Although only five years old, Kazuhime walked over sensible and opened the luggage.

"No, Yiji, you should have a good rest. I guess you will go somewhere in the afternoon to perform paintings for others, child, you have worked too hard!"

As the mother said, she stuffed a few fruits into Yiji, Yiji nodded sensible, walked over and handed it to Yeyueshen:

"Little brother, you are too, I have never seen you calling Dad where you are!"

"Dad? Well, that's my dad!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the direction where the uncle left with a speechless face, smiled, took the apple that Yiji handed to him, took a bite, and said:

"Sister, when will we grow up, I'm so young, it's so boring!"

"Uh, bored?"

Yiji looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise, and a hint of guilt suddenly appeared in her eyes:

"It's all my sister's fault. I spend very little time with my brother every day. But don't worry, my sister will always accompany you!"

"Sister is so nice!"

A silly smile appeared on Ye Yueshen's face, and sometimes, Ye Yueshen felt like a child when he smirked.

"Okay, as before, I'll eat the rest!"

Yiji smiled and took the leftover apple from Yeyueshen's hand, and then handed the other apple over. The previous small game has now become a tacit understanding, and Yeyueshen looks at it lightly every day. My sister has always been happy with this de facto indirect kiss with herself.

Soon, the mother tidied up the room and went to cook, while Yeyueshen and Yiji were sitting on the sofa, watching TV and playing with laughter. If anyone came in, they would see, brother and sister. The two were not watching TV at all, but used the sound of the TV to cover up the two people's amusing each other. As for the details of their actions, outsiders do not know.

The happy time always passed very quickly. Before noon, the uncle hurried back home, without even looking at the siblings, he went directly into the kitchen and said to his mother:

"Fuck the kid, stop cooking, let's go, we're going out to the banquet!"

"What banquet?"

The mother did not put down the shovel in her hand, but just turned back and glanced at her husband curiously:

"Didn't the art exhibition start in the afternoon? Why are you going out now?"

"It's not about the art exhibition, it's about Yiji's school. I heard about a particularly powerful aristocratic school. The students in it are all descendants of the first-class family. If Yiji goes in and makes a few friends, she will benefit for a lifetime. Woolen cloth!"

"I didn't say..."

Hearing that it was the child's school problem, Kazuhime's mother quickly stopped what she was doing.

"What are you talking about! This is a rare opportunity. The dean of the Painting and Calligraphy Academy and the father of the principal of that school are close friends. We finally met today, and I haven't seized this opportunity yet!"

The uncle said excitedly, then turned around and went back to the living room, and said to Yiji:

"Yiji, grab the painting box, here's your chance to change your destiny!"

After finishing speaking, he planned to go out and drive, while Ye Yueshen stared blankly at the appearance of the uncle leaving, sighed secretly, and said to his mother's milky voice:

"what should I do?"

"Of course we went together!"

Yiji hurriedly agreed, then rushed into her room, took her things, changed into a cute dress, and went out with her younger brother. After a while, Yeyueshen's family came to a mountain villa. The place, respectfully greeted the doorman, and the uncle walked in with his family. Only Ye Yueshen saw that among the vehicles parked at the door, there was a luxury car without a license plate.

Chapter [-] The Smart Brother

"Long live!"

Ye Yueshen just returned home when he heard the uncle's cry, shook his head speechlessly, Ye Yueshen walked silently to his sister's room.

"Sister, why are you upset?"

Yeyueshen looked at her sister stupidly, this is not the time to show her maturity.

"Brother, you are still young and don't understand."

There were tears on Yiji's cheeks, as if she was wronged, but Yeyueshen followed her all the way, and did not find anyone bullying her, because those who dared to bully her sister before were all used by Yeyueshen to look down on her. The way has been taught!

"I know!"

Yeyueshen approached her sister and reached out to hold Yiji's face, just like what Yiji did when she first came to this world:

"Sister is because she has no friends, isn't she?"


Shaking her head diligently, Yiji looked at Ye Yueshen with tears in her eyes and said:

"My elder sister is reluctant to part with my younger brother, and my younger brother is my elder sister's sun. I will always give my elder sister sunshine and strength, but if I go to that closed school, I will no longer be able to accompany my younger brother all the time!"


When Ye Yueshen heard Yiji's words, he was silent for a while. My sister said a lot. If I got to that school, it would be difficult for me to stay with my sister all the time, but after thinking about it, Ye Yueshen laughed:

"Isn't my sister a little painter? A little painter has a lot of things. How can you stay at school all the time?"

"But that school has to live on campus!"

Ichiki murmured!

"Then tell the principal, my sister is a little celebrity, and we can move near the school. In this way, we can meet every day!"

"Day study?"

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