"Is it Master Yiji's house?"

A guy with yellow hair, wearing a dark purple suit and a tie of the same color appeared in front of Ye Luna, looking at Ye Luna with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth. Night Moon God.


Ye Yueshen looked at the man silently. From the moment he entered the door, Ye Yueshen knew that this guy is definitely not a good thing, but then again, the people who can find my sister's house are not ordinary people!

"Uh, Kazami Kazuhime, is that your sister?"

Knowing that he had said something wrong, the man cleared his throat slightly and looked at Ye Yueshen suspiciously.

"not at home!"

Ye Yueshen spit out three words from his mouth, and reached out his hand to close the door. This time is not the time to be hospitable!

"Then don't close the door!"

The man stretched out his hand to block the door, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, a little smile flashed, and he said:

"What a lot of strength, is that your sister?"

"It's none of your business!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the person coldly and pointed at the top of the man's head:

"We have an alarm device in our house, please take care of yourself!"

"I'm not a bad guy!"

The man glanced at Ye Yueshen a little embarrassedly, and said quickly:

"I just came to buy a painting, Kazuhime Kazuma's painting!"

"No. [-] Central Street, go buy it there!"

Yeyueshen glanced at the person who came, and reached out to the man to make a gesture of invitation.

"Are all genius' families so weird?"

The person who came smiled, showing a hint of mockery, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he planned to grab Ye Yueshen's shoulder!


Ye Yueshen didn't even look at it, he stretched out his hand to open the man's hand, and then slashed the man's arm holding the door with a knife. Taking advantage of the man's contraction, he closed the door tightly.

"You really shouldn't open the door for strangers!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head helplessly, stuck his head out, and saw the man leaving from the cat's eyes, he was relieved, opened the door, and prepared to go out to buy something to eat. Prevention, since moving to a high-end residential area, Ye Yueshen often finds that there will be guys who come to stay there, and soon, someone will have their home stolen.

Thinking like this, Ye Yueshen went downstairs in a hurry, then simply had something to eat, then took a taxi and left. I don't know why, since he came to the rich area, the uncle stopped driving and started to be fashionable. He hired a driver, but he was squandering, but he didn't have the money to buy a car, so he went to rent a car for the sake of saving face.

After a while, Yeyueshen came to the door of the studio, got out of the car, and walked in. Seeing that his mother was busy, he didn't say anything. After a while, when the seller was satisfied and left, Yeyueshen opened his mouth to tell what happened today. After speaking, just after speaking, Yeyueshen suddenly felt a thick evil aura coming towards his face, and when Yeyueshen turned his head to look, the man just now had entered the studio!


Mother used to say hello, but she felt that Ye Yueshen was pulling her sleeves. When she turned around, Ye Yueshen said in a low voice:

"It's this guy!"


Mother was stunned for a moment, and the visitor leaned against the pillar of the studio, with an evil smile on his face:

"Yes, I am the one who visited the house just now. My name is Higgins, Higgins Oschelde!"

"Well, Mr. Heath, hello!"

There was a hint of embarrassment on the mother's face. Under the tension, she actually mispronounced the person's name, but the person kept a calm smile as if he didn't realize it.Yeyueshen, on the other hand, turned his head away in dissatisfaction, and with such a person, Yeyueshen firmly believes that there is no good thing!

"Young man, you are very shrewd. This is obviously No. [-] Binhe Road, Xicheng, but you tell me it is No. [-], Dongcheng Central Avenue. You can learn to deceive people at a young age without changing your face. It's very promising!"

Heath smiled slightly at Ye Luna, then pointed to a picture of pine leaves and snow in the middle of the studio, and said:

"This is the painting, I bought it!"

"Do not sell!"

Ye Yueshen did not wait for his mother to answer, and said directly:

"This is the treasure of the town store, not for sale!"

"Fifty million!"

Without blinking, Oslo stretched out five fingers directly at Ye Luna with a smug look on his face!

"I said, don't sell it! Find another genius!"

Ye Yueshen took his mother's hand directly and said:

"It's getting late! It's time for us to close!"

"Your father still..."

Mother looked at Ye Yueshen with some embarrassment, and was about to say something when she suddenly looked up and saw a familiar figure.

"There's someone at home, why don't you even pour a cup of tea!"

When the uncle's voice came, Ye Yueshen also flashed a hint of helplessness in his eyes, shook his head, did not speak, turned around and entered the inner room.

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