Lying on the hospital bed, Yiji rested her head with her hands, blinked her big eyes, looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, laughed and talked to Ye Yueshen, although she really wanted to talk to her sister, but Ye Yueshen knows that he is still a baby now, and he will not be able to speak for half a year at the earliest, otherwise the people here will probably treat him as a monster!

"Okay, we can leave the hospital!"

After accompanying Yeyueshen for three days, the uncle who came back once again entered the door and called his waking up wife. After a while, Yeyueshen was carried and brought to the house, although he had already done well. Prepare, but Ye Yueshen never thought that a pilot's family would actually share a lease with others!

Although very disappointed, Yeyueshen still found strangely that apart from the company of his sister, his uncle's daily behavior can be roughly summed up as follows:

"Eat, work, and curry favor with leaders!"

Although he was very dissatisfied, Yeyueshen still had a good few months, and finally, in the fifth month, Yeyueshen couldn't bear it anymore, opened his mouth and shouted to his sister:

"Sister, I want to eat!"

"Sister is painting..."

Yiji agreed without looking back, suddenly stunned, her body trembled, she quickly turned her head, opened her eyes to Ye Yueshen and said:

"Little brother, what did you just say?"

"Sister, I want to eat!"

Yeyueshen said in a milky voice, but his words were eloquent, and there was no problem at all!

"Mom! My brother can talk!"

Kazuki screamed loudly, and the paintbrush in her hand fell to the ground!

"Really? Then teach him more! Mom is busy!"

The mother's voice came from outside the house, but the mother did not appear. Within half a month of being discharged from the hospital, the mother forced her body to stand up and work. Since then, the most common scene Yeyueshen has seen is the uncle forcing the mother to make more money. , Said that he was about to be promoted and needed to be bigger, although until now, Yeyueshen has not seen the possibility of uncle being promoted!

"Brother, come here, this is a brush, this is paper, you can watch your sister draw, okay?"

Yiji sat on the small stool holding Yeyueshen. Although Yeyueshen really wanted to show her walking skills now, she thought that not only would this scare others, but her own muscles could not support her own body. Luna also gave up, and sat quietly beside Yiji watching Yiji draw. Little Yiji was also very cute. Seeing her little brother being so good, she would turn around and kiss Ye Luna on the cheek from time to time... …

Her heart was filled with happiness, but after Yiji finished painting, Ye Yueshen said helplessly to Yiji:

"Sister, I want to eat!"

"Uh... wait!"

It was only then that Yiji realized that her little brother was pouting, and he seemed to be angry. Only then did he realize that the real important thing was not that his brother could speak, but that he forgot to feed his brother because of painting!

In a burst of shame and shame, Yiji hurriedly took her own painting and ran out, and after a while, a stranger's exclamation came from outside:

"Genius! He draws so well at such a young age, he will definitely be admired by others!"

Chapter [-] Change Destiny

"I'll just say, based on my qualifications, the daughter born must be a genius. How about it, am I right! Wife?"

Standing in front of the new house with a proud face, the uncle said triumphantly before he could put down his luggage. Since Yiji's paintings were discovered, the reputation of the talented young painter spread like wildfire. Dui's invitation letter was sent to Yeyueshen's house. Yiji, who was less than three years old, was like an adult. She appeared in various art exhibitions every day and received envious glances from everyone. He simply quit his job as a small plane pilot and concentrated on being his daughter's agent. Behind every invitation letter, there is an objective income.

In this way, in less than three years, the uncle moved with his family three times. This time, he finally arrived at a small courtyard where he lived alone. It was more convenient for Yiji to create in a quiet environment. , Yiji became the main source of income for the family.

"But, the child's father!"

Putting things down, the mother still looked at her husband with some embarrassment, and there was a touch of sadness in her eyes, as if there was a thorn in her heart.

"What's the matter? Tell me if you have something to do. I even have tea for the director of the Civilization Academy of Calligraphy and Painting!"

The uncle said impatiently. The implication was that the work of cleaning up the house had to be handed over to mother again!

"Yi Ji is already five years old, should we let the child go to school? If this is the case, what will happen to the child's future?"

After the mother finished speaking, she looked at the uncle calmly, while the uncle was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly slapped the table and said:

"I'm only five years old now. I can go to school at seven or eight years old. My daughter is a genius, she doesn't need to go to school so early..."


The mother was obviously a little surprised, her brows furrowed together, and she said:

"Children always have to go to school, you know that!"

"I know!"

An accent came out, the uncle shook his head angrily, and said impatiently:

"I'll spend money to find a tutor for Yiji first, and go to school step by step. How can Yiji stand it? After so many years, she is used to being free by herself. What should I do if she goes to those noble schools and is bullied? "

"Elite schools?"

The mother was taken aback and said:

"It's good for Yiji to go to an ordinary school. Going to a noble school is so expensive, and I heard that the students there are very arrogant. How can our children bear it?"


The uncle waved his hand and said seriously to Yiji's mother:

"My dream since I was a child was to be highly productive and enter the upper class. My children must also go to aristocratic schools. Not now, but in the future!"

"Uh... that's fine!"

Seeing her husband being so determined, Yiji's mother didn't say anything. She nodded and started packing. The uncle took a cigarette at the door and left, leaving Yeyueshen and Yiji standing on the ground, staring blankly. on!

"Mother, let me come!"

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