"Sister, you know, I've had a very good sense since I was a child. In short, I obviously feel that this summer camp should not go to this time."

"Sister knows that you are doing it for your sister's sake!"

Kazuhime stretched out her arms, hugged Ye Shenyue's head in her arms, and said in a soft voice:

"Do you know? Today, when my father communicated with the school, I learned that not only was I selected to participate in this elite summer camp, but many students in our class were selected, and our teacher led the team, so... "

"Then you can't go!"

Ye Shenyue said quickly:

"Sister is usually a genius, and it is common to be envied by others. You have just entered the first year of junior high and you are not familiar with those people. What if no one cares about you in danger?"

"Don't worry, my sister can take care of herself."

Yiji said softly, and smiled at Ye Shenyue:

"Actually, elder sister knows clearly in her heart that you care about elder sister and feel sorry for her, but you also know that elder sister has grown up and can't be as alienated from everyone as when she was in elementary school. Once people grow up, many things are not a joke. Temper can be dealt with!"

"But my elder sister has lived like an adult since she was a child. When have you ever had a temper?"

Ye Shenyue said dissatisfiedly, that uncle was inexplicably sentimental tonight, and then said those seemingly touching words, Ye Shenyue felt sick from the bottom of her heart.

"Having said that, but my sister has personally promised our teacher that she will participate in this summer camp. The teacher is very excited to hear it. For the first time, I also feel the joy of being integrated into the group. I can't make it up!"

Yiji nodded, looked at Ye Shenyue's worried look, reached out and patted his back, cheering:

"Why don't you do this, my sister will buy you a phone, and then we will call every day, how? This is the most convenient!"

"But on the phone, you're not by my side..."

Ye Shenyue looked at her sister with a pouting mouth, and she felt unhappy in her heart. Now that there is still so much mold on her sister, how can she feel at ease?Although I did everything I could!

"Then you have to tell me a reason! The reason for not going."

Yiji looked at Ye Shenyue, shook her head slightly, her curious eyes were plentiful on Ye Shenyue's body, from childhood to adulthood, she always felt that there was no so-called family relationship with her younger brother, but an indescribable feeling always lingered. In my heart, although I have been telling myself in my heart, this is just a family relationship between siblings!

"Intuition is not a reason."

Ichiji gently put her index finger on Ye Shenyue's mouth, the younger brother hesitated, this was the first time he saw it.

"Okay, let's go buy a phone, and there are still stores open at this time!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, she couldn't tell Yiji that she was a god, could you see the meaning of your aura!

Seeing that Ye Shenyue gave up the persuasion, Yi Ji felt a little reluctant, smiled at Ye Shenyue, and then got up and walked out of the house with Ye Shenyue. Her father was drunk and her mother was resting, so she said casually. , the mother agreed, after all, the two children had never worried the mother, and this time was no exception.

After taking a taxi, the two of them soon came to the mobile phone store. Yeshenyue had no special requirements for the appearance of this new era of technology. She simply picked a phone that felt more cost-effective. After getting the card, I just left.

This mobile phone store is located in the city's central business district, surrounded by commercial residences and tall office buildings. Yeshenyue is in a hurry, and it's faster to walk. I didn't find it in a tall office building that was silent at night. There was a man in purple clothes drinking coffee from a cup, looking at the two brothers and sisters like all beings.

Soon after returning home, Ye Shenyue asked Yiji to take a rest, and she quickly took out her tools from the dark compartment of the room, and remodeled this seemingly ordinary mobile phone. As soon as Ye Shenyue touched her own cell phone in her pocket, she pulled out another cell phone, which was Yi Ji's cell phone.

Naturally, in addition to modifying the camera, Ye Shenyue installed a small radar transmitter, so that she can know her sister's whereabouts through her mobile phone at any time, although this behavior is for her sister's good. , but Ye Shenyue also doesn't want her sister to know.

Because disturbing someone's life is inherently a bad thing.

In this way, Ye Shenyue tidied up the house and fell asleep. At this time, Yi Ji, who was next door, climbed up from the floor, turned off the monitor under her feet, and made sure that Ye Shenyue was asleep. He crept in and took his cell phone away. The two of them tacitly cared about each other.

"Stinky boy, youth is better than blue, and he has actually learned to transform communication tools!"

Yiji smiled and left Yeshenyue's room, remembering how she taught Yeshenyue to open the alarm clock when she was ten years old, and a warm smile appeared at the corner of Yiji's mouth.

Tonight is a full moon with few dark clouds, Yiji is standing in front of the window, looking at the phone in her hand, the corners of her mouth are full of happiness, such a brilliant smile can only be reserved for Yeshenyue, and only Yeshenyue!

Chapter [-] Goodbye Heath

Chapter [-] Goodbye Heath Oslo

"Packed up!"

Yiji agreed, got up and walked out of the room. The uncle who was drunk yesterday has woken up and looked as good as her mother, and Ye Shenyue also came back from the morning exercise outside, standing in front of the refrigerator drinking oolong tea with a look on her face. Calm down, as if you didn't realize that your modified mobile phone was taken away by your sister!

"Let's go then!"

The uncle nodded, and then took his daughter out of the room. Ye Shenyue didn't go downstairs. When she came back from the morning exercise and saw the black Rolls Royce listening to the door, Ye Shenyue didn't want to go down and join in the fun, of course, mainly because I don't want to see the uncle in various ways to please the people inside.

When Yiji walked downstairs, when it was time to get into the car, she did not forget to look back at her balcony, only to see that Ye Shenyue did not know when she had already dressed and stood on the balcony without beckoning, her face full of expressions. It was worry, only when the two of them were looking at each other, could Yiji be able to see the real reaction in Ye Shenyue's eyes. Usually, Ye Shenyue kept her calm expression, and there was no change from childhood to adulthood.

"Jingle Bell!"

A short message sounded, Ye Shenyue took out her mobile phone and opened the text message page, only to see the words on it:

"Don't worry, I will be careful, trust my sister!"

"How can you be at ease..."

Ye Shenyue pondered, looked up at the distant Rolls-Royce, shook her head silently, lowered her head, turned on her mobile phone, then turned on the positioning system that she had secretly installed, and silently put Yiji's current After correcting the coordinates, he loaded in the nearby map within a hundred kilometers, then closed the phone, and went back to the room by himself, continuing to study the technology of this new world that he was very interested in.

"Ye Shenyue, are you there?"

Her mother's voice sounded when she was about to finish her meal, Ye Shenyue packed her things, and then opened the door. Just as she was about to say hello to her mother, she suddenly found signs of mold on her mother's body, although it was very slight. , but Ye Shenyue's heart was still tight.

"Mom, where are you going?"

"Ah, how do you know..."

The mother smiled and explained:

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