When the three air balloons were filled with magical power, Ye Luna untied everyone's shackles, carrying three huge air balloons, and charged towards Bibria Academy on the ground!

"Boom boom boom!"

Three loud bangs came, and Yeyueshen was replaced by a large piece of fiery red in front of Yeyueshen. In the constant explosion sound, if you listen carefully, Yeyueshen still heard the sound of objects colliding. The huge explosion made Yeyueshen tactile. They were a little out of order, but in the panic, Yeyueshen still managed to grab something. Although the flames were in front of him, Yeyueshen felt an unprecedented relief!

ps: I will write a gray series in a few chapters. I hope you can continue to support it, and I am very grateful.

Chapter [-]: Ten Thousand Years Destruction Plan

"Look! The destroyed world is regrouping!"

Ai Lin, who was closest to Ye Yueshen, was also excited at this time. She was able to see her world being destroyed and reshaped with her own eyes. This kind of thing has completely surpassed the so-called confinement!

"Little Saint!"

Ye Yueshen opened his eyes, only to see a fiery red, the whole world is slowly recovering, and his own hands, in the chaos, grabbed the hand of the little saint, thus avoiding the world where the little saint was destroyed Devoured!

"Big brother!"

All the muscles in my body seem to be torn!Xiaosheng opened his eyes in pain and looked at Ye Yueshen in front of him, his heart was desolate:

"I'm about to leave this world. Although my body is still there, my power is being dissipated quickly. Big brother, you have reborn this world, and my power will be taken back and reassembled!"

"No! No!"

Ye Yueshen shouted loudly, grabbed Little Saint's hand tightly, concentrated his whole body on his arm, waved his hand, carried Little Saint on his shoulder, and rushed into the sky, when the surrounding gravity became more and more The smaller, Yeyueshen finally arrived in the outer space of this planet. Knowing that Xiaosheng's body could not withstand such a shock, Yeyueshen decisively recovered the power that he had kept in outer space, and established a small knot for Xiaosheng. boundary!

"You continue to inject attack magic into this!"

Ye Yueshen put three transparent air bubbles in front of the seven magicians, turned around, and cut a long trace in outer space with his own hands, and then stretched out his hand, and he put the little saint together with the enchantment. put it in!

"Ikuko! Save this girl!"

Ye Yueshen shouted to the inside, and then closed the crack in front of him with his mind and returned to the crowd!

"Big brother! What kind of identity are you!"

She looked at Yeyueshen with shock on her face, Yuyi's words were a bit incomprehensible, and everyone else stood there stupidly looking at Yeyueshen. This was not the time when the world was destroyed just now. Everyone was too scared to say no. The words that came out were the actions of Yeyueshen in outer space just now, all of which were shown to everyone by Yui through the dream realm!

"You'll know by then!"

Ye Yueshen responded lightly:

"Let's settle the matter here first. I can only tell you one thing right now. What you are doing now is not only good for this planet, but also for the entire universe. Come on!"

After speaking, Yeyueshen started to attack the air bubbles in front of him, and the air bubbles quickly absorbed Yeyueshen's attack into it. While attacking, Yeyueshen said to everyone:

"Everyone, fill up these three air bubbles quickly, the faster we go, the lower the level of Honkai appears in each new world, and we are one step closer to completely eradicating Honkai!"


The first person to react from the shock was Lilith. Although she didn't know what Ye Yueshen was talking about, Lilith felt that this must not be wrong because of Ye Yueshen's serious look just now!

"come on!"

Lei Min also laughed, and then flew to the air bubble, frantically storing his own attacks in it, and the other magicians no longer hesitated when they saw this scene, and tried their best to exert their power. , and then let Yeyueshen bring it to the planet and destroy it again. At the same time as the destruction, the world is also reborn. Everyone must continue to fill three huge air bubbles with their attacks. It can be said that except for Yeyueshen Rush up to destroy the world with three air bubbles. For the rest of the time, everyone is frantically outputting their attack power, and the world in front of them is constantly being destroyed!

"When will this end?"

Although the sweat all over the body will be evaporated at the moment of the explosion of the planet, but Serena's face is still sweaty. As the only existence that is not a seven-person magician, Serena can survive the first mass destruction. Because of hiding behind Night Moon God, otherwise, no one in the chaos at the time would have the ability to protect Serena!

"It's early!"

While Ye Yueshen attacked, he responded:

"In less than a thousand years, our planet has been destroyed more than [-] times, and the registration of the collapse is still at the intermediate level, everyone continue!"

"Ah! Almost a thousand years!"

Serena's jaw was about to fall in surprise. Although she could no longer perceive the changes of day and night at this time, the speed of travel at this time was really amazing!

"See that star?"

While Ye Yueshen continued to attack, he came to Serena's side and said:

"It's the brightest and brightest star, that star is called Shizi Comet, and that huge black hole over there, do you see it? When Shizi Comet circles that black hole, it represents the completion of [-] years. , the Comet Shizi is less than a tenth of the way away, and naturally it has been less than a thousand years!"

After that, Ye Yueshen rushed to the reborn world with three air bubbles full of attacking magic power, completely destroying it to the atomic level...

Afterwards, everyone continued to destroy the world in front of them under the leadership of Yeyueshen, and the constant complaints began to appear slowly. In the end, even Lilith, who had never complained, couldn't help asking Yeyueshen. :

"When will it end? It's been over ten thousand years!"

"When we can destroy this planet again while crashing it, the mission is complete!"

Ye Yueshen said while attacking:

"Your attacks are getting more and more skillful, and your speed is getting faster and faster. Godhead has begun to appear, don't worry!"


Lilith looked at Yeyueshen in surprise, and she didn't understand what Yeyueshen's words meant!

"Your initial attack can't be absorbed by these air bubbles at all. All these things absorb my attack, but you keep practicing. After [-] years, your attack can finally enter here!"

"Ah! We have been practicing for over ten thousand years?"

Mira looked at Ye Luna in disbelief, but she didn't notice that a yellow glow began to appear on her body!

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