"go together!"

The mother enthusiastically added:

"My daughter is going to be a figure in the national elite. How can she dress inappropriately? Let's go to the place called Brown's counter now and customize some clothes for your sister! That's right!"

"But it's expensive there!"

Yiji looked at her mother in surprise. Although she has brought countless wealth to the family over the years, her mother has never been someone who likes to show off. What happened today!

"It's okay, I've saved all the private money your father has given me over the years! Don't worry, the money is enough!"

The mother spoke with great interest, and then took her two children to the Brown's counter in the center of the city. During the whole process, Ye Luna kept silent, although she wanted to prevent her from going there, because yesterday's mysterious man was wearing it. The clothes of the same brand are of the same brand, but thinking that the mold on her sister's body seems to have no possibility of dissipating, Ye Yueshen also thinks that it is a good choice to sneak in there.

Soon, the mother and son came to the legendary Brown's counter where clothes are more expensive than gold. From the moment they entered the door, Ye Luna, who had been silent for a long time, was the first to shout loudly, although it annoyed the customers inside. The clerk was a little unhappy, but Yeyueshen still managed to make his mother and sister become the focus. After a few dodges, Yeyueshen sneaked into the archive room inside the counter.

"Since there is no online information, that person's information should always be available in this store!"

Yeyueshen thought, frantically collecting all the materials inside, although he saw a lot of low-key rich people he had never seen before, but Yeyueshen still found nothing, even if the mother outside let Yiji try all the styles, Yeyue God also checked several times, and escaped the search of the clerk several times in the middle, but Ye Yueshen finally shook his head helplessly, pretending to return from the toilet, and left the Brown counter with his mother and Yiji.

In this way, the hope of finding the man's whereabouts was considered a failure. After the shopping was completed, the uncle did not come back, and the mother had no choice but to take Yiji to tonight's ballet class.And Ye Luna can only hurry up and install the pinhole camera and chip on the buttons of her sister's newly bought clothes, as well as the remote receiving device.

After all this was done, Ye Yueshen came out of her sister's room, only to find that the uncle had appeared in the living room at some point, staring blankly at the projection TV in the living room!

"Uh, father..."

Seeing this uncle's expression for the first time, Ye Yueshen was a little surprised, so he could only pretend to be respectful.

"Oh, it's you!"

The uncle's tone was a little slow, as if he had just reacted in the imagination of Feixian Tianwai.

"Are you not feeling well?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the uncle curiously.

"No... No, I just feel a little uncomfortable. My daughter is about to leave her. She is twelve years old and is no longer a child!"

The uncle murmured something, and then waved at Ye Yueshen to let Ye Yueshen out of his sight.

Helplessly shrugged, Yeyueshen pretended not to see the uncle like this, and went straight back to his room. As soon as he returned to the room, Yeyueshen realized that a huge gray brown bear had been placed on his bed at some point in time. doll!

"Uh, does Yiji want to do this?"

Looking at the doll that could occupy half of his bed, Ye Yueshen smiled helplessly, reached out and picked up the grizzly bear, but found a message below:

"Dear brother, tomorrow night will be the first time my sister is no longer by your side. Let this cute brown bear accompany you. Its embrace is as warm as mine!"

"Looks like I know how you got in here without knowing it!"

Ye Yueshen smiled helplessly, maybe he was too serious when he installed the chip just now, so that he didn't even notice the little surprise when his sister left.

As usual, put the note that my sister gave me in the iron box under my bed. Ye Yueshen was about to listen to his music, but suddenly heard a knock on the door.


Yeyueshen asked strangely, if it was Yiji, he would usually come in directly.

"Child, come out to eat!"

The uncle's voice was a little low, and Ye Yueshen was dumbfounded, but he put down his headphones and walked out, only to see that at some point, the table was already filled with all kinds of dishes. What surprised Luna was the apron on the uncle.

"Eat delicacies from mountains and seas every day, and my cooking skills are also good!"

The uncle smiled, then picked up the phone to make a call, and gestured to Ye Luna to take a seat.

"Today I cook by myself, for the sake of tomorrow. Tomorrow Yiji will go to summer camp. Tomorrow night, Dad won't be able to see you!"

Picking up the wine glass, the uncle looked at Yi Ji, drank the wine in front of him, put it down, and said:

"For so many years, this family has relied on you. As a father, I haven't made it easy for you!"

When the uncle sighed like this, the mother next to him couldn't help shedding tears. The two of them rarely poured drinks to each other. Yiji also worked hard to show a daughter's filial piety, and said a lot of heart-to-heart words with her father with tears in her eyes. Yeyue God watched, and finally knew why he said that women are made of water. Just a few simple words can make two women who have been wronged for many years put down their prejudice against irresponsible men in an instant. Great spectacle.

Yeyueshen watched lightly from the side and didn't speak. Although he knew that this was just a moment, Yeyueshen didn't want to destroy this rare and warm scene. Although he was not the child of the two, Yiji was and was the only one. of.

After eating, Ye Yueshen let the uncle fall asleep, then quietly packed up his things, and then walked lightly into Yiji's room.

Chapter [-] Bright Smile

"Brother, is something wrong?"

Yiji, who was resting on the bed, saw Ye Shenyue coming in dimly, opened her eyes slightly, and looked at Ye Shenyue.

"I still want to talk about your sister going to summer camp!"

Ye Shenyue walked in slowly, without turning on the light, the dim moonlight shone through the window, shining on Yi Ji, looking like a fairy.

"Oh, that's it!"

Yiji smiled, then sat up, looked at Ye Shenyue, and tickled Ye Shenyue lightly with her finger.

"Come here, come to my sister, let's have a good talk."

Ye Shenyue obediently walked to Yi Ji's window, sat down slowly, and kept her eyes fixed on Yi Ji, which made Yi Ji's face turn a little red. · The same as peach.

"Don't keep staring at people, I'm sorry!"

Yiji smiled shyly, while Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly in her heart. At this time, the mold on Yi Ji's body still didn't seem to be diminished at all. Ye Shenyue wanted to tell her that this summer camp would definitely be dangerous, but again There was no way to talk about it, so I could only stubbornly respond:

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