Chapter [-] Moldy!

"This child! How can you be so ignorant! We almost lost [-] million! [-] million!"

From returning home to sleeping, the uncle kept complaining about Yeyueshen, and Yeyueshen listened to the uncle's complaints in a speechless manner, and put on his headphones, ready to listen to some opera to calm down. Ji's voice came from the door of the room.

"Brother, how was your day?"

Yiji's voice was still so gentle. If her classmate was here now, she would never have imagined that the famous cold and glamorous genius in the class would be so gentle.

"Listen to my father, you will know how I am doing!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yi Ji helplessly, shrugged his shoulders, unplugged his earphones from the record player, turned up the volume to block his father's complaints, and walked to Yi Ji:

"Sister, you've worked hard today! Come on, look at my results, I've finished my winter vacation homework!"

"Winter vacation homework?"

Yiji was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ye Yueshen curiously:

"It's summer vacation now, you give winter vacation homework... It's impossible for the teacher to leave winter vacation homework for you!"

"But I know!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yi Ji with some pride, and said with a smile:

"When I was on vacation in the summer vacation, I went to the principal's office and saw the work schedule for the next semester submitted by the teachers. It said which version of the winter vacation homework I planned to use. Anyway, I was free, so I finished it ahead of time. In this way, when you are busy during the New Year, I can accompany you by your side!"

"So cute, smart and witty!"

Yiji gently stroked Yeyueshen's head, then stretched out her jade fingers, stroked Yeyueshen's beautiful cheeks, and said with a look of relief:

"It's my sister's luck to have such a good brother!"

"It's happiness!"

Yeyueshen added with a smile, stretched out his arms and hugged his sister in front of him, looking at her shy and proud face, although she was her elder sister, Yeyueshen did not have any ridiculous ethics of human beings, and she herself was not a princess. My sister, this so-called "sister and brother love", Ye Yueshen will not object at all!

"It's happiness!"

Yiji nodded, closed her eyes, and then slowly approached Ye Yueshen's face, pecking at Ye Yueshen's face lightly, as light as a bird pecking, but this already made Ye Yueshen felt extremely happy. After all, being with her sister is the greatest happiness!

"sleep early!"

Yeyueshen released his hand from Yiji's waist, and the moment Yiji came in, Yeyueshen felt the haggard look on Yiji's face, a twelve-year-old girl who took on the responsibilities of an adult. To maintain a prosperous life is not an easy thing in itself!


Looking at the caring Yeyueshen, Yiji's exhaustion from the day was instantly eliminated, and with a sweet smile, she went to sleep in the next room, leaving Yeyueshen to play her own opera record in the room alone!

"This is not true! It must have been influenced by the guy just now. This is only a temporary situation, and it will be gone tomorrow!"

Yeyueshen sat on the chuang and shook his head desperately. Just now, Yeyueshen saw that a musty aura appeared on Yiji's body. For more than ten years, Yeyueshen had seen many times of ominous aura. I have used various methods to help Yiji to escape, but for the first time, Ye Yueshen actually saw the mildew on Yiji's body.

Unlike the malevolent qi that will be eliminated once you act, the mildew qi is like lurking in the human body. It is not only difficult to eliminate, but also will pay a certain price, and the most terrifying thing is that over time, when a If there is too much mold on people's bodies, the terrifying death energy will appear!

This is what Ye Yueshen worries about the most!

"If necessary, I am willing to take back my divine power to protect you!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the moonlight outside the window and clasped his hands tightly.

The time at night is always so fast, Ye Yueshen blinked, and the next day started, although it was summer vacation, but Ye Yueshen always maintained the habit of chuang from small to six o'clock.

What was different from the past was that after Ye Yueshen woke up this time, the first thing he did was to go to the door of his sister's room, gently open the door, and walk in tiptoely.

Six o'clock is the time when the earth wakes up. If the mildew from the previous day has not been eliminated at this time, it will be difficult to handle. That is why it is said that morning is the key to a new day!

"What exactly is going on!"

The corners of Ye Yueshen's mouth twitched. Although he was mentally prepared, Ye Yueshen was still furious when he saw the musty smell coming from the top of his sister's head.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable, I want to see what happened to make my sister in such a situation!"

Ye Yueshen secretly made up his mind, gently closed Yi Ji's door, walked to the living room, removed the cat's eye on the door, swiftly opened the cat's eye, and took out the chip inside. Luna learned a certain detection method. The first thing to do was to install a pinhole camera and chip on her sister's xiong card and her own cat's eye. Her sister's xiong card helped Ye Yueshen to remove the two attacks against Yiji. Unfavorable behavior, and the cat's eye is never used!

"I must find out what this guy is!"

Ye Yueshen went downstairs with the chip in his hand, walked to the front of an office building, swiftly broke through the layers of barriers, came to a room in the office building, turned on one of the computers, and inserted the chip into it, and soon , Ye Yueshen edited all the photos and videos of that person last night, and after watching it for a while, Ye Yueshen frowned:

"The top is exclusively made by Brown's counter, the tie is a limited edition of Swick, and the xiong badge is the logo of Maple Leaf Sark, except that it is expensive, but why is such a famous guy not even a photo circulating on the Internet? "

With doubts, Yeyueshen directly logged into the official websites of several stores. Unfortunately, Yeyueshen found that he could not find any information about this person. Even if he used hacking methods, Yeyueshen did not find any information. trace!

"Could it be that this guy never goes online?"

Ye Yueshen walked out of the office building with doubts, and walked towards his community a little lonely. Just as he reached the entrance of the corridor, Ye Yueshen was surprised to find that a black motorcycle was parked in front of his house!

Chapter [-] Letters

"who is it!"

Ye Yueshen shouted violently and didn't even give the opponent a chance to react. When he jumped up, it was a hand knife, and slammed into the back of the neck of the man in black. After landing, he stretched out his hand and turned the opponent's body around. , At this time, the man in black has fainted, and a letter in his hand has also fallen to the ground.

Ye Yueshen put the man in black on the ground, held the envelope on the ground in his hand, and did not open it. In this era, explosives that exploded immediately were very common.


When Ye Yueshen searched the man, except for a lot of insignificant things, it was a wallet. Inside the wallet was a picture. It looked the same as the man in black. It wasn't the guy who came yesterday. On the mobile phone, Ye Yueshen casually pressed the number above and dialed it. The neighbors were surprised that Ye Yueshen finally determined that this guy was just a part-time courier delivery guy, not the bad guy he imagined!

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