After Xiaosheng escaped the two flame stones, he could only use his body to resist the remaining four flame stones. At this moment, Ye Yueshen suddenly disappeared. Unfortunately, Xiaosheng was in a hurry and did not pay attention to this detail. When the flame stones rushed over, the first three flame stones were very normal, and they were blocked by the little saint, but the last flame stone turned into the night moon god, and suddenly enveloped the little saint in the air. The sage reacted, Ye Yueshen's lips had been pasted, and at the same time, a slippery thing also entered the mouth of the little sage!

Chapter [-] The Truth Comes Out


The little sage, who was almost suffocated by Ye Yueshen's kiss and kiss, exhaled heavily, and at the same time looked at Ye Yueshen with a shy face, in his eyes, there were shyness, shame, sullenness, and a little bit of excitement.

"Are you okay?"

Yeyueshen looked at the little saint pretending to be curious. Since coming to this Liberty Academy, Yeyueshen has never seen a little saint as cute as his sister. There is always a huge sense of depression surrounding each other. It seems that Really uncomfortable.

"No... how can it be okay? Big brother, you are dead! You sucked all the energy of others!"

Xiao Sheng looked at Ye Yueshen with annoyed expression, and wiped his lips vigorously, as if he could wipe away the shame just now!

"That's for your own good!"

Ye Yueshen said without shame:

"You know, the devil factor in your body, and three fake devil factors, if it takes a long time, it may devour your host in turn!"

"Master, it seems that you should be more concerned about why Xiaosheng did this?"

After the battle, Konger, who returned to Ye Yueshen's side, said abruptly.

"Yeah, ask her how our college is?"

Mira looked at Ye Yueshen eagerly, as if from beginning to end, Bibria College was much more important than Ye Yueshen!

"It's the way it is!"

Without Ye Yueshen's eyes suggesting, the little sage who kept his promise explained to everyone with a sullen face:

"Actually, I did this because I saw something I shouldn't have seen!"

"Something that shouldn't be seen? In a space-time rift?"

Yeyueshen looked at Xiaosheng curiously. Although he didn't know what Xiaosheng saw, from the previous conversation, Yeyueshen noticed that Hashi's experience of the cracks in time and space caused Xiaosheng to undergo a huge transformation!

"En! There, I saw the origin of the world!"

The little saint nodded and said.

"The origin of the world?"

Mira, Konger, and Ilya all looked at Little Saint, the origin of the world, in amazement, this combination of words in the lives of these people may never have a chance to appear!


Xiaosheng nodded fiercely and said:

"That's the constant rebirth and destruction!"


The three of them continued to be surprised, but they didn't realize that Ye Yueshen, who was beside him, fell into silence for a while.

"And I also saw the destruction of this world!"

What Xiaosheng said next made everyone present, including Ye Yueshen, suddenly excited:

"who is it?"

Ye Yueshen asked eagerly, if the cracks in time and space could reveal the origin of the world.Then the cracks in time and space of each world should constantly reproduce the destruction and rebirth that happened next!

"Yes... it's the big brother and the seven magicians!"

Xiao Sheng thought about it for a while, but still said it!


Behind the unanimous exclamations, there are waves of fear. If this world is really like what Little Saint saw in the cracks in time and space, it is constantly being reborn and destroyed by Ye Yueshen and the seven magicians, then, Has not the meaning of life become nothingness?

"Big brother!"

Speaking of which, the little sage finally couldn't help the repression in his heart, and threw himself into Yeyueshen's arms and said:

"You know what? When I saw that you were destroying the world, I was not only sad, but even more painful, I couldn't see the smile on your face. I saw only fatigue, pain, and endlessness. numbness and sadness, I don't want my beloved big brother to be like that! That's why I struggled from the cracks in time and space, in order to be able to rescue you from that endless pain , I am willing to replace you and destroy this world!"

"That is to say, you are for the master not to be imprisoned by the shackles of fate?"

Kong'er stood beside him timidly. For the first time, he realized that his former master was so great. Perhaps, Little Sage has always been so great, but he just didn't realize it!


Xiao Sheng responded, and then said:

"That's why I let my eldest brother come out of Bibria Academy and come to this relatively safe place. When I destroy that academy, I can let my eldest brother escape that fate. Of course, the premise is that my eldest brother is willing to be quiet. I want to stay here, but I know that the big brother is also a great person and will never sit idly by, so I planned to imprison the big brother here at the beginning, but I didn't expect that it would not work!"

"So you made up a reason to show up and plan to continue to imprison the master?"

Kong'er looked at Xiao Sheng stupidly. His voice was no longer resentful and mocking, but rather fearful that he didn't dare to look directly.

"En! But big brother is really not an ordinary person. He defeated me easily. It seems that I still want to let big brother destroy Bibria College instead of me!"

The little sage usually hugs Yeyueshen, and usually says a little unwillingly.

"But what's wrong with Bibria College? Why destroy it?"

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