magic book that can transform into a real body?"

"I haven't heard of it, but I haven't heard of it!"

Mira said hesitantly:

"But it is said that there is still such a thing as a clone technique! Aren't you on guard?"


Little Saint's laughter was still so hearty, but what really attracted Mira's attention was Ye Yueshen's uncontrollable laughter.

"What are you laughing at? If you have any basis, just say it, and let me, an ignorant person, listen to it!"

Mira said with a fist.

"That's not easy!"

Ye Yueshen was not humble either, he smiled and said:

"There is a clone technique, but first, there must be more than two clones. Second, even if only one appears, then the main body must be not far away. Have you felt other things since you came out of the little sage? What about magic?"

"Well, that's not it!"

Mila nodded, which was considered to admit the identity of the little saint, and the little saint here smiled slightly and rushed over. Mila just released her crystal ball, but saw the little saint directly in front of Konger, Looking at Konger with great interest for a long time, he said:

"Just now you said that with my ability, it is impossible to obtain the legendary magic book all the time. What do you mean by that?"


Kong'er looked at Xiao Sheng with an innocent face, and said indifferently:

"You know, I am your magic book anyway, once! I am still very clear about your power. It is very hard for you to control two legendary magic books at one time, so you generally They all use Ilias to break the chapter, just to be able to consume as little as possible the power of their transformation, although you gave me to the big brother, but after you, you will also consume a huge amount of power to come out from the crack of time and space. In the future, it will be difficult for you to subdue other legendary magic books!"

As Kong'er spoke, everyone around them nodded silently, until at the end, Kong'er proudly added:

"There are actually not that many magic books in the legend. If you want to find them in a short time, it is a fool's dream!"


When Xiaosheng heard Kong'er's words, he gritted his teeth angrily, pointed at Kong'er and said:

"You dare to talk to me like this now, you must know that I am your master! And I am the wife of your current master!"


Ye Yueshen heard the words and silently wiped the sweat from his forehead beside him, while Mila immediately thought of a girl with the same face.

"Hey, hey, former master, please note that you are now my former master, not my current master!"

Kong'er looked at Xiao Sheng and said impatiently:

"And since you handed me over to the big brother, I am the magic book of the big brother. Naturally, I have to think about the big brother everywhere. If I keep thinking about it, I should stand still and wait. Elias came to beat me out of context, is that what you mean?"

"Under your cultivation, your magic book has become much better at eloquence!"

Mira stood by the side and said silently to Ye Moon God.

"You're not too messy!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Mila speechlessly, and then stood silently watching. When two girls were arguing, the most sensible way for a boy was to stand beside him without speaking, and look at Ye Yueshen indifferently. After the two people quarreled, they would tell Ye Yueshen their grievances in different places!

"of course not!"

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