Yeyueshen looked at the world he had marked, and rested breathlessly in a corner of the universe. As soon as he stopped, Yeyueshen was attracted by a burst of bright light.

"Strange, just next to He Black Hole, why can it still emit such a dazzling light?"

Yeyueshen covered his eyes while accelerating forward. When he reached the location of the luminous body, Yeyueshen strangely saw five words on the world's space-time enchantment map:

"Grey Labyrinth!"

Grey maze!Grey fruit!Grey Paradise!series

Chapter [-] Unreliable Uncle

"Grey maze?"

Yeyueshen looked at the world in front of him curiously, no matter how much he thought about it, he could not remember that he had ever created such a world.

"Forget it, since I can't even remember it, Yu Zi definitely can't remember it either!"

Ye Yueshen thought to himself, turned his head to look at the surrounding space, and did not see the girls Yu Zi sent to follow him, so he calmed down and headed for the gray maze!


Just when Ye Yueshen was about to enter the gray labyrinth, he suddenly thought of something:

"Since Kong'er can track down Torristine with my divine power, then I can definitely continue to track my divine power with Yuko's help. It seems that I need a solution!"

Ye Yueshen thought so, and stopped at the edge of the gray labyrinth. In the atmosphere, Ye Yueshen waved his hand, and a transparent enchantment of a huge ellipsoid was formed!

"Store your divine power here first!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the hidden barrier he created and thought indifferently:

"Even if someone with a divine position passes by here, they will not be able to find it because of the atmosphere!"

After speaking, Yeyueshen stored his divine power in the ellipsoid barrier. Of course, Yeyueshen was not stupid enough to lose all of his divine power. Some of the traceless divine powers hidden in the body, Yeyueshen still retains. Understand!

"I don't know what the situation in this world is like, but since I don't remember it, it doesn't seem to be an advanced planet. Maybe it hasn't developed magic yet!"

While thinking about it, Ye Yueshen slowly landed and flew in the air of this world. Suddenly, a plane passed by Ye Yueshen's side, and the air flow driven by Ye Yueshen instantly scraped the robes on Ye Yueshen's body!

"What's the matter with this small plane? Do you want to fly so recklessly?"

Ye Yueshen murmured dissatisfied, turned around, and chased after him. Through the window of the small plane, Ye Yueshen saw an anxious pilot!

"What's so exciting?"

Yeyueshen found that there was no one in the plane, only the pilot was accelerating frantically. Seeing this scene, Yeyueshen's curiosity was immediately hooked out. He jumped and sneaked into the cabin of the small plane. Calmly look at the anxious pilot!

"Eh? There's no bad luck? It's a burst of joy. What the hell happened to this guy?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the back of the pilot with a curious face, and when he was not careful, the flying fuselage suddenly slowed down in the air, almost causing Ye Yueshen to fall!

"This guy is definitely not a good pilot!"

Yeyueshen was discussing in his heart, and he sat calmly in the cabin of the plane. After a while, a huge city appeared in front of Yeyueshen, and a relatively barren runway slowly appeared in front of Yeyueshen. !

"I'm a small passenger plane C, requesting an emergency landing at Coleslock Airport!"

The pilot shouted into the microphone and rushed down without waiting for a reply, leaving Ye Yueshen looking at the silly pilot with a helpless expression.

"It's amazing to call directly without even turning on the radar and radio!"

Ye Yueshen mocked in his heart, and a curiosity also poured out of his heart:

"Since I have come to this new world, then I will simply see what the happy event this uncle has!"

Thinking like this, Ye Yueshen followed the uncle all the way to a hospital that looked as dilapidated as a small airport.

"What a cute little girl!"

As soon as Ye Yueshen entered the hospital, he saw a girl in ordinary children's clothes, with light blue hair, long eyelashes and big eyes, standing at the entrance of the corridor, anxiously looking around, looking extremely cute. The little girl!

"Daddy, Daddy! Mommy's in there!"

The cute little girl screamed when she saw the uncle pilot, causing people in the hospital to look sideways.

"Isn't this the man who didn't even care about his family for money? Really!"

Ye Yueshen listened to the discussions of the people around him, but Ye Yueshen, who had been staring at the little girl, didn't care. He only saw the uncle stretched out his hand and hugged his daughter, saying:

"Yi Ji, is it true what you said on the phone, that your mother gave birth to a son for me?"


The people around were amazed one after another, and Yeyueshen was also slightly surprised to look at the little girl who was picked up by the uncle. Although she was as cute as a doll, how could this little girl look like two or three years old? How about calling your own father?

"Yes, Father!"

As if she was used to the surprise of the people around her, the little girl was not shy, but boldly said to her father:

"I calculated from the time you called my mother that you are free from three to five o'clock this afternoon, so I called you. Mother and brother are inside, but my brother doesn't seem to be in good health!"

When the little girl said this, her little face was twisted up and her mouth was pouting, as if she was holding back crying!

"Take me to have a look!"

The uncle hurriedly hugged his daughter and rushed over with a single stride, while Yeyueshen walked to the side with a calm expression, opened a dilapidated elevator, and went straight up to the third floor, three steps and two steps, Ye Yueshen came to the roof of this small hospital.

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