"You are the one!"

Yeyueshen looked down from the rooftop. When the little girl pointed at the ward, Yeyueshen dodged and directly replaced the child next to the unconscious pregnant woman in the ward. To have such a cute and smart sister, Ye Yueshen. Luna thinks it's okay to be a baby once!

"Is this my son?"

When the uncle's figure came, Yeyueshen pouted helplessly, or opened his mouth and cried loudly. There was no way, even if he was a god, Yeyueshen could only play the role of a baby in such a primitive way.

Soon, the anxious uncle asked the doctor to examine Ye Yueshen. The result was that the child was completely fine. Hearing the news, he hugged Ye Yueshen and said directly:

"Huh, looks like you can save a lot of money! That's great!"


Ye Yueshen looked at the uncle in front of him speechlessly, looked down, and the little sister who had been left out in the cold lowered her head, as if thinking!

"Fuck the kid! Look, this is our son! Our son!"

Walking into the ward, the uncle didn't care if his wife was still asleep, he shouted loudly!

"Mom is still weak!"

Ichiki stared at her father with wide eyes and said with a wink!

"Of course I know!"

The uncle looked unhappy for a while, and gestured to hit his daughter!

Chapter [-] Prodigy Kazuhime


With Ye Yueshen's cry, a stream of clear flow rushed towards the uncle's cheek. Yi Ji, who was still in a daze just now, found out that her younger brother had poured a puddle of boy urine on her father!

"There really isn't one that gives me peace of mind!"

The uncle complained and was about to wipe his face when he picked up his sleeve, but was stopped by Yiji:

"Dad, look, I brought a little handkerchief I made myself!"

Saying that, he stretched out a white handkerchief and handed it to the uncle!

"What a good boy!"

A sigh appeared, Yeyueshen heard the sound and walked away, only to see that the doctor just now entered the ward at an unknown time, holding a notebook, and said to the uncle:

"Newborns need to be registered, so please name your son!"


The uncle looked at the doctor blankly and said:

"This... this, my daughter's name is Yiji, so this child's name is Erlang?"

"I rub, what bird name!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the uncle with a black line, pouted his lips, and used his thoughts to face the "mother" who was still in a coma. I saw the mother who was still in a coma just now, and suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Yue. On this side of God, he stretched out his hand and said:

"Let me hug the child, it's still his father!"


Hearing his wife's voice, the uncle hurriedly turned around, handed Yeyueshen to his wife, and said quickly:

"My child, don't you think of the name? Erlang sounds too vulgar, why don't you name one? The doctor is waiting to be enthroned!"

"God of the Moon Moon! God of the Moon Moon!"

Yeyueshen blinked and looked at the pregnant woman in front of him. Although he didn't have much thought power, he thought that there might be a "two" in his name. Yeyueshen was unwilling to use his own. Nian Li, shouting his name in the heart of the weak mother!

"The child was born at night, and yesterday was fifteen, it happened to be the full moon, and it was still blessed by the gods. If you have a boy in the family, let's call it Yeyueshen, Fengjian Yeyueshen, how about it?"

The puerpera muttered, and the uncle in front of him was stunned for a moment, then nodded blankly:

"Okay, good name, really good name! Erlang, you have a big name! It's called Yeyueshen!"

"That's Feng Jian Ye Moon God!"

While nodding, the doctor wrote the name of Ye Yueshen on his registration book, raised his head and said to the uncle:

"Then go through the formalities with me. You have such a smart daughter, and this child is definitely not bad!"

"of course!"

Hearing the doctor's praise, the uncle suddenly came to the spirit:

"We are all geniuses who see our homes in the wind!"

After speaking, he stroked Yiji's head symbolically, and then left the ward alone with the doctor. At this time, the mother who had just woken up also fell into a deep sleep, and Ye Yueshen was alone on her mother's shoulder. Lying down, after a while, I saw my sister tiptoe over, and reached out to touch my pink and tender little face:

"Yeyueshen, you are my younger brother, do you know that? My sister will be yours from now on! I love you!"

After speaking, Yiji stretched out her hand to hold Ye Yueshen's face and twisted it towards her, and then with a "Well", she kissed Ye Yueshen's face.

"So happy!"

Ye Yueshen's heart was filled with incomparable excitement, to be able to meet such a good sister the moment he came to this world, Ye Yueshen felt that he was really too lucky!

"Sister will always take care of you!"

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