"Alas! What happened today? So excited!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head and woke the man in black. Before waking up, Ye Yueshen took out a football from the house, and then told the man in black who had been attacked by him that he had accidentally kicked the ball and threw the opponent. dizzy.

"I didn't see anyone playing football just now!"

The courier brother shook his head, looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, then shrugged and said indifferently:

"Anyway, it's a misunderstanding. Don't worry, little friend. I won't tell your family. It's really your family. This is a letter to Fengjian Yiji. Help me to sign it!"

After finishing speaking, Yeyueshen left on a motorcycle. Yeyueshen took the letter and looked at it, and decided to give it to Yiji. After all, it's not good to just flip through other people's letters.

When he got home and woke up his sleeping sister, Yeyueshen naturally concealed the situation that he had packed up the courier, and handed the letter directly to Yiji, then stared at Yiji, shaking his head secretly in his heart. The mildew on Ji's body has not subsided in the slightest, it seems to be contaminated with something bad!

Yiji opened the letter, looked at it casually, and looked at Ye Yueshen helplessly:

"Brother, it seems that this summer vacation will be separated from you for a while?"


When Ye Yueshen heard this, he hurriedly said:

"We don't have much time together in a day. Where are you going, sister? Do you still want to go out to participate in the art exhibition? I can accompany you! I have finished my homework?"

"No, it's this!"

Yiji shook her head with a helpless expression on her face, and handed the letter to Ye Yueshen.

Ye Yueshen, who took the letter, took a closer look, only to see the time and place clearly written on the letter paper with excellent paper quality, and more importantly, the content on it:

"Summer elite summer camp? What the hell is this?"

Ye Yueshen shouted a little unhappily:

"It turned out to be a broken summer camp. What's there to go to? What if I tanned my sister? Let's not go, okay?"

Yeyueshen was talking stupidly, but his heart was full of vigilance, because Yeyueshen's intuition told him that his sister's departure from him now must have something to do with the mold on his body!

"But, look at the signature below!"

Yiji looked at Ye Yueshen with some embarrassment. In fact, when she grew up, Yiji had learned to refuse, but the signature below told her that she could not refuse this time!

"Zelunikles? Who is this!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the signature with dissatisfaction. Although it was in English, to be honest, the signature was very beautiful. At first glance, he looked like a very personable person, but no matter how beautiful this guy's signature was, Ye Yueshen was not willing to let it go. Your own sister goes on an adventure!

"He is the world's leading education expert. It can be said that if you can get his advice, the future will be bright!"

Ichiki sighed and said:

"On the contrary, once it is determined that there is no hope, then no matter how hard you work, no matter how talented you are, you will be abandoned by the public because of his words! Life is like this, some people's words can really decide the fate of others. lifetime!"

"Uh, who the hell is this guy? How could he have so much energy?"

Yeyueshen looked at Yiji suspiciously, but from Yiji's eyes, Yeyueshen could see that her words were true, and there might be some reservations!

"Sociologist! It is said that he has a very large relationship with the government and military. He is considered the top think tank in our country!"

Yiji smiled, then stretched out, gave her brother a kiss, then got up and washed, leaving Ye Yueshen alone in her room, staring at the envelope in her hand in a daze...

"No wonder someone came to deliver the letter, I didn't even want to reveal the address!"

Yeyueshen looked at the envelope on the sheets and sneered in his heart. As the god who created the world, Yeyueshen certainly knew the mentality of the authoritative. God has traveled through so many worlds, and he is very clear!

"why are you not going?"

The uncle's voice came quickly. The uncle who was used to grooming himself in the extended Lincoln he rented, the first thing he did when he got up was to arrange a day for his daughter!

"Mr. Zelenickels sent me a letter asking me to go to the elite summer camp tomorrow!"

Yiji responded indifferently to her father. For this kind of thing, she knew that as long as she said it, her father would have no reason to refuse!

"What? Zelunickers? The best friend of our Prime Minister, the world's first-class education expert?"

The uncle's voice suddenly floated out, Ye Yueshen was silent for a while, but went out anyway, looking at the unreliable uncle and said:

"Let my sister continue to work and study ballet... This summer camp is far away!"

As soon as Yeyueshen finished speaking, the mother next to him looked at Yeyueshen in surprise:

"Son, how can you say such a thing, do you know how many people can't get such an opportunity? As long as your sister shows her talent at the summer camp, after that, no, after the summer camp, our family will It may become the object of the envy of everyone!"

"Mother, even you..."

Ye Yueshen looked at her mother in surprise. Although her mother has always been a little weak, she has always been her ally. How could it be like this today?

"You stay at home, I will go now, and I will quit all the trips for the next half month!"

Uncle nodded to Yiji, turned around and was about to go out, suddenly remembered something, stopped, turned back to Yeyueshen and said seriously:

"Remember, you are not allowed to tell anyone about your sister going to the elite summer camp! We will live a low-key and luxurious aristocratic life in the future!"

Chapter [-] The Last Night

"Have you kept a low profile?"

Ye Yueshen responded helplessly in his heart, he could only nod his head on the surface, then turned around and said to his sister:

"Sister, this time you go out, you have to wear some nice clothes, why don't we two go shopping!"

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