Yiji was stunned for a moment, patted her head, and said suddenly:

"Look at elder sister, what kind of genius are you talking about, I think you are a genius brother! I'll discuss it with my father!"

"No...I can't discuss it with Dad!"

Ye Yueshen quickly grabbed his sister and said:

"For someone like Dad, if he sees the principal, once the principal disagrees, he doesn't even have the courage to refute! You must tell your mother that although she is weak, she can persevere!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly added:

"And I think the principal of that school must be a woman. It would definitely be more convenient for my mother to communicate!"

"Eh? How did you know?"

Yiji looked at Ye Yueshen curiously. Although her younger brother was very precocious like herself, this kind of mentality was incredible!

"Will I tell you what I saw by the radiance of the principal's father's life?"

Yeyueshen answered silently in his heart, the so-called radiance of life is also called "qi", of course, it is a popular saying, but it is actually a map of life's encounters. If it is different, the radiance of life will be different. Of course, it is not a god, and it cannot be seen. When Yeyue Shen came to this world, he brought this skill that does not produce divine power with him.

"I...I guess! I guess that old grandpa must have a daughter as good as his sister!"

"All right!"

Seeing that her younger brother suddenly changed into a smiley expression, Yiji nodded silently, and went to discuss with her mother as Ye Yueshen said. The next morning, when the uncle left, he was already a full-time professional. The housewife's mother went out alone and didn't come back until evening!

"Where have you been!"

As soon as I came back, the uncle's angrily roar filled my mother's ears. After a boring conversation, my mother finally told what happened today. I thought that the uncle would be angry because he didn't discuss it with me, but I didn't know the uncle was stunned for a while, Then he shook hands with his wife in surprise and made peace with his wife, and Yeyueshen next to him watched the two end their quarrel, and then spoke aloud about the various unpleasant things in the room, so the family who had just moved to their new home for less than three days, Once again embarked on the journey of moving, and this time, it is a brand new noble school.

"Tomorrow elder sister is going to school, little brother, you have to be obedient at home!"

Packing up her beloved clothes, Ichiji, who was full of anxiety, did not forget to explain a few words to her younger brother.

"I've been very good since I was born!"

Ye Yueshen thought silently in his heart, but walked over with a sad look on his face, hugged Yi Ji's waist and said:

"Sister, don't leave others alone!"

"Uh... my sister can't bear it either!"

Seeing her younger brother like this, Kazuhime, who was reluctant to part with her younger brother, could not help but burst into tears, completely forgetting that it was her younger brother's idea to be able to go to school.

"Sister arrived at school, don't be with those boys!"

Ye Yueshen whispered while hugging Yi Ji!

"Then don't be with the little girls around you either!"

Ichiki pouted and said:

"I found out that there can be several families around our house with girls about your age. If you play with them and forget about your elder sister, your elder sister will be unhappy!"


Ye Yueshen nodded quickly, and said with infinite emotion in his heart:

"As expected of my genius sister, she observed so carefully, the rich people here don't talk to others at all, yet they can still notice so much information! What a good memory!"

"Okay, Yiji, let's go!"

The uncle stood lazily in front of the door, and before he knew it, his emaciated father had already gained some weight!


Nodding sensible, Yiji let go of Yeyueshen, put on her small schoolbag and left the house, but at this time Yeyueshen unknowingly came to the roof, leaning on her distant sister, in her heart. murmured:

"Before I arrived in a world, there are girls with such a beautiful character that make me ignite my hope for human nature. Protecting them is the last hope of human beings!"

Thinking of this, Yeyueshen stood on the roof and looked at the whole city. Because it is a noble school, everything around is relatively quiet, but in the only high-rise residential areas, people live in either the rich or the expensive. People, looking at these elite groups in society, Yeyueshen feels that the world is still in the hands of a few people, although they feel that they represent the vast majority of people!

"Time, hurry up, let my brother grow up and let him become a man!"

Kazami Kazuhime, who was walking on the road, turned to look at his home. The people around were so rich, but only his heart was not empty, because he had a younger brother!

Chapter [-] The Mysterious Visitor

Time is like the flow of water at the fingertips, and it passes by without knowing it. Yeyueshen slowly spent seven years in the boredom without the company of his sister and the warmth of getting along with Yiji. This year, Yeyueshen was ten years old and Yiji was twelve years old.

"Oh! I finally finished writing this difficult winter vacation homework. Human beings are true. I always think that children will be smarter if they learn more, but they don't know that nature is so annihilated. How many lovely children slowly become social machines. , to become a character like an uncle!"

Ye Yueshen put away the pen in his hand, and looked at the dim night outside the window. After a while, he went out to buy something to eat.

Because of her sister's reputation as a talented painter, Yiji's paintings have been published in the magazines of major painting clubs since she was a child. His oil paintings and ukiyo-e paintings of the oriental island country became a well-known painter. Slowly, people came to ask for paintings. Kazuhime's father seized this opportunity and set up a special one in the bustling market. Studio, specializing in selling Ichiji's paintings.

In this way, Yeyueshen's life has undergone tremendous changes. His mother is full-time selling paintings in the studio, while his father continues to work hard to wander in the legendary high society. Yeyueshen started to live alone very early. The most beautiful The days are all time spent with Yiji.


There was a knock on the door, and Ye Yueshen glanced at the door in surprise. At this time, Yiji was still practicing ballet, and her parents were too busy to come back.

Even though he thought so, Ye Yueshen walked over and opened the door.


The moment the door opened, Yeyueshen took a step back. At some point in his hand, an exquisite fruit knife appeared. Although it was a fruit knife, Yeyueshen believed that anything would be afraid of its edge.

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