Ye Yueshen lowered his head and chuckled, looked up at Xiao Sheng, shook his head slightly, and said a little sadly:

"This is not the little sage I know, the little sage I know is definitely not such a shallow girl, let alone an ordinary nympho girl, the little sage I know is a person who is willing to let love live in love Yes, a great and lovely girl who is willing to give everything for the person she loves! Really, that is my little sage, and you are the little sage I love!"

"Big brother……"

Xiao Sheng heard Yeyueshen's words, bit his lip, but still didn't have the courage to stand up straight and look at Yeyueshen.

Chapter [-] Had to fight!

"The little sage I know is more thoughtful and profound. What you said is simply trying to prevaricate me!"

Ye Yueshen stared at Xiao Sheng's eyes and said seriously!

"I was moved by what you said!"

Trying to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, the little sage took away the arm of Ye Yueshen on his shoulders, and said:

"But it's only touching. The battle between us is not over yet, is it?"

After finishing speaking, the little sage's "Whoosh!" sound faded from Ye Yueshen's face, stretched out a hand, put it on the ground, looked up at Ye Yueshen and said:

"Big brother, I have to imprison you today!"

After speaking, I only saw a huge torrent emanating from Xiaosheng's palm and quickly spread out on the ground. Yeyueshen just jumped up, and found that there was already a blood-red ocean under his feet. Seeing this In one scene, Yeyueshen knew that the little sage was determined to imprison him, and without hesitation, he flew directly at the little sage:

"Little Saint, it seems that if we don't defeat you, we don't want to leave here!"

"Big brother, why do you have to save the academy that is doomed to be destroyed?"

Xiaosheng screamed, and with a flick of his hand, the blood-colored liquid on the ground shot up into the sky, like sharp swords, rushing out from the ground, and pierced at Yeyueshen's body. The ground that was calm just now, It suddenly became a sharp forest!

"There is hope for the salvation of this world!"

Ye Yueshen let out a loud roar, dodged the oncoming attack with a somersault, then turned to one side and charged towards the little sage in front of him. Along the way, although the little sage desperately let the liquid on the ground form a birdcage-like attack Group, but Yeyueshen can always escape, and before you know it, Yeyueshen is still approaching Xiaosheng!

"Big brother!"

Xiaosheng's business suddenly became gentle, and Yeyueshen stopped when he was ten centimeters away from Xiaosheng. Although the liquid was emitted by Xiaosheng under his feet, Yeyueshen saw something called from Xiaosheng's eyes. something gentle!

"Little Saint!"

Ye Yueshen stared into the eyes of the little sage, then opened his arms and hugged the little sage in front of him tightly. For some reason, Ye Yueshen always felt that the little sage was the most pitiful existence in this world!

"I'm sorry, big brother, I have a reason to imprison you!"

The little sage was lying beside Yeyueshen's ear, and the moment he uttered these words, he suddenly turned into a red liquid and wrapped Yeyueshen's entire body. When Yeyueshen reacted, Yeyueshen In an instant, he saw the little saint who was holding him standing in front of him, watching the red liquid surround his body!

"Why? What the hell are you doing?"

Yeyueshen looked at Xiaosheng with disappointment on his face. He thought that his warmth could make Xiaosheng change his mind, but now it seems that this is completely delusional!

"Destroy the world!"

Xiaosheng stood in front of Yeyueshen, staring at everything in front of him indifferently. After saying this, he turned his face away, as if waiting for Yeyueshen to be imprisoned by the gradually solidified liquid.

"let it go!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly and slowly stood up from the ground. As Ye Yueshen stood up, the little sage clearly felt a throbbing in his heart. When he turned around, Ye Yueshen was slow, He also stood up slowly, even though the red clot on his body was pulling his body desperately!

"Big brother, why can't you be on my side? Do you really think I'm targeting you?"

The little sage's tone was crying, while Yeyueshen moved his body with difficulty, looked at the little sage, and said silently:

"Maybe I can't guess your thoughts, but I did this not because you want to destroy the world, but because I think there must be more things in your heart, and those things are probably related to me, little saint, you bear it It's too much, if I can't persuade her, then I'll knock her down this time and take over your responsibility!"

"Big brother……"

When Xiaosheng heard Yeyueshen's words, he covered his face and shed tears in pain, while Yeyueshen fully exerted his magic power. Under the powerful magic of Yeyueshen, Xiaosheng originally used to imprison Yeyueshen. Those red liquids also slowly turned into dry lumps on Ye Luna's body, and then fell off little by little until they became unusable waste!

"Come on, let's have a real showdown!"

The corner of Ye Yueshen's mouth rose slightly:

"If you don't do this, you must be unwilling!"


The sound of crying was significantly reduced, and the little sage wiped away the tears on the two of them, revealing a bright smile, and said:

"Come on, me and you!"


Ye Yueshen nodded slightly, stood up, bowed slightly to Xiao Sheng, then stretched out his hand, punched, and charged towards Xiao Sheng!


With a crisp sound, Yeyueshen's wrist was held, the little sage smiled, no longer as heavy as before, jumped up, reached out to Yeyueshen, and slashed towards Yeyueshen's shoulder with a palm.


Ye Yueshen squatted lightly, turned around to block it, and then slapped the backhand, a liquid with a violent flame rushed directly to the little saint, the little saint swirled and flew into the air, facing Ye Yueshen on the ground with two feet, two The attack with the blue aperture, obviously, Konger was able to understand the power word technique before, which is inseparable from the practice of the little saint. At this time, the power word technique attack with three points of the demon king factor is even more violent, directly facing Ye Luna. The lower jaw comes, unless Ye Yueshen dodges quickly, otherwise, he will definitely be attacked!


A huge wave of light appeared, and Yeyueshen blocked Xiaosheng's attack impartially. The latter was stunned for a moment, smiled and let go of his hand, and then turned around, a long sword rushed over, Yeyueshen was helpless, only Able to take a step back, and then do a backflip, can dodge Xiao Sheng's blow, and then, Ye Yueshen also slammed the hammer on the ground, and Xiao Sheng in the air suddenly found that there were flaming flames in six directions at the same time. The huge stones are all facing themselves precisely, and these six flame stones are still not on the same plane from the three-dimensional attack!


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