"En! Now the eight of you are divided into two groups, and at the same time instill attack magic into these air bubbles, I will solve the collapse phenomenon at one time!"

After that, Ye Yueshen picked up the three air balloons in front of him and rushed up!

Chapter [-] New Planning

"Oh, so tired!"

Ye Yueshen suddenly squatted in the universe, looking at the new planet whose collapse phenomenon had just been completely eliminated, he let out a long sigh of relief!Just now, Yeyueshen used the same speed as light to hit the two magic balls with one second apart, finally eliminating the root cause of the collapse that caused the vibration of the entire universe, with the end of Yeyueshen's action. , The surrounding planets infected by Honkai also returned to normal because of the lost source of Honkai.

And several planets that had been transplanted with corruption continued to be treated under the siege of the seven magicians who appeared in the godhead. Now that everyone has learned how to deal with it, Yeyueshen is too lazy to continue working!

"All right!"

Lilith walked to Ye Luna's side and squatted down. Since everyone's godhead appeared, work has become much easier!


Ye Yueshen stood up, looked at the eight girls behind him, nodded and said:

"I'll take you to see Miss Yuzi! Now your identity is no longer a simple mage, but..."

Ye Yueshen was talking when suddenly a crack appeared in the space behind him. Before Ye Yueshen could react, a pair of small hands stretched out and covered Ye Yueshen's eyes:

"Big brother, guess who I am?"

"Of course it's the little saint!"

Ye Yueshen pulled down the hands that were blinded in front of his eyes, and when he turned his head, he saw that Xiao Sheng was holding a pure white envelope in his hand!

"This is Miss Yuzi's letter to you!"

Xiao Sheng nodded obediently, and there was a hint of slyness in his eyes!


Ye Yueshen nodded, stood up and opened the envelope, saying as he opened it:

"Do you know that you are the first people in this world to have a godhead, that is to say, you are the gods of this world from now on!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen opened the letter and looked at it, his heart tightened, he glanced at the girls around him keenly, and ran away!

"Eh? Big brother, what are you running for?"

Yuyi looked at Yeyueshen's disappearing figure with a puzzled face. Just as she was about to catch up, she was stopped by Little Saint:

"Don't chase it, this is my mission!"

"Why are you running? Does it have something to do with Xin?"

Lilith came over, picked up the letter that Ye Luna had thrown away, and smiled immediately:

"Yeyueshen is really not easy. It took us over [-] years of practice to make a few of us appear as gods. As a result, Miss Yuzi asked him to hurry up and go to other worlds to cultivate some gods to enrich his god status..."

As she talked, Lilith's voice became smaller and smaller, because she keenly discovered that the eyes of her companions around her had changed!

"Godhead? Godhead?"

Mila looked at Lilith blankly, a surge of ecstasy flooded her heart, but I don't know if she was too happy, everyone patted their hearts, as if they couldn't bear such a great joy!

"We are gods! It turns out that Yeyueshen is a god... ah no, it turns out that Yeyueshen is a god!"

Yaqio shouted at the vast universe, and at this time, the night moon god has come to the capital of the Torristine Kingdom, of course, this is another planet!

"Louise, Louise!"

Ye Yueshen shouted and rushed into the palace. Although more than [-] years have passed in another world, because of the barrier constructed in advance, the entire time and space have only less than three months to circulate.

"The military lords inside and outside the Governor?"

A waiter watched Yeyueshen's face full of excitement, and tried to keep his voice low, because according to legend, the entire minister seemed to fly into the sky, and now he has come back?

"Get out of the way, I want to see the third lady of Barry's family!"

Ye Yueshen didn't even look at the man in front of him, he just wanted to rush in!

"But my lord, isn't the third lady of Barry's family home?"

The waiter who was thrown to the ground by Ye Yueshen said timidly!

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Yeyueshen stomped on the ground, flew, and rushed to Barryairu's house. The gatekeeper had seen Yeyueshen. Although he doubted that he was dreaming, he slapped himself twice and woke up. He invited Yeyueshen in, and as soon as he arrived in the back garden, Yeyueshen saw that Louise was escorting her servants down the lake!

"Louise, Louise! It's me!"

Yeyueshen yelled at Louise in the center of the lake. After the latter realized that it was Yeyueshen, he almost fell into the lake in shock, but Yeyueshen, who was too lazy to hide his strength, flew away and took Louise. Si was rescued, and at this time, the concierge informed that Queen Anrietta I heard the news of Luna’s return and rushed over, and at this time Tabasa was visiting Torristine as Queen of Goliath , Hearing the news, he also brought his friend and prime minister, Zerupster, and Her Lady Queen brought many of the students of the original Moon God to the Duke of Bariairu's house!

"Since everyone is here! Let's hold a grand banquet!"

The Duke of Barrielu responded very quickly, and soon held a grand banquet for Ye Luna on the lawn, and when he learned that Louise was completely healed, Ye Luna, who was so happy, agreed directly, just as everyone was playing When he was happy, a crack in time and space suddenly appeared behind Yeyueshen, and the little sage jumped out of it, but Yeyueshen reacted and hurried away, only to hear the little sage shouting loudly:

"I will search all the places you have been under the guidance of Miss Yuzi!"

After speaking, Little Saint seemed to be chasing after him, only to be fixed by Louise's body-fixing technique. Little Saint, who had temporarily lost his magic power, could only be helplessly surrounded by a group of lovely girls in the following days. It is required that the deeds of Yeyueshen continue to be told!

Yeyueshen, who escaped, rushed into outer space and was constantly reminiscing about the little sage's words. Finally, he made up his mind to kill and not waste precious time on the cause of cultivating gods for the realm of the gods. Yeyueshen decided to continue in Traveling in a vast space and time, but first of all, Ye Luna decided to mark all the interests that he had traveled to before, so as not to fall into the situation of being discovered!

"It's not easy. It turns out that skipping classes is risky, and it's not easy to be absent from work!"

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