"I'm going to the studio. Originally, it was your father who went there today, but he had something to do, so he let me go, so lunch..."

"Let's go together! I've finished my homework!"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly said that Ye Shenyue did not want to see the mildew on her mother's body. After all, this mother made Ye Shenyue feel the difficulty of being a parent.

"Ah? Finished the homework? Didn't you say the day before yesterday that you haven't started writing yet?"

The mother was stunned and looked at Ye Shenyue in surprise. Originally, she had planned to let Ye Shenyue go out to help or sign up for interest classes during the summer vacation, but this child has been shouting that he has a lot of homework since the beginning of the vacation, and he will not go anywhere. , Now I actually tell myself that I'm done.

"Bring it to me and see!"

As soon as her mother stretched out her hand, Yeshenyue handed over the homework. Soon, Yeshenyue, who was ready to stop, followed her mother to the studio. The reason, but I asked around, my mother didn't contact anyone today, and the buyers of the studio usually bought at night, and there were no customers during the day. Occasionally, a few curious passers-by walked in, and they would also be painted. The price was frightened and fled.

"Where has father gone?"

After asking for a long time, Ye Shenyue didn't come up with a reason, so she could only ask from a different angle!

"It was said that there was a party in the office building in the center of the city. I don't know the rest. Anyway, your father is always busy with the painters who are optimistic about your sister. This time your sister finally went to the summer camp. He Maybe get together with my old buddies too."

Mother speculated.

"It's close to ten! The problem must lie with the uncle!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly in her heart. Differently, since she had bad luck, it must be because the uncle might meet someone who went out to have a relationship with his own family. Soon, Ye Shenyue's heart emerged like this. A picture:

"The same people from ordinary backgrounds, watching the uncle who is dancing and showing off him, feel resentful in his heart, and then there is malice, thus causing the uncle's bad luck!"

Thinking of this, Yeshenyue hurriedly used an excuse to be afraid that uncle would have an accident due to drinking too much, so she let her mother stay in the store, and rented herself to the legendary office building. Although she did not answer the phone several times, Yeshenyue still Through the positioning system on the mobile phone, I know the specific location of the uncle, and I easily found a restaurant located opposite the huge office building. Frankly speaking, such a restaurant is not high-end, but it scares ordinary people with little knowledge. People are not a problem.

Taking two steps to the center of the second floor, Ye Shenyue stood far away, and glanced at the people who were looking at the uncle bragging with admiration, but after watching for a long time, Ye Shenyue was surprised to find that these people's bodies There is no malevolence or other bad breath, although some people's expressions are very unhappy, but no one is malicious to the uncle!

"Am I in the wrong place?"

Ye Shenyue shook her head suspiciously. At this moment, the voice of the waiter came from behind:

"Look, the man in the purple clothes, starting from the entrance to the small cubicle, pulled the curtain up, but left a gap, and kept looking at the bragging guy!"

"Yeah, yeah, it must be that people don't like this kind of upstart, and they're going to come out and teach him a lesson at the right time. There was such a thing last time..."

Hearing this, Ye Shenyue didn't need to listen any longer. She turned around and rushed to the compartment by the window. She gently swept over and found the trace of Heath!


Seeing Ye Shenyue staring at her with cold eyes, Heath was stunned for a moment, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he held out a credit card to the waiter outside, and then stood up, Follow Ye Shenyue downstairs.

"This guy is so daring!"

Ye Shenyue walked silently. As early as the first corner, Ye Shenyue saw through the shiny tiles on the wall and saw Heath who was following him. Although she didn't know what he was going to do, Ye Shenyue saw him. Yue Shenyue was relieved. Since he followed, and whether he exuded a black aura more serious than bad luck, Ye Shenyue didn't intend to show mercy. After all, such a person would not be able to come into contact with anyone. It will bring good things, and what I have to do today can be regarded as a disaster for the people!

Thinking like this, Ye Shenyue took out her mobile phone and calmly connected it to the wireless radar data in her house!

Chapter [-] Subduing the Heath

"It's here!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the city camera information displayed on her mobile phone, shook her head secretly, and then turned into a dilapidated cul-de-sac. The whole alley was empty, and it was also full of garbage. Although Ye Shenyue hated it. , but I can only choose here to make a break with Heath, who is following me slowly!

"Child, you are very smart, you actually walked into a dead end!"

Heath, exuding a dangerous black aura, walked into the alley, and looked at Ye Shenyue, who was standing still in front of him, with a disgusting smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I did it on purpose!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, and suddenly reached out and kicked a bamboo pole next to it. Heath blocked it, and Ye Shenyue jumped directly along the wall.

"Still so powerful!"

Heath smiled and blocked the attack of Yagami with his hand. The backhand was like pulling Yagami out of the air, but Yagami pulled back his legs at a faster speed, using the power of Hiss to get in the air. After a front flip, he jumped behind Heath, turned around, and punched Heath in the waist!


Covering his waist, Heath turned around and looked at Ye Shenyue, only to realize that he had been blocked by Ye Shenyue in a dead end.

"Sure enough, it was intentional!"

Heath smiled, flicked the dust off his clothes with water, stroked his scalp, and smiled at Yagami Moon:

"What? Are you planning to harm me? I'm your sister's big customer. You should cherish someone like me who spends money and doesn't bargain!"

"The hell knows what you're thinking!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Heath coldly, took out the fruit knife from her waist, pointed at Heath and said:

"I don't know who you are or what forces are behind you, but I can see that you are going to be detrimental to my sister, so today, I will clear your troubles for my sister!"

"Do you want to be so arbitrary? Boy!"

Heath smiled and said innocently:

"I'm just a collector, how could it be bad for your sister?"

After speaking, he actually walked towards Ye Shenyue!


Ye Shenyue responded, shouted at Heath, rushed up with a fruit knife, stretched out her hand and stabbed Heath in the heart!

"When I don't have a weapon?"

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